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Fair Housing & Tenant / Landlord
  • For local assistance with fair housing or tenant/landlord issues you may contact ATCAA (Amador-Tuolumne Community Action Agency), a local nonprofit organization, at (209)533-1397 Extension 225.
  • An online copy of the "California Tenant/Landlord Handbook" is available at
  • The Federal Trade Commission provides information about rental scams. Rental Listings May be Red Herrings.
  • Click the link to the right to view the Fair Housing Handbook from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development Office of Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity.
  • For more fair housing information you can click the link to the right to view Fair Housing—It's Your Right.
  • Central California Legal Services (Legal Aid) may be able to assist you with tenant/landlord legal matters, they can be reached at (209)723-5466.