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National Motor Lifeboat School

The National Motor Lifeboat School (NMLBS) is a unique U.S. Coast Guard training center that operates under the Office of Boat Forces (Commandant G-OCS). With a staff of approximately 60 personnel, it serves as a center of excellence for the Motor Lifeboat (MLB) platform. The NMLBS provides "C" school resident training as well as MLB Readiness and Standardization assessments. We are located near the mouth of the Columbia River at Cape Disappointment just outside of Ilwaco, Washington. The area, known as the "Graveyard of the Pacific," provides the training grounds for Coast Guard personnel learning to care for and operate the 47 foot MLB.  For the latest class convenings, visit TQC



47' MLB Introduction

The 47’ MLB Introduction Course is designed to assist perspective 47â?? MLB Coxswains in the coxswain qualification process. The course will provide the trainee with classroom instruction and practical hands-on experience on a 47’ MLB. Specific areas of instruction include: boat specifications, engineering and electrical systems, outfit and storage, boat handling, towing, operational risk assessment, and basic piloting and navigation. Successful completion of this course will provide a solid base-line understanding of the 47’ MLB and greatly assist in the Coxswain qualification process.

47' Heavy Weather Coxswain

This course provides advanced level training for Coast Guard personnel permanently assigned to 47’ MLB units who will be required to perform the duties of a Heavy Weather Coxswain. This course will train certified 47’ MLB coxswains to perform risk assessment, basic engineering casualty control procedures, advanced operating skills for heavy weather boat handling and towing consistent with Coast Guard policy and standards.

47' MLB Surfman

This course is an advanced, master-level training course. It is designed to qualify as MLB Surfman those CG personnel who are already certified 47’ MLB heavy wather Coxswains assigned to 47’ MLB surf stations. With the exception of Team Coordination Training (TCT), there is very limited classroom/knowledge-based portion of this course-- it is comprised almost entirely of skill-based performance objectives, based on previously obtained and proven knowledge.


Of the United States


I will to the best of my ability, pursue each
mission with the commitment, compassion,
and courage inherent in the title
I will endeavor to reinforce the worldwide
reputation of our forefathers in the
Lifeboat Community.
I will maintain a guardian's eye on my crew
at all times, and keep a cool, yet
deliberate, hand on the throttle.
I will give of myself and my knowledge as
those who gave to me; so as the line
of Coast Guard Surfman will live forever.
I will ensure that my supervisors rest easy
with the knowledge that I am at the
helm, no matter what the conditions.
I will never unnecessarily jeopardize myself,
my boat, or my crew; but will do so freely
to rescue those in peril.
I will strive with dedication and determination
to bring credit upon Coast Guard Surfmen
past and future.


Coast Guard Employee Access

It is recommended each Coast Guard employee visit TCYorktown's Portal site for additional training information.  Coast Guard Employee Access.

Contact Info

Have a question or need more information? Please contact appropriate department from the list below:

STAN Team:
Administration Department:
Last Modified 12/21/2016