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CHIPS Articles: Editor's Notebook, January-March 2001

Editor's Notebook, January-March 2001
By Sharon Anderson - January-March 2001
Thanks to all who stopped by the CHIPS display at Connecting Technology (CT) Fall 2000! It was a pleasure to talk with each of you and discuss the IT issues you are currently facing. Your comments and suggestions for future articles are the kind of valuable feedback we need to keep providing you with IT information at the cutting-edge for the new Information Age. In the next few issues of CHIPS look for interviews with Ms. Debra Filippi, Deputy Director C4/ Deputy CIO HQ Marine Corps; David Litchfield, Deputy PEO-IT NMCI Services; CAPT Steve Briganti, Deputy Commander Task Force NMCI and CAPT Tim Hanley, Information Superiority Division, Joint Staff/J6Q.

If you saw the hardcopy edition of CHIPS Winter 2001, you saw a photograph of members of the CT team with Rudy Boesch from "Survivor 2000," who hosted a display at CT Fall 2000. If you think about it, CHIPS and Rudy have a lot in common, both possess remarkable, eclectic survival skills. Reading CHIPS can help you survive the confounding number of IT decisions you make every.

Hope you had a chance to stop by the Information Technology Electronic Commerce -- Direct (ITEC-Direct) display at CT. The DON IT Umbrella Program folks work closely with ITEC-Direct to provide the latest DON contracts information. You can make government credit card purchases online by shopping ITEC Direct at

The inexhaustible members of the IT-Umbrella Team, who work to bring you the Navy's premier IT event -- Connecting Technology are Bob Abernethy, Doris Bohenek, Bill Bunton, Mary Kay Demorest, Ann Dillon, Bobbi Drexler, Shirley Dunbar, Julia Jones, Jared Judy, Karen Kaniewski, Patrick Koehler, Elaine McDaniel, John McLaurin, Sandy Mieczkowski, Shirleyanne Parks, Rick Paquin, Jakki Rightmeyer, Jackie Smith, Tony Virata, Liz Vonasek, Mark Williams. The San Diego team members are: Chris Burkhart, Nina Diep, Debbie Dondero, Peggy Harpe, Nikki Isfahani, Barbara Johnson, Lars Johnson, Bill Kaufman, Ann Layne, Kevin McNally, Sandy Sirbu, Carlos Solorzano, Cliff Smart, Steve Thompson, Ted Wolken, Brian Wolstencroft and Joe Zaizar.

Mark your calendars now for CT Spring 2001, May 15-17, at the Pavilion Convention Center, Virginia Beach, Virginia.

In this issue -- don't miss CHIPS' interview with Dr. Bob Neilson from the National Defense University. He has a straightforward and effective approach for creating DON knowledge superiority. From the field -- SPAWAR Europe, Jim Condon talks about the process of bringing the Internet to deployed forces in the Balkan.

TAGS: ITAM, Workforce
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

Online ISSN 2154-1779; Print ISSN 1047-9988