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Adult & Family Health

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1. What resources and services does Public Health provide for children and adults?

Adult Protective Services

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1. Does any adult qualify for APS services?
2. Can APS place people in facilities against their will?
3. Can APS take elders into protective custody?
4. Is APS confidential?
5. Does APS go to homes unannounced?

Air Polution

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1. How do I find out if it is a burn day?

Animal Control

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1. Where is the shelter located?
2. What is the difference between Animal Control and the Humane Society?
3. How do I license my dog?
4. Are there low cost vaccination clinics?
5. What happens if I am bitten by a dog or my dog bites someone?
6. What happens if my dog or cat is exposed to wildlife?
7. What if I have a complaint about an animal?
8. What if I see a neglected animal?
9. What about barking dogs?
10. What do I do about feral cats?
11. What do I do about wildlife problems?
12. What do I do if my pet is lost?
13. How do I adopt a pet?
14. What if I have to give up a pet?
15. What do I do about a dead animal?


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1. When is the Archive open?
2. Do I need to make an appointment?
3. Where is the Archive located?
4. Can the Archive create duplicate copies of the public records within its collections?
5. What kind of records does the Archive have?


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1. Why has my assessed value increased by more than 2%?
2. If I do not agree with the assessed value what should I do?
3. My assessment notice lists Taxable Value and Factored Base Year Value, what value are my upcoming taxes based on?
4. I plan to add another room on my home. Will you reappraise my entire property?
5. I added a bedroom and did the work myself. Will I only be assessed on the cost of the materials?
6. I just bought a house from my brother. Will I be assessed on the price I paid?
7. If I get married and add my spouse as Joint Tenant on the deed to my property, will my property be reappraised?
8. If I sell my boat after January 1st, am I responsible for the taxes for the next fiscal year?

Behavioral Health

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1. How can I get help with mental health or alcohol and drug issues?
2. What happens when someone is in crisis or needs to be evaluated for hospitalization for mental health reasons?
3. Can I get medications for my mental health issues prescribed and/or refilled at Behavioral Health?
4. What kind of insurance does Behavioral Health accept?
5. . Is there anywhere in Tuolumne County where a person can “check themselves in to the third floor,” or where they can be held for observation for the 72 hour “5150” hospitalization?

Body Art

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1. Would a person applying permanent cosmetics in a medical spa, doctors’ office, surgery center or similar, be required to be a registered practitioner or have a body art facility permit?
2. What kind of experience is required to meet the 6 months of related experience for a practitioner registration in Health &Safety Code Section 119306 (b)(5)?
3. Are there any conditions where a practitioner would not have to get a practitioner registration?
4. Does a Practitioner have to show that they can comply with Health &Safety Code Sections 119306-119311 to gain or maintain their registration?
5. Can a Registered Practitioner provide Body Art from a non-permitted location?
6. Can we accept Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Training (commonly referred to as BBP) certificates from another state or from outside the United States for temporary events?
7. Who is required to take the Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control training?
8. Is an Infection Prevention Control Plan (IPCP) the same as an Exposure Control and Prevention Plan (ECP)?
9. How can a Body Art Facility comply with the requirement to keep records/logs of pre-sterilized & pre-packed instruments set forth in Health &Safety Code Section 119315(f)?
10. How do I confirm that pre-sterilized instruments are acceptable if there is no label or indicator on the individual packaging?
11. Does Health &Safety Code Section 119303 (c) contradict HIPAA laws by requiring the Body Art Facility to shred confidential medical information after two years?
12. Does the Safe Body Art Act or applicable guidance address the proper use of ultrasonic cleaners, sterilizers or other equipment (e.g. covers over ultrasonic cleaners, equipment operating timeframes)?
13. In Health &Safety Code section 119315 (b) (3), is the inclusion of the term Class V integrators too restrictive to allow for the new technologies that may become available in the future?
14. Is there language in the Safe Body Art Act that restricts or allows for different types of autoclaves?
15. What is the difference between sharps waste and non-sharps waste?
16. Can sharps waste be moved offsite for disposal at locations like a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Site?
17. Does Health &Safety Code Section 119314 (f) exclude service animals from a Body Art Facility?
18. How can I confirm what practitioner did a procedure or worked with a client?
19. What should an operator do if a client indicates that they have one or more of the conditions spelled out in Health &Safety Code Section 119303 (b)?
20. Is there a grandfathering clause in the Safe Body Art Act?
21. Is the 4 hour or 4 procedure trigger for temporary event handwash station turn-over feasible?
22. Why are temporary events required to have eyewash stations available when a fixed facility does not?


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1. How long does it take to process my CalFresh application?
2. I lost my EBT card. How can I get a replacement?
3. I turned in my SAR-7 late, how long do I have to wait for my benefits to be reactivated?


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1. I lost my EBT card. How can I get a replacement?
2. I turned in my SAR-7 late, how long do I have to wait for my benefits to be reactivated?
3. How long does it take to process my CalWORKs application?

Child Support Services - Accounting

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1. How is a payment distributed?
2. How long before you stop and re-issue a check?

Child Support Services - Employers

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1. What should we do if Franchise Tax Board (FTB) and County Child Support are sending a garnishment order for the same case?
2. If the employee is paid two times per month and the medical insurance premium cannot be covered with the first check only, how do we maintain the policy?
3. Can we, as the employer, cover the employee and children through Medi-Cal or Healthy Families?
4. What is an acceptable amount for employee medical coverage?
5. If support payments are being made voluntarily, must they still be set up and collected via a local child support agency (LCSA)?
6. If the child has turned 18 can we, the employer, discontinue withholding?
7. How should we, the employer, proceed on a garnishment where the social security number matches a current employee, but the name is different?
8. What if I have withheld incorrectly all along?
9. What if the employee isn't guaranteed week to week employment?
10. What do we do with the medical identification cards?

Child Support Services - Enforcement

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1. A child support order exists and an account is open, so where is my money?
2. How do I get my child support modified?
3. Your county has started collecting from my job by wage assignment, and now Franchise Tax Board (FTB) has served an earnings withholding order at 50%. Can I get this reduced?
4. I am paying for the same child(ren) in another county, and am paying your office by wage assignment. The other county has served a FTB collection at 50%. I cannot afford this. What should I do?
5. I just received a Demand for Payment letter from the Franchise Tax Board asking me to pay off my entire balance within 10 days; will they take my car and/or house, etc, if I cannot pay my balance off?
6. My bank account is frozen; how do I get it reinstated?
7. I just got a notice that my driving or professional license will be revoked. How do I stop the process?
8. I just discontinued from CalWORKs, how do I get child support?
9. I know a payment was recently mailed out to me, but I haven't received it yet. What is the procedure for tracking the checks?
10. I am the custodial party. How do I close my case?

Child Support Services - Legal

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1. I just received a summons and complaint; what does this mean?
2. I do not think I am the father of the child(ren) listed on the complaint. What do I do?
3. I disagree with the child support amount, or one of the terms, set in the proposed judgment. What do I do?
4. How did you arrive at this child support amount?
5. I have been called to active duty. What do I do?

Child Support Services - Locate

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1. How do you locate the non-custodial party?
2. What locate information are you looking for?

Child Support Services - Opening a Case

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1. Who is eligible for your services?
2. How do I apply for your services if I am not receiving CalWorks or Medi-Cal?
3. What is the cost of your services?
4. What documentation or information will I need to open the case?
5. How long will it take to open a case?
6. Will you open a case for spousal support only?
7. My children and I are receiving CalWORKs benefits, but I did not apply for your services. Why was a case opened?
8. The non-custodial parent and I already have an agreement regarding child support. Why are you pursuing him/her?
9. If I discontinue from CalWORKs, will you close your case?
10. How long before I start receiving child support payments?

Child Support Services - Out of State

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1. Can you collect child support obligations when the non-custodial parent lives in another state?
2. Can you collect child support obligations when the non-custodial parent lives in another country?
3. Why does it take so long for my case to proceed?
4. What is Registration of Foreign Order and why is it necessary?
5. Why does my order have to be registered out of state?
6. Why can't Tuolumne County enforce my child support order?

Child Welfare Services

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1. Does Child Welfare Services intervene in situations involving custody disputes?
2. What is the legal age at which a child can be left home alone?
3. Is there a limit to how many children can sleep in one bedroom?
4. Can I review my Child Welfare Services records?
5. Does Child Welfare Services have Social Workers available after hours or on the weekends?
6. Can I make a report to Child Welfare Services and remain anonymous?
7. Am I entitled to feedback on an investigation if I called in the report?
8. Does Child Welfare Services accept volunteers and/or donations?
9. What if I have other questions?

Clinical Services

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1. What clinical services are available? How do I make a clinic appointment?
2. What immunizations are available and how do I access the service?

Code Compliance

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1. Can you tell me who complained about my property?
2. What do I need to do to file a complaint?
3. Do I have to give my name if I want to complain about someone in violation?
4. How long can a person use a recreational vehicle for human occupancy?
5. Why are you singling me out when you can drive down the street and find 10 others who are in violation?
6. What are the penalties for doing work without a permit or for failing to correct a zoning violation?

County Counsel

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1. Can County Counsel give me legal advice?
2. How do I contact the Tuolumne County Superior Court?
3. I can't afford a lawyer, can you help or does Tuolumne County have Legal Aid?
4. Where is the Law Library?
5. How do I request a public record?
6. Where can I get legal forms?
7. How do I file a claim against the County?
8. The County is suing me for money it says I owe. Who can I talk to about this?
9. Where is County Counsel's office located?

County Surveyor

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1. I need a survey; can the County survey my property?
2. How can I locate a Land Surveyor?
3. How much does it cost to have my land surveyed?
4. Does a land surveyor have the Right of Entry to my private property without my permission?
5. How can I get a copy of a map?
6. Can I get copies of maps on line?
7. My property has two Assessor Parcel Numbers; can I sell one?

District Attorney

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1. Can I report a crime to the District Attorney's Office?
2. I am the victim of a crime and I want to drop charges. Can I do this?
3. I was the victim of a violent crime and need assistance with paying medical, funeral, mental health, income or other related losses. Where can I get this assistance?
4. I have to testify in court and it is making me very anxious. I am concerned about not knowing what to expect. Who can I talk to about my concerns?
5. How can I file a complaint involving another law enforcement agency?

Election Information

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1. What is a provisional ballot?
2. Who must vote a provisional ballot?
3. What if I go to the wrong polling place and have to vote a provisional ballot? Will my ballot still be counted?
4. I have heard that provisional ballots are not counted. Is this true?

Emergency Medical Services

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1. What does the Tuolumne County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) agency do?
2. How can I become an EMT?
3. How do I recertify as an EMT?
4. How can I become a first responder?
5. How do I recertify as a first responder?
6. When do I turn in my application for recertification?
7. Can I be certified as an EMT or first responder if I have a criminal offense on my record?

Employee Self Service

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1. Is it safe to put in my Social Security number on the registration site?
2. Can I check my Payroll Advice from home?


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1. How can I get on the notification list for upcoming projects?
2. How do you choose which bridges to repair?
3. There’s a pothole in front of my house. Can’t the County just repave my road?
4. Many Federally funded projects have DBE goals. What is a DBE?
5. My company can probably qualify as a DBE. Can the County certify us?

Foster Care

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1. What area do you serve?
2. How do I become a foster parent?
3. Are there any age restrictions for foster parents?
4. Can I afford to be a foster parent?
5. Am I required to attend special training?
6. Can I specify the age and gender of the foster children placed in my home?
7. What are the requirements for my home?
8. Can I adopt a foster child placed in my home?
9. How many foster children am I allowed to have?
10. Are the other ways I can help out besides becoming a licensed foster parent?

Garbage & Recycling - Recycling

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1. How do I contact my garbage service provider?
2. Where can I take my pine needles, leaves, brush, branches stumps (green waste) and lumber?

Geographic Information System (GIS)

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1. What is a Geographic Information System (GIS) and why is it important?
2. What map tools are available to the Public
3. Why do you insist on making me see the initial page and click on "I Have Read the Disclaimer, Launch Viewer” prior to getting access to a map viewer?
4. How accurate are the GIS layers, can I use them in design work?
5. One or more of the map viewers fail to open on my computer/Ipad/Phone. Why?
6. I have GIS software and want a copy of your data files; how do I do that?
7. Are all of your GIS layers viewable with the map viewers, or as downloadable copies of your data files?
8. Why does it take so long for the map viewers to load on my computer?
9. Why do you insist on making me see the Acknowledgement of Accuracy Limitation and Intended Uses for GIS Data page and clicking on I Agree prior to getting access to a map viewer?
10. How do I ask a question?
11. How can I print pages or maps from the map viewers?

Grand Jury

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1. What is the Grand Jury?
2. What are the requirements to be on the Grand Jury?
3. What are the responsibilities of the Grand Jury?
4. How are grand jurors selected?
5. Are grand jurors paid for their services?
6. Who advises the Grand Jury?
7. Where does the Grand Jury meet?


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1. How do I find out about Section 8 Rental Assistance?
2. Who can help me with tenant/landlord issues?
3. I might lose my house. Who can help me with foreclosure or short sale counseling?
4. I live in a mobilehome park. Who can help me with my concerns about the maintenance of the park?
5. Where can I learn more about County of Tuolumne Mobilehome Rent Control?
6. Where do I find a copy of the Tuolumne County Mobilehome Park Rent Control Ordinance Tenant Acknowledgment Form?
7. Does the County offer assistance programs to help me buy a home?
8. I own my home and can’t afford repairs. Can the County help me?
9. I can’t afford to pay my rent and utilities. Is there an organization in the County that can help me?
10. Are there places in the County to rent that are affordable?

In Home Supportive Services (IHSS)

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1. How do I apply for IHSS?
2. How do I request an increase in my IHSS hours, and to whom do I make this request?
3. Who will provide the IHSS services once they have been determined?
4. How does my care provider get paid?
5. I'm an Independent Provider, and the recipient refused to sign my time card. How do I get paid?
6. What happens if my Independent Provider works more hours than are authorized?
7. How does a Medi-Cal share of cost affect my IHSS services?
8. How long does it take to receive a pay check once I have submitted a timecard?

Independent Living Program (ILP)

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1. What is the Independent Living Program?
2. Who is eligible for the Independent Living Program?
3. What services does the Independent Living Program offer?
4. Where can I get more information about the Tuolumne County Independent Living Program?
5. I am a former foster youth. Am I still eligible for services from the Independent Living Program?
6. Where do I find more information about the HOPE House?
7. Can the Independent Living Program help me pay my bills?
8. How do I apply for financial aid and the Chafee Grant?
9. Do participants earn money for attending ILP events?
10. What is Extended Foster Care (AB12)?

Land Use (Environmental Health)

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1. What is a Septic Tank?
2. What is a Drainfield?
3. What is a 100% Expansion Area?
4. What is an “Engineered” Septic System?
5. How Do I Find My System?
6. Why Should I Maintain My Septic System?
7. How Often Should I Inspect and Pump my standard Septic System?
8. What Shouldn’t I Flush Down My Toilet?
9. How Do I Take Care of My Drainfield?
10. What Are the Effects of Improper Design or Installation?


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1. How can I apply for a job?
2. What are the county’s office hours?
3. What are the county’s department phone numbers?


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1. How long does it take to process my Medi-Cal application?

Office of Revenue Recovery

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1. Why did my payment not get applied to the account that I indicated?
2. I haven't paid my fine yet and the Court added $300.00 to my balance. Is there anything I can do about it?
3. Why was my State Tax Refund intercepted?
4. Are there other fees related to my court case that must be paid?
5. There is a hold on my driver's license. How can I get it removed?


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1. Do I need a Design Review Permit?
2. Can I have a home business?
3. Does Tuolumne County have a noise ordinance?
4. Can I live in my recreational vehicle?
5. Can I construct buildings other than a residence on residential property?
6. What is the Williamson Act?
7. Can I keep agricultural animals on my parcel?
8. How many pets can I have?

Probation - Adult Services

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1. Can I expunge my adult record?

Probation - Alternatives to Detention

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1. How do I enroll in the Community Service Program?
2. How do I Apply for the Electronic Monitoring Program?
3. How do I enroll in the Work Release Program?

Public Assistance (Eligibility)

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1. How do I apply for assistance?
2. How long does it take for my application to be approved?
3. Who is my worker?
4. I don’t have any food, and I’ve run out of CalFresh (Food Stamps). Where can I go for help?
5. What is the phone number of the Senior Center?
6. I lost my EBT card. How can I get a replacement?
7. What is the phone number to Social Security Administration?
8. Who do I talk to about welfare fraud?
9. Who do I talk to about a neighbor who mistreats their kids?
10. I’d like to report Elder Abuse. Who do I talk to?
11. Why are my CalFresh/cash assistance benefits not on my EBT card?
12. If I am late with my QR-7, how long do I have to wait for my benefits to be reactivated?

Public Guardian

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1. Are Public Guardian Services Free?
2. Can conservatees own a gun or drive a car?
3. If someone is incapacitated, does he/she automatically need a conservatorship?


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1. Understanding Liens

Recreation - Tiny Tots

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1. How old does my child need to be in order to register for Tiny Tots?
2. Can my child participate in Tiny Tots if they are not immunized?
3. Does my child need to bring a lunch?

Recreation - Youth Centers

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1. How old do I have to be to attend a Youth Center?
2. Does it cost anything to go to the Youth Centers?
3. Do I have to register for the Youth Center Program or stay a specific amount of time?

Road Operations

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1. How can I find out about your snow removal policy?

School Medical Van

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1. Why is BOB important?
2. Who pays for BOB?

Solid Waste & Recycling

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1. How do I contact my garbage service provider?
2. What are the transfer station hours?
3. Where can I take my lumber and green waste (pine needles, leaves, brush, branches, stumps)?
4. Where can I take old tires?
5. What do I do with my used motor oil and filter?
6. Where can I take my old TV or computer (e-waste)?
7. How do I dispose of household batteries?
8. How do I dispose of fluorescent lights?
9. How do I dispose of automotive batteries?
10. How do I dispose of latex paint (water clean up)?
11. How do I dispose of oil-based paint?
12. How do I dispose of automotive fluids?
13. How do I dispose of household chemicals?
14. How do I dispose of herbicides and pesticides?
15. How do I dispose of glues, lacquers, stains, thinners, etc?

Special Districts

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1. Why is my neighborhood a County Service Area?
2. Why are my County Service Area roads not plowed at the same time as the nearby County road?
3. Can we put a gate up on our County Service Area road so that non-residents can’t get in?
4. There’s a streetlight out in my neighborhood. How can I report it?
5. I live on a private road and want to create a Permanent Road Division Zone of Benefit so we can all chip in for road maintenance. How can I do that?
6. How can I find out how much my parcel pays into the CSA?
7. I live in an “inactive” CSA. What does that mean?
8. There used to be a County Service Area in my neighborhood but it was dissolved. Who is maintaining the roads now?
9. What is the governing body for the CSA? Can’t we just call the County and get the funds released so we can do maintenance work ourselves
10. How do I pay my special assessment or special tax?

Special Events

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1. What type of events need Special Event Permits?
2. How far in advance do I need to apply for permit?
3. What needs to be submitted?
4. What is the fee for a Special Event Permit?

Tobacco Prevention & Education

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1. What resources are available to quit smoking/chewing?

Treasurer & Tax Collector

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1. Why are the tax due dates so close to Christmas and Income Tax filing?
2. Why are my taxes going up if property values are going down?
3. When are the tax bills mailed out?
4. I have a lien on my credit report. How do I get it removed?
5. How do I start a payment plan?
6. What should I do if I don’t receive a Secured Property Tax bill?
7. How can I dispute penalties?

Tree Mortality Task Force

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1. I have a lot of dead trees on my property. Who can I contact?
2. Can the County remove dead and dying trees from my property?
3. Is there a list of Registered Professional Foresters (RPFs) available for Tuolumne County?


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1. How do I order my DD-214/Discharge papers?
2. How do I get enrolled in the VA healthcare system?
3. How do I order a headstone/grave marker?
4. How do I file a claim with the VA for a service connected disability?
5. How do I check the status of a pending claim with the VA?
6. How do I get information about my Post 9/11 Bill?
7. How do I change my mailing address with the VA?
8. How do I change my direct deposit bank information with the VA?
9. How do I get the college tuition fee waiver for Veterans’ dependents?
10. How do I apply for my VA home loan guaranty?

Waste Tires

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1. Can I haul waste and used tires?
2. What is the Waste Tire Manifest System?
3. How do I obtain a TPID Number?
4. Can I haul waste tires from a clean-up project site?

Welfare to Work

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1. Does the WtW program provide childcare?
2. If I can’t work because of a disability, am I required to participate in WtW?
3. If I find a job, how will it affect my benefits?
4. Will WtW find me a job?

Women, Infants and Children

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1. What is WIC and how do I apply?
2. Where do I find information about breastfeeding?