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Vaccine Information Statements

Vaccine Information Statements

By Federal Law, You Must Provide Current VISs

About Vaccine Information Statements
Vaccine Information Statements (VISs) are information sheets produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). VISs explain both the benefits and risks of a vaccine to adult vaccine recipients and the parents or legal representatives of
vaccinees who are children and adolescents. Federal law requires that VISs be handed out whenever certain vaccinations are given (before each dose).
NOTE: All VISs on this site are in PDF format. You will need Adobe Reader to view them. The PDF versions of these documents are the same as the versions you would receive by ordering directly from CDC or your local health department. These documents are suitable for reproducing as handouts for patients.
How to Use VISs
It's Federal Law! You must give your patients current VISs
Explains why it is necessary to always use the most current version of a VIS and lists the current VIS dates
What's New with VISs
CDC offers the latest information about upcoming and current VIS updates
Facts About VISs
CDC information about provider responsibilities, types of VISs, rules on VIS use, and FAQs
Instructions for Using VISs
CDC information sheet provides summation for the use of VISs, including recordkeeping requirements
This page was updated on December 6, 2016.
This page was reviewed on December 5, 2016.
Current VIS Dates
Check your stock of VISs against this list. If you have outdated VISs, get current versions.
Adenovirus 6/11/14   MMRV 5/21/10
Anthrax 3/10/10     Multi-vaccine 11/5/15
Chickenpox 3/13/08     PCV13 11/5/15
DTaP 5/17/07     PPSV 4/24/15
Hib 4/2/15     Polio 7/20/16
Hepatitis A 7/20/16     Rabies 10/6/09
Hepatitis B 7/20/16     Rotavirus 4/15/15
HPV 12/2/16     Shingles 10/6/09
Influenza 8/7/15     Td 2/24/15
J. enceph. 1/24/14     Tdap 2/24/15
MCV4/MPSV4 3/31/16     Typhoid 5/29/12
MenB 8/9/16     Y. fever 3/30/11
MMR 4/20/12        
Alternative Formats and Sources of VISs
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
English-language VISs in web, print and RTF (for use in electronic healthcare systems) formats
Michigan VISs
MDCH provides VISs for use in Michigan, which includes information about the Michigan Care Improvement Registry
Language Locator
Use this table to find which non-English VIS can help you serve patients from a given country.
Translate for IAC
If you have a need for a VIS in a language that is not currently offered, please consider translating for IAC yourself and then sharing it with the world via this website!
Immunization Action Coalition  •  2550 University Avenue West  •  Suite 415 North  •  Saint Paul, Minnesota  •  55114
tel 651-647-9009  •  fax 651-647-9131
This website is supported in part by a cooperative agreement from the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (Grant No. 6NH23IP22550) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, GA. The website content is the sole responsibility of IAC and does not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.