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State Technical Committee

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State Technical Committee At-A-Glance

State Technical Committee Member List

What is the State Technical Committee? (.pdf)

State Technical Committee Membership Form (.pdf)

Meeting Minutes:

USDA Local Working Group

Local Working Groups assist the USDA in matters relating to the implementation and technical aspects of conservation programs under Title II of the Agricultural Act of 2014 (the 2014 Farm Bill). The Local Working Group may be composed of the local Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), agricultural producers representing the variety of crops and livestock or poultry raised within the local area, nonindustrial private forest land owners, and other professionals representing relevant agricultural and conservation interests and a variety of disciplines in the soil, water, plant, wetland, and wildlife sciences who are familiar with private land agricultural and natural resource issues in the local community.

What is the USDA Local Working Group? (.pdf)

Schedule and Meeting Minutes for FY 2017 Local Working Group Meetings

Local Working Group Membership Application

Maine NRCS Instructions for Local Working Groups

Last modified 11/02/2016