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CHIPS Articles: Modernize Civilian Hiring Process

Modernize Civilian Hiring Process
SECNAV announces Operation Hiring Solutions
By SECNAV News - April-June 2015
The Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus issued a memorandum June 24, 1015 for the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) directing the modernization of the Department of the Navy’s hiring process.

Read the memo below:

The Department of the Navy's (DON) ability to attract, develop, and retain civilian employees with the skills necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities for the 21st century workplace is imperative to ensure the future success of the department.

Operation Hiring Solutions is a DON unified, enterprise-wide solution to build its critical civilian talent to support the Warfighter. Operation Hiring Solutions aims to quickly hire critical civilian talent by identifying and eliminating bureaucratic barriers.

To continue to modernize the civilian hiring process, ASN (M&RA) shall:

• Institutionalize the lessons learned from Operation Hiring Solutions.

• Provide organizations within the DON proper guidance and flexibility on the use of hiring incentives.

• Eliminate unnecessary bureaucratic processes in the hiring process.

• Identify new innovative hiring authorities that support the DON' s ability to attract talent utilizing data analytics to justify the additional authorities.

All DON Budget Submitting Offices and major commands shall:

• Implement hiring flexibilities and use incentives that will assist with improving the talent in their workforce.

• Eliminate any unnecessary bureaucratic process in the command hiring process which may exist in the manpower processes, fmancial oversight and on-boarding procedures.

• Report progress on hiring improvements to ASN (M&RA) as required.

• Use data analytics to support need for additional hiring authorities in coordination with ASN (M&RA).

A detailed plan of action and milestones will be provided to the Under Secretary of the Navy within 60 days of this memo and implementation will begin immediately after approval.

Download SECNAV’s new memo, go to

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