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CHIPS Articles: DISA’s Joint Spectrum Center Provides Training to U.S. Forces and Coalition Partners in Afghanistan - April 18, 2013

DISA’s Joint Spectrum Center Provides Training to U.S. Forces and Coalition Partners in Afghanistan - April 18, 2013
By DISA Public Affairs - April 18, 2013
Members of the Defense Spectrum Organization’s Joint Spectrum Center (JSC) — a Defense Information Systems Agency element — recently returned from Afghanistan, where they provided spectrum situational awareness training to users of the United States Central Command-fielded Spectrum Situational Awareness System (S2AS). S2AS is a critical capability that assists in maintaining effective use of electromagnetic spectrum in support of U.S. Forces – Afghanistan (USFOR-A) combat operations.

The system records electromagnetic spectrum data and provides an interactive, graphical interface for viewing and analyzing this data, as well as generating report outputs. S2AS provides a state-of-the-art capability for spectrum managers to analyze use of the electromagnetic environment and identify sources of emission to resolve electromagnetic interference.

Training on the system typically consists of 40 hours of classroom instruction coupled with local area practical applications.

While in theater, the JSC team provided three separate courses at different locations in the country. Approximately 40 spectrum managers of various military services and coalition partners received the training. The team also supported the USFOR-A and the International Security Assistance Force Spectrum Management Branch.

The mission of the Joint Spectrum Center Operations Division is to provide direct support to combatant commanders and DoD components to enable effective and efficient use of the electromagnetic spectrum and control of electromagnetic environmental effects in support of national security and military objectives. To conduct this mission, the division provides joint battlefield spectrum managers and radio frequency engineering capable of deploying worldwide or conducting resident analysis in direct support of operations and exercises.

Battlefield spectrum managers have been previously deployed to support Operations Iraqi Freedom, New Dawn, Enduring Freedom, Odyssey Dawn, and Unified Response. They have provided assistance to Joint Task Force – Bravo and Joint Task Force – Guantanamo. They also routinely support combatant command exercises such as Terminal Fury, Pacific Endeavor, Phoenix Endeavor, and Bold Quest.

For more information about the Joint Spectrum Center and their operational support mission, please visit the spectrum operational support page on at

TAGS: Spectrum
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