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Immunization Action Coalition
IAC Publications: Vaccinate Adults
Vaccinate Adults is a publication written for health professionals who provide services for adults. Every issue includes the Ask the Experts feature by CDC experts who answer challenging and timely questions about vaccines and their administration and copyright-free print materials from IAC to photocopy and hand out to clinic staff and patients. The technical content of Vaccinate Adults is reviewed for accuracy by CDC. Subscribe to Vaccinate Adults - it's free!
Table of Contents: December 2016 Issue PAGE NO.
Vaccinate Adults December 2016
Vaccinate Adults: Vol. 20(4)
Download entire issue: 20 pages, 8.51 MB PDF
ACIP Votes to Update Recommendations for HPV, Tdap, MenB, and HepB Vaccines 1
Learn about what's recently changed in the ACIP recommendations.
Ask the Experts: CDC Answers Your Questions 1�3
CDC immunization experts Andrew Kroger, MD, MPH, and Donna Weaver, RN, MN, answer challenging and timely questions about vaccines and their administration.
Vaccine Highlights: Recommendations, Schedules, and More 4
Review what's new in vaccine recommendations, schedules, and FDA licensures.
Meningococcal B Vaccine � CDC Answers Your Questions 5-6
Use this 2-page Q&A piece from by CDC experts to answer questions about meningococcal serogroup B vaccine.
Meningococcal Vaccine Recommendations by Age and Risk Factor for Serogroup B Protection 7
Use this 1-page sheet to learn who needs MenB vaccine and when.
Meningococcal B Vaccine Standing Orders Template Now Updated! 8
Use this 2-page MenB vaccine standing orders template to streamline vaccination of adolescents and young adults.
Meningococcal Vaccine Recommendations by Age and Risk Factor for Serogroups A, C, W, or Y Protection 9
Use this 1-page sheet to learn who needs MenACWY vaccine and when.
Standing Orders Templates Updated for Administering MenACWY Vaccines to Adults and Children/Teens 10
Use these two standing orders templates "as they are," or modify them to suit your work setting.
Resources to Help Improve Your MenACWY Dose #2 Coverage for 16-Year-Olds 11
Use these tools, including a slide deck and speakers' notes, to help improve MenACWY dose #2 vaccination rates.
Newly Updated Meningococcal Q&As: Download and Copy for Your Patients 12
This 4-page handout for patients is ready for you to copy and give to your patients.
Here's More Meningococcal Vaccine Information for Your Patients 13
Two easy-to-read fact sheets, one about children, one for teens/adults.
Newly Updated! Which Vaccines Do I Need Today? 14
This checklist helps you determine which vaccines your adult patients need. Download and copy this screening questionnaire for your patients to fill out.
IAC's Temperature Logs Updated for Your Use 15
IAC has updated its Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature logs for refrigerators and freezers. They're ready for you to download, copy, and use.
Updated! Use This Checklist to Maximize Protection of Your Valuable Vaccine Supply 16
Are you doing everything you should to safeguard your vaccine supply? Review this list to see where you might make improvements.
Vaccine Handling Tips 17
Use this 1-page educational piece for healthcare professionals to make sure vaccines are stored at correct temperatures.
Products You Can Purchase from IAC 18
These products are available for purchase from the Immunization Action Coalition.
Please Donate to IAC! 19
Information about how to make a contribution to IAC
IAC's Immunization Resources Order Form 20
Order patient record cards, the training DVD "Immunization Techniques, laminated immunization schedules (in March 2017), "The Purple Book,� and IAC's guidebook "Hepatitis B: What Hospitals Need to Do to Protect Newborns."
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This page was updated on December 16, 2016.
This page was reviewed on December 16, 2016.
Immunization Action Coalition  •  2550 University Avenue West  •  Suite 415 North  •  Saint Paul, Minnesota  •  55114
tel 651-647-9009  •  fax 651-647-9131
This website is supported in part by a cooperative agreement from the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (Grant No. 6NH23IP22550) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, GA. The website content is the sole responsibility of IAC and does not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.