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CHIPS Articles: U.S. Navy Sponsors Student Robotic Submarine Competition - July 31-Aug 3

U.S. Navy Sponsors Student Robotic Submarine Competition - July 31-Aug 3
Experts will be on hand and exhibits of current U.S. military robotic technologies
By Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific Public Affairs - July 29, 2014
SAN DIEGO — More than 30 schools worldwide and nearly 200 students will compete in the 17th International RoboSub Competition to be held July 31–Aug. 3 at the U.S. Navy’s research pool on Point Loma.

Hosted by the Navy’s Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific (SSC Pacific) in Point Loma, the competition challenges teams to design and build autonomous underwater vehicles capable of completing realistic missions.

Also featured in the event will be a SeaPerch Fun Challenge, to be held on Friday, Aug. 1, and Saturday, Aug. 2, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., part of an innovative underwater robotics program for middle and high schools students to explore and apply basic engineering and science concepts.

The event is open to the public and free of charge, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., daily. Spectators can watch the teams prepare and launch their vehicles for the competition. The event will feature a large screen display of the underwater action.

The site of the competition, SSC Pacific’s TRANSDEC pool, is a one-of-a-kind facility built in 1964 that simulates an ocean of water and provides ideal conditions for research. Signs near SSC Pacific (driving South on Catalina Boulevard toward Cabrillo National Monument) on Point Loma will direct visitors to parking.

For more information about the 17th International RoboSub Competition, visit For information about SSC Pacific, visit

SSC Pacific will provide live coverage of this event on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. A live webcast of the competition finals can be viewed online at on Sunday, Aug. 3 from 1 to 5 p.m., PST.

Participating schools include:

  • Amador Valley High School: Pleasanton: California
  • Ain Shams University (ASU Racing Team): Cairo, Egypt
  • California Institute of Technology: Pasadena, California
  • California State Polytechnic University: Pomona, California
  • Carl Hayden High School (Falcon Robotics): Phoenix, Arizona
  • Cornell University: Ithaca, New York
  • Daytona Beach Homeschoolers (S.S. Minnow): Palm Coast, Florida
  • Delhi Technological University: Delhi, India
  • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University: Daytona Beach, Florida
  • Far Eastern Federal University: Vladivostok, Russian Federation
  • Harbin Engineering University: Harbin, China
  • Indian Institute of Technology Bombay: Mumbai, India
  • Indian Institute of Technology Madras: Chennai, India
  • Istanbul Technical University (AUVTECH): Istanbul, Turkey
  • Kasetsart University: Bangkok, Thailand
  • Kyushu Institute of Technology: Fukuoka, Japan
  • Mälardalen University: Västerås, Sweden
  • McGill University (McGill Robotics): Montreal, Canada
  • Montana State University: Bozeman, Montana
  • National University of Singapore (Team Bumblebee): Singapore
  • Nautilus: Temecula, California
  • Prairie View A&M University: Prairie View, Texas
  • Reykjavik University: Reykjavik, Iceland
  • RoboEgypt Electronic Research Institute: Alexandria, Egypt
  • Robosub Club of the Palouse, Washington State University: Pullman, Washington and University of Idaho: Moscow, Idaho
  • San Diego City College: San Diego, California
  • San Diego City Robotics 101: San Diego, California
  • San Diego State University Mechatronics Club: San Diego, California
  • Southern Polytechnic State University Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Team: Marietta, Georgia
  • St. George's School: Vancouver, Canada
  • Team BangaloreRobotics: Bangalore, India
  • Team SONIA - École de Technologie Supérieure (ETS): Montreal, Canada
  • University of Alberta (ARVP): Edmonton, Canada
  • University of Arizona (AUVUA): Tucson, Arizona
  • University of Colorado Boulder: Boulder, Colorado
  • University of Florida: Gainesville, Florida
  • University of Maryland: College Park, Maryland
  • University of Southern California: Los Angeles, California
  • University of Toronto: Toronto, Canada
SAN DIEGO -- U.S. Navy divers stationed at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific watch as China’s Harbin Engineering University's vehicle passes through the first gate during a test run in SSC Pacific’s Transducer Evaluation Center pool during the RoboSub Competition on July 25, 2013, hosted by SSC Pacific and co-sponsored by the Office of Naval Research and Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International. Photo by Alan Antczak.
SAN DIEGO -- U.S. Navy divers stationed at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific watch as China’s Harbin Engineering University's vehicle passes through the first gate during a test run in SSC Pacific’s Transducer Evaluation Center pool during the RoboSub Competition on July 25, 2013, hosted by SSC Pacific and co-sponsored by the Office of Naval Research and Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International. Photo by Alan Antczak.

SAN DIEGO -- U.S. Navy divers stationed at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific during a test run in SSC Pacific’s Transducer Evaluation Center pool during the RoboSub Competition on July 25, 2013, hosted by SSC Pacific and co-sponsored by the Office of Naval Research and Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International. Photo by Alan Antczak.
SAN DIEGO -- U.S. Navy divers stationed at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific during a test run in SSC Pacific’s Transducer Evaluation Center pool during the RoboSub Competition on July 25, 2013, hosted by SSC Pacific and co-sponsored by the Office of Naval Research and Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International. Photo by Alan Antczak.

SAN DIEGO -- U.S. Navy divers stationed at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific during a test run in SSC Pacific’s Transducer Evaluation Center pool during the RoboSub Competition on July 25, 2013, hosted by SSC Pacific and co-sponsored by the Office of Naval Research and Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International. Photo by Alan Antczak.
SAN DIEGO -- U.S. Navy divers stationed at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific during a test run in SSC Pacific’s Transducer Evaluation Center pool during the RoboSub Competition on July 25, 2013, hosted by SSC Pacific and co-sponsored by the Office of Naval Research and Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International. Photo by Alan Antczak.
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