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CHIPS Articles: Congratulations to the 2008 IM/IT Excellence Award and Federal 100 Award Winners

Congratulations to the 2008 IM/IT Excellence Award and Federal 100 Award Winners
By the DON CIO Communications Team - April-June 2008
Congratulations are in order for individuals and teams throughout the Department of the Navy. The DON Chief Information Officer presented DON Information Management/Information Technology (IM/IT) Excellence Awards Feb. 5, 2008, during the DON IM/IT Conference in San Diego, Calif. Additionally, Federal Computer Week announced its 2008 Federal 100 Awards, which were presented at an awards gala March 24, 2008.

2008 IM/IT Excellence Awards

The DON IM/IT Excellence Awards, presented by the DON CIO, recognize superior quality of IM/IT projects and teams and individuals helping to transform the Navy and Marine Corps through information technology. Congratulations to the following award winners:

• Col. Eric L. Rolaf, commanding officer of the Marine Corps Network Operations and Security Center (MCNOSC), for significant achievement and leadership of the MCNOSC and defense of the Marine Corps Enterprise Network.

• Lt. Cmdr. Darrell Nealy, deputy assistant chief of staff (ACOS) N6, Strike Force Training Pacific, for his leadership throughout the waterfront and expertise in communication systems and capabilities.

• Naval Facilities Engineering Command Hosting Consolidation and Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) Migration Team for providing efficient, integrated, secure hosting and continued user access to systems, including those providing logistics support to 3,400 Seabees deployed in the global war on terrorism.

• Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Team, for the design, development, testing, training and initial implementation of the Navy ERP System that is modernizing and standardizing the processes the Navy uses to manage its people, programs, finances, supply chain and maintenance.

• DON Next Generation Enterprise Network (NGEN) Requirements Task Force, for dedication and determination in gathering, analyzing and prioritizing requirements for NGEN, the follow-on to NMCI, scheduled for implementation in 2010.

• Naval Personnel Development Command and Navy Individual Augmentee (IA) Combat Training Center Support Team, for developing the IA community of practice as the authoritative source for disseminating and gathering information to and from Sailors ordered as IAs.

• Office of Naval Research (ONR) Corporate E-mail Archive Project Team, for advancing ONR's ability to manage large volumes of e-mail easily and effectively, extend e-mail storage capabilities, and use knowledge and document management tools to assist in research and eDiscovery efforts.

Federal 100 Awards

The Federal 100 Awards, presented by Federal Computer Week Magazine, honors leaders from government, industry and academia who have made a significant contribution to the government's use of IT. Congratulations to the following winners from the Department of the Navy:

• Mr. Robert J. Carey, DON CIO, for IT leadership across the Department of the Navy.

• Brig. Gen. George J. Allen, DON Deputy CIO (Marine Corps), for IT leadership throughout the Marine Corps.

• Col. Eric L. Rolaf, also a DON IM/IT Excellence Award winner. As the commanding officer of MCNOSC, he is charged with the operation and defense of the Marine Corps Enterprise Network.

• Mr. Ron Rosenthal, program manager for the Navy ERP Program and the senior civilian responsible for executive direction over Navy ERP. The Navy ERP Team also won a DON IM/IT Excellence Award.

• Mr. Floyd Groce, team lead for the DON Enterprise Licensing initiative and co-chair of the DoD Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) Working Group. The DoD ESI is a joint initiative to leverage the Defense Department's buying power for licensing commercial software and developing a business process for Information Technology Asset Management.

• Col. Monte E. Dunard, Director of the Marine Corps Center for Lessons Learned. He is responsible for ensuring that the experience gained by Marines in combat operations and exercises is captured, documented and rapidly distributed throughout the Marine Corps to enhance doctrine, tactics, techniques, procedures and Marine Corps warfighting functions.

• Michael Jacobs, the DON chief technology officer, responsible for enterprise architecture, standards and data management. He is also the Director of the DON NGEN Strategy and Concept of Operations Task Force. The NGEN team also won a DON IM/IT Excellence Award.

The DON CIO Robert J. Carey with the DON Next Generation Enterprise Network (NGEN) Requirements Task Force.
The DON CIO Robert J. Carey with the DON Next Generation Enterprise Network (NGEN) Requirements Task Force.

Mr. Carey with the Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Team. The DON IM/IT Excellence Awards were presented Feb. 5, 2008, during the DON IM/IT Conference in San Diego, Calif.
Mr. Carey with the Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Team. The DON IM/IT Excellence Awards were presented Feb. 5, 2008, during the DON IM/IT Conference in San Diego, Calif.
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

Online ISSN 2154-1779; Print ISSN 1047-9988