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According to the United States Department of Labor, individuals without high school diplomas have the highest unemployment rates and the lowest paying jobs in the country. The CalWORKs program, CalLearn, is specifically designed to encourage our youngest CalWORKs recipients to pursue or continue education as the first steps to self sufficiency.

The CalLearn Program serves CalWORKs clients under 19 years of age who are custodial parents or pregnant and who do not have a high school diploma or its equivalent. The CalLearn program provides financial bonuses for success in school as well as supportive services including transportation, childcare, some school related expenses, and referrals to other agencies.

About the Program

Teen parents who participate in the CalLearn program can expect to participate in an assessment with a CalLearn case manager to determine what services and supports are needed to ensure educational goals are met.

From this assessment, the teen parent and case manager work together to develop a plan to enroll in and remain in school. The plan includes the steps and supports necessary to be successful in reaching the educational goals and outlines the case managers responsibilities to assist in achieving these goals. Participants will work closely with their case managers to ensure their continued success.

For more information, please call 209-533-5711 or 209-768-7753.