• Giving Back

    Giving Back is a powerful component of our agency culture for both staff and our families. As one of our core principles, working with families to identify ways that they can contribute to bettering their community is transformational.

    Give Back
  • Annual Report
  • YAP Recognized for Outstanding Contributions to Detention Reform

    The Annie E. Casey Foundation honored Youth Advocate Programs with the Gloria J. Jenkins Award at the Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative's conference in September.

    YAP Recognized for Outstanding Contributions to Detention Reform
  • Endowment Fund Reaches $1M

    YAP is firmly committed to nurturing the potential of "Opportunity Youth" through our direct services and through our Tom Jeffers Endowment Fund for Continuing Education. 63 scholarships have been awarded since 2007.

  • Santa Fe Youth Services Merger
  • Trauma Informed Care

    YAP helps build youth resilience and promotes healing by connecting them with supportive adults, providing evidence-based treatment, and ensuring that all staff are trained in trauma informed care.
  • Gender Responsive Programming

    Girls are the fastest growing population within the juvenile justice system. Learn more about YAP’s approach to safely supporting girls in the community.
  • Keeping Families Together

    Of those families in danger of having a child removed for abuse or neglect, 98% remained safely intact when they completed YAP's improving Families services.
  • 0-5 Reunification

    YAP’s specialized model for infants and small children in the child welfare system is built on research and best practice, resulting in 100% success rate.
About Us
YAP is a nationally recognized, nonprofit organization exclusively committed to the provision of community-based alternatives to out-of-home care through direct service, advocacy and policy change since 1975.   More
Our Services
  • The ASSET Network

    Learn more about YAP's innovative approach to supporting individuals with developmental disabilities and autism spectrum disorders.

  • Youth Services

    YAP works with the most marginalized youth and families across a continuum of needs.

  • Adult Services

    We provide intensive support to adults involved in the justice system and adults with developmental differences.

  • Policy & Advocacy Center

    We are invested in social and policy change that mirror the impact of our direct services.

"Safely Home" Film

Change does happen and it happens with the kids people most likely do not want to work with... Those are our kids.

April Curtis, YAP Program Director
DEC 2016

YAP Policy Director Calls for Community-Based Continuum 'Beyond Bars'

Shaena Fazal reflects on the new report Beyond Bars which calls for the development of community-based programs to serve all youth needs...
OCT 2016

Scholarship Winners!

Nicole and Michael are the most recent winners of scholarships from Tom Jeffers Endowment Fund for Continuing Education...
NOV 2016

YAP Working With Get IN Chicago

YAP is one of 11 programs funded by Get IN Chicago to meet the needs of the city's high-risk youth...