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CHIPS Articles: SSC Atlantic Commissioned in Charleston, Norfolk, New Orleans

SSC Atlantic Commissioned in Charleston, Norfolk, New Orleans
By CHIPS Magazine - October-December 2008
A new command, Space and Naval Warfare (SPAWAR) Systems Center Atlantic, was commissioned during ceremonies Sept. 29 in Charleston, S.C., Norfolk, Va., and New Orleans, La. The event marks a red-letter date in the history of the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, as its echelon III organizations were consolidated into two commands: SPAWAR Systems Centers Atlantic and Pacific.

Under the command of Capt. Bruce Urbon, SSC Atlantic includes the former SSC Charleston, SSC Norfolk and SSC New Orleans, along with SPAWAR sites in Washington, D.C., Pensacola and Tampa, Fla., and strategic satellite offices in Europe, the Middle East and Antarctica.

SSC Atlantic also incorporates approximately 48 civilian employees of the disestablished SSC San Diego who work in the Tidewater, Va., area to support the Atlantic Fleet. The newly formed SSC Atlantic has more than 3,000 government employees, 129 military personnel and significant industry partnerships.

SPAWAR Systems Center Atlantic develops, acquires, and provides life cycle support for command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems, information technology (IT), and space capabilities. The total obligation authority for SSC Atlantic is more than $4 billion.

The commander of SPAWAR, Rear Adm. Michael Bachmann, addressed the consolidating Atlantic sites via video teleconference during the Monday ceremony.

"We are executing the BRAC law, as mandated by Congress back in 2005. The result will be an organizational structure that's more capable and more efficient, an organizational structure better able to serve the needs of our customers, and an organizational structure that helps us in our quest to move to a Competency Aligned Organization (CAO).

"But the second, and even more important reason, is that it's the right thing to do. Streamlining brings the organization together … a new name for a stronger organization. Providing more continuity enables us to deliver superior products and superior services — on time and on budget. It's good for our people… good for our organization… and good for our nation," Bachmann said.

Urbon, who served as commanding officer of SSC Charleston, said that the competencies and process capabilities of the individual sites are united as never before under SPAWAR Systems Center Atlantic.

"Our collective sights are set on the critical mission of delivering secure, integrated, and innovative solutions that are ready-for-tasking by naval and joint warfighters," Urbon said.

"Today is a pivot point in the history of SPAWAR Systems Command," he continued. "Today, we are recognizing the proven strength of the past as we create this command anew. In so doing, we are moving a key step forward. We are harnessing our individual strengths into a united, coherent Atlantic force. Indeed, today we're mapping out a new mission for this new command — a mission to realize our full potential together."

The consolidation across Team SPAWAR establishes one organization with competencies located in various geographic areas under one command. This allows the team to work more closely and efficiently toward the common goal of warfighter and customer support.

For more than a year, Team SPAWAR has been migrating to a CAO model which redirects it from a traditional vertical organization to a network of teams located across the enterprise. These teams draw together expertise from various areas (competencies) to deliver products and services to customers. The CAO model allows SSC Atlantic to apply resources in a more targeted, evidence-based and costeffective manner, creating an improved operational culture for employees and customers.

"The bottom line is this: We are in the 'freedom business,'" Urbon told the crowd. "Our business line demands our uninterrupted vigilance, adaptive response and engineering excellence.

"SSC Atlantic has brought all hands on deck, 24/7/365, serving around the world to connect our team competencies and the power of our partnerships to support the warfighter."

SSC Atlantic is a leading-edge Navy engineering center that designs, builds, tests, fields and supports many of the finest frontline C4ISR systems in use today, and those being planned for the future. SSC Atlantic headquarters is located in Charleston, S.C. Visit for more information about SSC Atlantic and SPAWAR.

SPAWAR Systems Center Atlantic Technical Director Phillip Charles, SSC Atlantic Commanding Officer Capt. Bruce Urbon and Capt. James C. Fox, former commanding officer of the disestablished SSC Norfolk, and now executive officer for SSC Atlantic.
SSC Atlantic, headquartered in Charleston, S.C., has a combined workforce of 129 military members, more than 3,000 civilian employees and significant industry partnerships.

SPAWAR Systems Center Atlantic Technical Director Phillip Charles, SSC Atlantic Commanding Officer Capt. Bruce Urbon and Capt. James C. Fox, former commanding officer of the disestablished SSC Norfolk, and now executive officer for SSC Atlantic.

SSC Atlantic, headquartered in Charleston, S.C., has a combined workforce of 129 military members, more than 3,000 civilian employees and significant industry partnerships.

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