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Finance Committee
Purpose Statement
The Finance Committee is to serve the Board by reviewing, commenting on and recommending new and/or modifications to existing policy related to: 1) budgeting; 2) debt capacity and borrowing; 3) capital improvement plans; 4) user fees; 5) growth in government expenditures and revenues (GIGER) mitigation fees; 6) potential tax, parcel fee and special assessment measures; 7) purchasing; 8) accounting procedures (e.g. GASB, A-87 overhead, etc.); 9) financial audits; 10) investments; 11) performance audits; and 12) Employee Innovation Program.

It is recognized that this committee can review and comment on but not direct the work of the independently elected Auditor/Controller, Treasurer/Tax Collector and Assessor/Recorder.

Membership and Principal Staff Support
Board of Supervisors (2)

Deputy CAO, Committee Secretary
County Administrator
Treasurer/Tax Collector

Regular Meeting Date
This committee meets on an as needed basis. Most current agenda.