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HSRC (2001) - South and Southwest HSRC

Grant Number R828598

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Reference Title, Journal, and Author Columns
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Article/Press Release (1)
Book (1)
Book Chapter (8)
Conference Proceedings (9)
Dissertation/Thesis (3)
Journal Article (40)
Paper (1)
Presentation (84)
Proceedings (4)
Reference Type Citation Progress Report Year Document Sources
Article/Press Release Reible D. Makeover in Macon. Focus 2002;13(2). R829480 (Final)
not available
Book Lipnick RL, Hermens JLM, Jones K, Muir DCG. Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic Chemicals I: Fate and Exposure. ACS Symposium Series No. 772. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2000, 308 pp. R825513C024 (Final)
R828598 (Final)
R828598C700 (Final)
Book Chapter Chen W, Kan AT, Tomson MB. Modeling irreversible sorption of hydrophobic organic contaminants in natural sediments. In: Lipnick RL, Hermens JLM, Jones KC, Muir DCG, eds. Persistent Bioaccumulative, and Toxic Chemicals I: Fate and Exposure. ACS Symposium Series No. 772. Washington, DC:American Chemical Society, 2000, Chapter 4, pp. 58-69. R825513C024 (Final)
R828598 (Final)
R828598C700 (Final)
Book Chapter Constant WD. The waste management hierarchy. In: Ghassemi A, ed. Handbook of Pollution Control and Waste Minimization. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker, 2001, Chapter 3, pp. 32-38. R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2004)
Book Chapter Illangaskekare TH, Reible DD. Pump-and-treat for remediation and plume containment:applications, limitations, and relevant processes. In: Kaluarachchi JJ, ed. Groundwater Contamination by Organic Pollutants: Analysis and Remediation. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2001, Chapter 3, pp. 79-119. R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2004)
Book Chapter Kan AT, Fu G, Tomson MB. Reactions of phosphonates and phosphinocarboxylates in the subsurface. In: Nowack B, VanBriesen JM, eds. Biogeochemistry of Chelating Agents, ACS Symposium Series, Volume 910. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2005, Chapter 15, pp. 248–262. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
Book Chapter Reible DD, Jensen RH, Bentley SJ, Dannel MB, DePinto JV, Dyer JA, Farley KJ, Garcia MH, Glaser D, Hamrick JM, Lick WJ, Pastorok RA, Schwer RF, Ziegler CK. The role of modeling in managing contaminated sediments. In:Chien CC, ed. Environmental Modeling and Management:Theory, Practice, and Future Directions. Today Media, 2002, Chapter 2, pp. 63-110. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2002)
R828773C001 (2003)
R828773C001 (2004)
Book Chapter Thibodeaux LJ, Reible DD, Valsaraj KT. Non-particle resuspension chemical transport from stream beds. In:Lipnick RL, Mason RP, Phillips ML, Pittman CU, eds. Chemicals in the Environment:Fate, Impacts, and Remediation, ACS Symposium Series Volume 806. Washington, DC:American Chemical Society, 2002, Chapter 7, pp. 130-149. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2002)
R828773C001 (2003)
R828773C001 (2004)
Book Chapter Kan AT, Chen W, Tomson MB. Resistant desorption kinetics of chlorinated organic compounds from contaminated soil and sediment. In: Lipnick RL, Hermens JLM, Jones KC, Muir, DCG, eds. Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic Chemicals I: Fate and Exposure. American Chemical Society Symposium Series, Volume 772, Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2000, pp.112-122. R825513C024 (Final)
R826694C700 (1999)
R826694C700 (Final)
R828598 (Final)
R828598C700 (Final)
Book Chapter Tomson MB, Allen HE, English CW, Lyman WJ, Pignatello JJ. Contaminant–soil interactions. In: Lanno RP, ed. Contaminated Soils: From Soil–Chemical Interactions to Ecosystem Management. Pensacola, FL: SETAC Press, 2003, Chapter 7, pp. 251-290. R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
not available
Conference Proceedings Edge BL, Pandoe WW. Effect of baroclinic circulation on sediment transport in an idealized ship channel. In:Davis RA, Sallenger A, Howd P, eds. Coastal Sediments 2003:Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries. Proceedings of the International Conference, Hackensack, NJ:World Scientific Publishing Company, 2003. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C002 (2003)
R828773C002 (2004)
not available
Conference Proceedings Edge BL, Pandoe WW. Migration of channels immediately landward of tidal inlets. In:Coastal Engineering 2004, Proceedings of the 29th International Conference, Hackensack, NJ:World Scientific Publishing Company, 2004. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C002 (2004)
not available
Conference Proceedings Kan AT, Fu G, Watson MA, Tomson MB. Effect of hydrate inhibitors on oilfield scale formation and inhibition. In:Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Oilfield Scale, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, January 30-31, 2002 (SPE 74657). R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
not available
Conference Proceedings Pandoe WW, Edge BL. Effect of baroclinic circulation on the transport of consolidated sediments. In:Tremblay H, Locat J, Galvez-Cloutier R, eds. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Contaminated Sediments:Characterisation, Evaluation, Mitigation/Restoration, Management Strategy Performance, Quebec City, Canada, May 26-28, 2003. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C002 (2003)
R828773C002 (2004)
not available
Conference Proceedings Pandoe WW, Edge BL. Sediment transport associated with the baroclinic term in the 3D-hydrodynamic circulation model:case for idealized estuary. In:Spaulding, ML, ed. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, Monterey, CA, November 3-5, 2003, pp. 731-750. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C002 (2004)
not available
Conference Proceedings Pandoe WW, Edge BL. Erosion of material placed in subaqueous disposal site; study case for idealized mound capping. In:Proceedings of the 24th Western Dredging Association Annual Meeting and Conference and the 36th Texas A&M University Annual Dredging Seminar, Orlando, FL, July 6-9, 2004. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C002 (2004)
not available
Conference Proceedings Tomson MB, Fu G, Watson MA, Kan AT. Mechanisms of mineral scale inhibition. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Oilfield Scale, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, January 30-31, 2002 (SPE Paper Number 74656). R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
Conference Proceedings Tomson MB, Kan AT, Fu G, Al-Thubaiti M. NORM scale formation, control, and relation to gas hydrate control. In: Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Houston, TX, November 11-14, 2003. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
Conference Proceedings Tomson MB, Kan AT, Cheng XK, Cong LL, Chen W, Lakshmanan K. Realistic soil cleanup standards with dual equilibrium desorption. In: Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Houston, TX, November 11-14, 2003. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2003)
R828773C004 (2004)
Dissertation/Thesis Carr CS. Characterization of tetrachloroethylene-dechlorinating bacteria and investigation into their ability to enhance removal rates of tetrachloroethylene-containing nonaqueous phase liquids. Ph.D. Dissertation, Rice University, Houston, TX, 2000. R822721C703 (1999)
R826694C703 (2000)
R826694C703 (Final)
R828598C703 (Final)
not available
Dissertation/Thesis Cope N. Laboratory evaluation of biologically-enhanced removal of PCE for NAPL source zones. M.S. Thesis, Rice University, Houston, TX, 2001. R826694C703 (2001)
R826694C703 (Final)
R828598C703 (Final)
not available
Dissertation/Thesis Pandoe WW. Extended three-dimensional ADCIRC hydrodynamic model to include baroclinic flow and sediment transport. Ph.D. Dissertation. Ocean Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, September 30, 2004. R828773 (2004)
R828773C002 (2004)
not available
Journal Article Carr CS, Hughes JB. Enrichment of high-rate PCE dechlorination and comparative study of lactate, methanol, and hydrogen as electron donors to sustain activity. Environmental Science & Technology 1998;32(2):1817-1824. R828598C703 (Final)
Journal Article Carr CS, Hughes JB. Response to 'Comment on 'Enrichment of high-rate PCE dechlorination and comparative study of lactate, methanol, and hydrogen as electron donors to sustain activity''. Environmental Science & Technology 1999;33(15):2683-2684. R828598C703 (Final)
Journal Article Carr CS, Garg S, Hughes JB. Effect of dechlorinating bacteria on the longevity and composition of PCE-containing nonaqueous phase liquids under equilibrium dissolution conditions. Environmental Science & Technology 2000;34(6):1088-1094. R822721C703 (1999)
R826694C703 (2000)
R826694C703 (Final)
R828598C703 (Final)
Journal Article Chen W, Kan AT, Fu G, Vignona LC, Tomson MB. Adsorption-desorption behaviors of hydrophobic organic compounds in sediments of Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 1999;18(8):1610-1616. R822721C700 (1999)
R825513C016 (Final)
R825513C024 (Final)
R828598 (Final)
R828598C700 (Final)
Journal Article Chen W, Kan AT, Tomson MB. Irreversible adsorption of chlorinated benzenes to natural sediments: implications for sediment quality criteria. Environmental Science & Technology 2000;34(3):385-392. R822721C700 (1999)
R825513C024 (Final)
R826694C700 (1999)
R826694C700 (Final)
R828598 (Final)
R828598C700 (Final)
Journal Article Chen W, Kan AT, Newell CJ, Moore E, Tomson MB. More realistic soil cleanup standards with dual-equilibrium desorption. Ground Water 2002;40(2):153-164. R826694C700 (Final)
R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2004)
R828773C004 (2002)
R828773C004 (2004)
R831718 (Final)
Journal Article Chen W, Lakshmanan K, Kan AT, Tomson MB. A program for evaluating dual-equilibrium desorption effects on remediation. Ground Water 2004;42(4):620-624. R825513C023 (Final)
R825513C024 (Final)
R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
R831718 (2005)
R831718 (Final)
Journal Article Cheng XK, Kan AT, Tomson MB. Uptake and sequestration of naphthalene and 1,2-dichlorobenzene by C60. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 2005;7(4-5):555-567. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
R831718 (2005)
Journal Article Cheng X, Kan AT, Tomson MB. Naphthalene adsorption and desorption from aqueous C60 fullerene. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 2004;49(3):675-683. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2003)
R828773C004 (2004)
R831718 (2005)
Journal Article Cope N, Hughes JB. Biologically-enhanced removal of PCE from NAPL source zones. Environmental Science & Technology 2001;35(10):2014-2021. R826694C703 (2001)
R826694C703 (Final)
R828598C703 (Final)
Journal Article Gao Y, Kan AT, Tomson MB. Critical evaluation of desorption phenomena of heavy metals from natural sediments. Environmental Science & Technology 2003;37(24):5566-5573. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2002)
R828773C004 (2003)
R828773C004 (2004)
Journal Article Gao Y, Wahi R, Kan AT, Falkner JC, Colvin VL, Tomson MB. Adsorption of cadmium on anatase nanoparticles-effect of crystal size and pH. Langmuir 2004;20(22):9585-9593. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2003)
R828773C004 (2004)
R831718 (2005)
Journal Article Gao Y, Kan AT, Tomson MB. Response to comment on "Critical evaluation of desorption phenomena of heavy metals from natural sediments". Environmental Science & Technology 2004;38(17):4703. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
R831718 (2005)
Journal Article Kan AT, Chen W, Tomson MB. Desorption kinetics of neutral hydrophobic organic compounds from field-contaminated sediment. Environmental Pollution 2000;108(1):81-89. R822721C700 (1999)
R825513C024 (Final)
R826694C700 (1999)
R826694C700 (Final)
R828598 (Final)
R828598C700 (Final)
Journal Article Kan AT, Fu G, Tomson MB. Effect of methanol on carbonate equilibrium and calcite solubility in a gas/methanol/water/salt mixed system. Langmuir 2002;18(25):9713-9725. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
Journal Article Kan AT, Fu G, Tomson MB. Effect of methanol and ethylene glycol on sulfates and halite scale formation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2003;42(11):2399-2408. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2003)
R828773C004 (2004)
Journal Article Kan AT, Fu G, Tomson MB, Al-Thubaiti M, Xiao AJ. Factors affecting scale inhibitor retention in carbonate-rich formation during squeeze treatment. SPE Journal 2004;9(3):280-289. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2004)
R828773C004 (2004)
Journal Article Kan AT, Fu G, Tomson MB. Adsorption and precipitation of an aminoalkylphosphonate onto calcite. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2005;281(2):275-284. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
R831718 (2005)
Journal Article Kassenga GR, Pardue JH, Blair S, Ferraro T. Treatment of chlorinated volatile organic compounds in upflow wetland mesocosms. Ecological Engineering 2003;19(5):305-323. R828773C003 (2002)
not available
Journal Article Kassenga G, Pardue JH, Moe WM, Bowman KS. Hydrogen thresholds as indicators of dehalorespiration in constructed treatment wetlands. Environmental Science & Technology 2004;38(4):1024-1030. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C003 (2003)
Journal Article Kim S, Sioutas C, Chang M-C, Gong Jr. H. Factors affecting the stability of the performance of ambient fine-particle concentrators. Inhalation Toxicology 2000;12(Suppl 4):281-298. R825513C024 (Final)
R826708 (2000)
R826708 (2001)
R826708 (2002)
R826708 (Final)
R827352 (2004)
R827352 (Final)
R827352C012 (Final)
R827352C014 (Final)
R828598 (Final)
R828598C700 (Final)
Journal Article Lee S, Pardue JH, Moe WM, Valsaraj KT. Mineralization of desorption-resistant 1,4-dichlorobenzene in wetland soils. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003;22(10):2312-2322. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C003 (2003)
Journal Article Lu X, Reible DD, Fleeger JW, Chai Y. Bioavailability of desorption-resistant phenanthrene to the oligochaete Ilyodrilus templetoni. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003;22(1):153-160. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2002)
R828773C001 (2003)
R828773C001 (2004)
Journal Article Lu X, Reible DD, Fleeger JW. Relative importance of ingested sediment versus pore water as uptake routes for PAHs to the deposit-feeding oligochaete Ilyodrilus templetoni. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2004;47(2):207-214. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2003)
Journal Article Lu X, Reible DD, Fleeger JW. Bioavailability and assimilation of sediment-associated benzo[a]pyrene by Ilyodrilus templetoni (oligochaeta). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2004;23(1):57-64. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2003)
R828773C001 (2004)
Journal Article Pandoe WW, Edge BL. Three-dimensional hydrodynamic model, study cases for quarter annular and idealized ship channel problems. Ocean Engineering 2003;30(9):1117-1135. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C002 (2002)
R828773C002 (2003)
R828773C002 (2004)
Journal Article Pandoe WW, Edge BL. Cohesive sediment transport in the 3D-hydrodynamic-baroclinic circulation model: study case for idealized tidal inlet. Ocean Engineering 2004;31(17-18):2227-2252. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C002 (2004)
Journal Article Reible DD, Garcia M. Contaminant processes in sediment. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Sedimentation Manual. R828773C001 (2002)
R828773C001 (2003)
not available
Journal Article Reible D, Mohanty S. A levy flight-random walk model for bioturbation. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2002;21(4):875-881. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2002)
R828773C001 (2003)
R828773C001 (2004)
Journal Article Tarabara VV, Wiesner MR. Effect of collision efficiency on the evolution of the surface of diffusion-limited deposits. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2001;237(1):150-151. R826694C620 (Final)
R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C002 (2003)
Journal Article Tarabara VV, Pierrisnard F, Parron C, Bottero J-Y, Wiesner MR. Morphology of deposits formed from chemically heterogeneous suspensions: application to membrane filtration. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2002;256(2):367-377. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C002 (2002)
R828773C002 (2003)
R828773C002 (2004)
Journal Article Tarabara VV, Hovinga RM, Wiesner MR. Constant transmembrane pressure vs. constant permeate flux: effect of particle size on crossflow membrane filtration. Environmental Engineering Science 2002;19(6):343-355. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C002 (2004)
Journal Article Tarabara VV, Wiesner MR. Computational fluid dynamics modeling of the flow in a laboratory membrane filtration cell operated at low recoveries. Chemical Engineering Science 2003;58(1):239-246. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C002 (2004)
Journal Article Tarabara VV, Koyuncu I, Wiesner MR. Effect of hydrodynamics and solution ionic strength on permeate flux in cross-flow filtration: direct experimental observation of filter cake cross-sections. Journal of Membrane Science 2004;241(1):65-78. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C002 (2004)
Journal Article Tarabara VV, Wiesner MR. Physical and transport properties of bentonite-cement composites: a new material for in situ capping of contaminated underwater sediments. Environmental Engineering Science 2005;22(5):578-590. R828773C002 (2004)
Journal Article Thibodeaux LJ, Valsaraj KT, Reible DD. Bioturbation-driven transport of hydrophobic organic contaminants from bed sediment. Environmental Engineering Science 2001;18(4):215-223. R825513C011 (Final)
R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2002)
R828773C001 (2003)
R828773C001 (2004)
Journal Article Tomson MB. Causes and effects of resistant sorption in natural particles. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 1999;18(8):1609. R822721C700 (1999)
R825513C016 (Final)
R825513C024 (Final)
R828598 (Final)
R828598C700 (Final)
Journal Article Tomson MB, Fu G, Watson MA, Kan AT. Mechanisms of mineral scale inhibition. SPE Production & Facilities 2003;18(3):192-199. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
Journal Article Work PA, Moore PR, Reible DD. Bioturbation, advection, and diffusion of a conserved tracer in a laboratory flume. Water Resources Research 2002;38(6):24-1–24-9. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2003)
R828773C001 (2004)
Journal Article Zheng D, Carr CS, Hughes JB. Influence of hydraulic retention time on extent of PCE dechlorination and preliminary characterization of the enrichment culture. Bioremediation Journal 2001;5(2):159-168. R826694C703 (Final)
R828598C703 (Final)
Paper Chen W, Lakshmanan K, Kan AT, Tomson MB. Evaluating the effect of dual-equilibrium desorption on soil/groundwater remediation using numerical approach:a decision-support model. Houston, TX:Rice University, Houston, TX, 2003. R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2002)
R828773C004 (2003)
Presentation Al-Thubaiti MM, Kan AT, Tomson MB. The temperature and ionic strength dependence of the solubility product constants of acidic calcium and ferrous phosphonate phases in oilfield brine, Rice University, Houston, Texas. Presented at the 59th Annual Corrosion NACExpo 2004 Conference, New Orleans, LA, March 28-April 1, 2004 (NACE Paper 4390). R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
not available
Presentation Chai Y, Kochetkov A, Reible D. Sequestration of PAHs from contaminated sediments by treatment with a nonpolar resin. Presented at the 19th Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments and Water, Amherst, MA, October 20-23, 2003. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2003)
R828773C001 (2004)
not available
Presentation Chai Y, Lu X, Kochetkov A, Reible D. Bioavailability of PAHs in contaminated sediments. Presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Austin, TX, November 7-12, 2004. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2004)
not available
Presentation Chen W, Kan AT, Tomson MB. Modeling of irreversible sorption of chlorinated benzenes in natural sediments. Presented at the Interfacial and Colloidal Phenomena In Aquatic Environments, 217th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 21-25, 1999. R825513C016 (Final)
R825513C024 (Final)
R826694C700 (1999)
R826694C700 (Final)
R828598 (Final)
R828598C700 (Final)
not available
Presentation Chen W, Kan AT, Tomson MB. Impact of irreversible sorption on bioavailability, site remediation, and risk assessment. Presented at the Water Environment Federation 73rd Annual Conference and Exposition (WEFTEC 2000), New Orleans, LA, October 14-18, 2000. R826694C700 (1999)
R826694C700 (Final)
R828598 (Final)
R828598C700 (Final)
not available
Presentation Chen W, Lakshmanan K, Kan AT, Tomson MB. Impact of dual-equilibrium desorption on soil/groundwater remediation: a decision-support model. Presented at the Seventh International Symposium on In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, Orlando, FL, June 2-5, 2003. R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2003)
R828773C004 (2004)
not available
Presentation Cheng X, Kan AT, Tomson MB. Adsorption/desorption characteristics of naphthalene onto/from C60 surface. Presented at the 5th International Conference on Integrated Nano/Micro/Biotechnology for Space and Medical and Commercial Applications. NanoSpace 2002 Future Technology Frontiers, Galveston Island, TX, June 24-28, 2002. R828773C004 (2002)
not available
Presentation Cheng X, Kan AT, Tomson MB. Adsorption/desorption characteristics of organic compounds onto/from nanomaterial surfaces. Presented at the 224th American Chemical Society Fall National Meeting, Boston, MA, August 18-22, 2002. R828773C004 (2002)
not available
Presentation ChengX, Kan AT, Tomson MB. Environmental impact of carbon nanomaterials. Presented at the NanoDays 2002 Conference for the Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology, Rive University, Houston, TX, October 14-15, 2002. R828773C004 (2002)
not available
Presentation Cong L, Kan A, Wang CY, Friedfeld S, Beckle D, Tomson MT. Effect of aging and temperature on resistance desorption. Presented at the 220th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, Washington, DC, August 20-24, 2000. R825513C024 (Final)
R826694C700 (1999)
R826694C700 (Final)
R828598 (Final)
R828598C700 (Final)
not available
Presentation Cong L, Gao Y, Kan AT, Tomson MB. Polymer application in sediment resuspension. Presented at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, November 10-13, 2003. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2003)
R828773C004 (2004)
not available
Presentation Cong L, Kan AT, Tomson MB. A rapid method to measure the desorption resistant fraction in sediment sorbed contaminants. Presented at the 224th American Chemical Society National Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, August 18-22, 2002. R828773C004 (2002)
not available
Presentation Gao Y, Kan AT, Tomson MB. Heavy metal desorption from natural sediment. Presented at the 224th American Chemical Society Fall National Meeting, Boston, MA, August 18-22, 2002. R828773C004 (2002)
not available
Presentation Gao Y, Kan AT, Wahi R, Colvin V, Tomson MB. Interaction of heavy metal with inorganic nanomaterials and their environmental impact. Poster presented at the NanoDays 2002 Conference for the Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology, Rice University, Houston, TX, October 14-15, 2002. R828773C004 (2002)
not available
Presentation Gerbino AJ, Tomson MB. Quantifying phosphonate retention and release in reservoirs using surface complexation and phase transformation chemical mechanisms. Presented at the Oilfield Scale Symposium at the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, Aberdeen, UK, January 29-30, 2003. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
not available
Presentation Himmelheber DW, Hughes JB. Gas production and PCE dechlorination in Anacostia River sediment. Poster presented at the EPA/ORD-HSRC Superfund Research on Risk Characterization and Monitoring, Las Vegas, NV, November 2004. R828773 (Final)
R828773C002 (2004)
not available
Presentation Kan AT, Liu Z, Tomson MB. Evaluation of surfactant fate in subsurface. Presented at the 217th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 21-25, 1999. R825513C016 (Final)
R825513C024 (Final)
R826694C700 (1999)
R826694C700 (Final)
R828598 (Final)
R828598C700 (Final)
not available
Presentation Kan AT, Chen W, Vignona L, Liu W, Tomson MB. Sorption-desorption asymmetry of organic compounds in natural sediments. Presented at the 1999 Conference on Hazardous Waste Research, St. Louis, MO, May 24-27, 1999. R825513C024 (Final)
R826694C700 (1999)
R826694C700 (Final)
R828598 (Final)
R828598C700 (Final)
not available
Presentation Kan AT, Fu G, Watson MA, Tomson MB. Effect of hydrate inhibitors on oilfield scale formation and inhibition. Presented at the SPE 4th International Symposium on Oilfield Scale, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, January 30-31, 2002 (SPE 74657). R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
not available
Presentation Kan AT, Fu G, Al-Thubaiti M, Tomson MB. A new approach to inhibitor squeeze design. Presented at the Society of Petroleum Engineers International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, TX, February 5-8, 2003 (SPE Paper Number: 80230). R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
not available
Presentation Kan AT, Fu G, Tomson MB, Al-Thubaiti M. A “Totally Contained” squeeze simulation approach and squeeze modeling. Presented at the 59th Annual Corrosion NACExpo 2004 Conference, New Orleans, LA, March 28-April 1, 2004 (NACE Paper 4388). R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
not available
Presentation Kassenga GR, Pardue J, Jackson A. Thermodynamics of cis-1,2-dichloroethene dechlorination under methanogenic and sulfate reducing conditions in wetland peats. Presented at the Battelle Conference on In Situ and On Site Remediation, Orlando, FL, June 2-5, 2003. R828773C003 (2003)
not available
Presentation Lu X, Reible DD, Fleeger JW. Uptake, bioavailability and elimination of sediment-associated benzo[a]pyrene. Presented at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, November 2001. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2002)
R828773C001 (2003)
R828773C001 (2004)
not available
Presentation Lu X, Reible DD, Fleeger JW. Relative importance of ingested sediment versus pore water as uptake routes for PAHs to deposit-feeding Oligochaetes. Presented at the 23rd Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 16-20, 2002. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2002)
R828773C001 (2003)
R828773C001 (2004)
not available
Presentation Lu X, Reible DD, Fleeger JW. Contaminant sequestration and bioavailability. Presented at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, November 3-8, 2002. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2002)
R828773C001 (2003)
R828773C001 (2004)
not available
Presentation Lu X, Reible D, Fleeger J. Bioavailability of PAHs in laboratory-inoculated and field-contaminated sediments. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) World Congress, Portland, OR, November 14-18, 2004. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2004)
not available
Presentation Lu X, Reible D, Fleeger J. Impact of sediment ingestion and digestion on contaminant release and bioavailability. Presented at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, November 7-12, 2004. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2004)
not available
Presentation McCook LF. Brownfields 101. Presented at the March Matters for DeKalb County Schools, Atlanta, GA, March 16, 2002. R828773C005 (2002)
R829480 (Final)
not available
Presentation McCook LF. Environmental issues in economic development. Presented at the Basic Economic Development Course, Atlanta, GA, March 25, 2002. R828773C005 (2002)
R829480 (Final)
not available
Presentation McCook LF. Exploring opportunities for collaboration. Presented at the Georgia Tech Economic Development Institute Quarterly Meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 6, 2002. R828773C005 (2002)
R829480 (Final)
not available
Presentation McCook LF. Strategies for sustainable sites. Presented during Georgia Tech’s Economic Development Institute’s “How to Effectively Plan Your Community,” East Georgia College, Swainsboro, GA, May 21, 2002. R828773C005 (2002)
R829480 (Final)
not available
Presentation Pardue JH, Kassenga G, Moe WM, Bowman K. Bioaugmentation of wetland peats with a culture containing dehalococcoides. Presented at the Seventh International In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, Orlando, FL, June 2-5, 2003. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C003 (2003)
not available
Presentation Pardue JH, Gomez-Hermosillo C, Reible D. Implications of desorption-resistance on pytoremediation. Presented at the Seventh International Symposium on In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, Orlando, FL, June 2-5, 2003. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C003 (2003)
not available
Presentation Pardue JH, Jackson A, McInnis D, DeReamer T, Green D. Groundwater discharge to coastal sediments: near-shore treatment opportunities. Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, Venice, Italy, September 30-October 2, 2003. R828773C003 (2003)
not available
Presentation Reible DD, Lu X, Fleeger JW, Chai Y. Comparison of desorption characteristics of phenanthrene and benzo[a]pyrene and their bioavailability to oligochaete worms. Presented at the the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, November 2001. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2002)
R828773C001 (2003)
R828773C001 (2004)
not available
Presentation Reible DD, Lu X, Fleeger JW, Pardue J, Thibodeaux L. Sequestration and bioavailability of PAHs in sediments. Presented at the First International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, Venice, Italy, October 10-12, 2001. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2004)
not available
Presentation Reible DD. Bioavailability and biodegradation of PAHs by benthic organisms. Presented at the International Conference on Biodegradation and Biorestoration, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2002. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2002)
R828773C001 (2003)
R828773C001 (2004)
not available
Presentation Reible DD. Linking sediment exposure and effects. Presented at the Conference on Issues in Assessing and Managing Ecological Risk at Contaminated Sediment Sites, Chicago, IL, June 4-5, 2002. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2002)
R828773C001 (2003)
R828773C001 (2004)
not available
Presentation Reible DD. Overview of technical assistance to Brownfields (TAB) Program. Presented to the EPA Region 6 Brownfields All Pilots Forum, Dallas, TX, May 2003. R828773 (Final)
R829480 (2003)
not available
Presentation Reible DD. Overview of technical assistance to Brownfields (TAB) Program. Presented at the First Annual Louisiana Brownfields Pilots Workshop, New Orleans, LA, May 8-9, 2003. R828773 (Final)
R829480 (2003)
not available
Presentation Reible DD, Chai Y, Kochetkov A. Diffusion approach to model desorption resistance of organic contaminants in soils/sediments. Presented at American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), San Francisco, CA, November 16-21, 2003. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2003)
R828773C001 (2004)
not available
Presentation Reible DD, Chai Y, Kochetkov A. Diffusion approach to model desorption resistance of organic contaminants in soils/sediments. Presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Austin, TX, November 9-13, 2003. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2003)
R828773C001 (2004)
not available
Presentation Reible DD, Chai Y, Kochetkov A. Diffusion approach to model desorption resistance of organic contaminants in soils/sediments. Presented at the 19th Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments and Water, Amherst, MA, October 20-23, 2003. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2003)
R828773C001 (2004)
not available
Presentation Reible DD, Lu X, Fleeger JW, Chai Y. Sequestration and bioavailability of PAHs in sediments. Presented at the Second International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, Venice, Italy, September 30-October 3, 2003. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2004)
not available
Presentation Reible DD. Status report: research to support remedial planning at contaminated sediment sites. Seminar presented to the Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC, July 2004. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2004)
not available
Presentation Reible DD, Lu XX, Fleeger JW, Pardue J, Thibodeaux L. Bioturbation and bioavailability of residual, desorption-resistant contaminants. Presented at the Sequestration and Bioavailability of PAHs in Sediments, Battelle Sediments Conference, Venice, Italy, October 2001. R828773C001 (2002)
not available
Presentation Reible DD, Lu XX, Fleeger JW, Chai Y. Sequestration and bioavailability of PAHs in sediments. Presented at the 3rd International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, Venice, Italy, September 30-October 2, 2003. R828773C001 (2003)
not available
Presentation Reible D, Lu X, Fleeger J, Pardue J, Hughes J, Tomson M. Sequestration and bioavailability of PAHS in sediments. Presented at the First International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, Venice, Italy, October 10-12, 2001. R826694C700 (Final)
R828598 (Final)
R828598C700 (Final)
R828773C001 (2003)
not available
Presentation Reible D, Fleeger J, Lu X. Benthic organisms and contaminant flux, uptake and availability. Presented at the Spring Meeting of the Association for the Sciences of Limnology (ASLO), Honolulu, HI, February 15-20, 2004. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2004)
not available
Presentation Reible D, Lu X, Chai Y, Fleeger J. Relating physicochemical measurements to contaminant bioavailability in sediments. Presented at the Joint Hazardous Substance Research Centers (HSRC)/Environmental Protection Agency Joint Workshop, Las Vegas, NV, November 4-5, 2004. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2004)
not available
Presentation Reible D. Aftermath of the 2005 hurricane season in the Gulf Coast. Presented at the TOSC/TAB/EPA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 21-23. R829480 (Final)
not available
Presentation Reible D. Brownfields 101 for neighborhoods/communities. Presented at the Community Workshop for the City of Atlanta Bureau of Planning, October 6, 2001. R829480 (Final)
not available
Presentation Reible D. Brownfields 101. Presented to the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, October 25, 2001. R829480 (Final)
not available
Presentation Reible D. HSRC, TOSC, and TAB: What does it all mean? Presented to the EPA Region 4 Community Involvement Coordinators, October 5, 2001. R829480 (Final)
not available
Presentation Reible D. HSRC, TOSC, and TAB: What does it all mean? Presented to the EPA Region 4 Environmental Justice Cross-Divisional Team, October 4, 2001. R829480 (Final)
not available
Presentation Reible D. Issues in contaminated property redevelopment. Presented to the International Economic Development Council, Atlanta, GA, August 9, 2002. R829480 (Final)
not available
Presentation Reible D. Material concentrated on mold, indoor air quality and sediment in New Orleans after Katrina. Poster presented at the New Orleans Earthfest, March 18, 2006. R829480 (Final)
not available
Presentation Reible D. Material concentrated on mold, indoor air quality and sediment in New Orleans after Katrina. Poster presented at the New Orleans Earth Day, April 23, 2006. R829480 (Final)
not available
Presentation Reible D. TAB capabilities. Presented to the Macon Brownfield Commission, Macon, GA, November 7, 2001. R829480 (Final)
not available
Presentation Reible D. When to come home following a disaster evacuation: an open discussion of how to provide essential tools and information to the forgotten people. Presented at the EPA Community Involvement and Training Conference, Milwaukee, WI, June 23-27, 2006. R829480 (Final)
not available
Presentation Schmitter B. Brownfields 101. Presented to Augusta community members and city officials, Augusta, GA, January 2003. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R829480 (2003)
not available
Presentation Shipley HJ, Gao Y, Kan AT, Tomson MB. The mobilization of metals and inorganic compounds during resuspension of anoxic sediment. Presented at the 11th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Albuquerque, NM, October 12-15, 2004. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
R831718 (2005)
not available
Presentation Tarabara V, Wiesner M. Bench-scale investigation of the performance of subaqueous reactive barriers. Presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Contaminated Sediments: Characterization, Evaluation, Mitigation/Restoration, Management Strategy Performance, Quebec City, Canada, May 26, 2003. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C002 (2003)
not available
Presentation Tomson MB, Vignona L, Chen W, Kan AT. The impact of target clean-up levels on remediation. Presented at the 217th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 21-25, 1999. R822721C700 (1999)
R825513C016 (Final)
R825513C024 (Final)
R826694C700 (1999)
R826694C700 (Final)
R828598 (Final)
R828598C700 (Final)
not available
Presentation Tomson MB, Vignona L, Chen W, Kan AT. Target cleanup levels and remediation. Presented at the 1999 Conference on Hazardous Waste Research, St. Louis, MO, May 24-27, 1999. R825513C016 (Final)
R825513C024 (Final)
R826694C700 (1999)
R826694C700 (Final)
R828598 (Final)
R828598C700 (Final)
not available
Presentation Tomson MB, Vignona L, Moore L, Chen W, Kan AT. Modeling resistant desorption. Presented at the 220th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, Washington, DC, August 20-24, 2000. R825513C024 (Final)
R826694C700 (1999)
R826694C700 (Final)
R828598 (Final)
R828598C700 (Final)
not available
Presentation Tomson MB, Fu G, Watson MA, Kan AT. Mechanisms of mineral scale inhibition. Presented at the SPE 4th International Symposium on Oilfield Scale, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, January 30-31, 2002 (SPE 74656). R828773C004 (2004)
not available
Presentation Tomson MB, Kan AT, Fu G, Al-Thubaiti M. Scale formation and prevention in the presence of hydrate inhibitors. Presented at the SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, TX, February 5-8, 2003 (SPE Paper Number: 80255). R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
R831718 (Final)
not available
Presentation Tomson MB, Kan AT, Fu G, Al-Thubaiti M. NORM scale formation, control, and relation to gas hydrate control. Presented at the 10th International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Houston, TX, November 11-14, 2003. R828773C004 (2004)
not available
Presentation Tomson MB, Kan AT, Cheng X, Cong L, Chen W, Lakshmanan K. Realistic soil cleanup standards with dual equilibrium desorption. Presented at the 10th International Petroleum Environmental Conference (IPEC), Houston, TX, November 11-14, 2003. R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2003)
R828773C004 (2004)
not available
Presentation Tomson MB. Sorption and desorption of hydrocarbons and heavy metals from C60 and anatase particles. Presented at the Nanodays 2003 Conference for the Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology (CBEN), Rice University, October 13, 2003. R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
not available
Presentation Tomson MB. Sorption and desorption of hydrocarbons and heavy metals from and anatase particles. Presented at the Nanodays 2003 Conference for the Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology (CBEN), Rice University, Houston, TX, October 13, 2003. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2003)
not available
Presentation Tomson MB. Adsorption and desorption of hydrocarbons and heavy metals from and anatase particles. Presented at the NSF Interagency Grantees Meeting/Workshop on Nanotechnology and Environment: Applications and Implications, Arlington, VA, September 15-16, 2003. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2003)
R828773C004 (2004)
not available
Presentation Tomson MB, Kan AT, Fu G, Al-Thubaiti M. A molecular theory of mineral scale inhibition. Presented at the 59th Annual Corrosion NACExpo 2004 Conference, New Orleans, LA, March 28-April 1, 2004 (NACE Paper 4075). R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
not available
Presentation Tomson MB, Kan AT, Fu G, Cong L, Al-Thubaiti M. A new and theoretically accurate method to measure alkalinity. Presented at the 59th Annual Corrosion NACExpo 2004 Conference, New Orleans, LA, March 28-April 1, 2004 (NACE Paper 4074). R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
not available
Presentation Tomson MB, Kan AT, Fu G. Control of inhibitor squeeze via mechanistic understanding of inhibitor chemistry. Presented at the 6th International Symposium on Oilfield Scale, Aberdeen, UK, May 26-27, 2004 (SPE Paper 87450). R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
not available
Presentation Tomson MB, Kan AT, Fu G. Inhibition of barite scale in the presence of hydrate inhibitors. Presented at the 6th International Symposium on Oilfield Scale, Aberdeen, UK, May 26-27, 2004 (SPE Paper 87437). R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
R831718 (Final)
not available
Presentation Tomson MB, Kan AT, Fu G, Cong L. Measurement of total alkalinity and carboxylic acid and their relation to scaling and corrosion. Presented at the 6th International Symposium on Oilfield Scale, Aberdeen, UK, May 26-27, 2004 (SPE Paper 87449). R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C004 (2004)
R831718 (Final)
not available
Presentation Tomson MB. Aquatic chemistry of natural waters. Presented at the Rice University Brine Chemistry Consortium, Conoco, Ponca City, OK, August 14, 2002. R828773C004 (2002)
not available
Presentation Tomson MB. Nanomaterial transport in the environment. Presented at the School of Continuing Studies, Rice University, Houston, TX, October 23, 2002. R828773C004 (2002)
not available
Presentation Valsaraj KT, Yuan Q, Ravikrishna RR. Volatile chemical release from bed sediments. Presented at the Symposium on 25 Years of Hazardous Substance Research at LSU, Baton Rouge, LA, May 2, 2003. R828773 (2004)
R828773C002 (2003)
not available
Presentation Yuan Q, Valsaraj KT. Transport and fate of hazardous substances in a capped contaminated sediment system. Presented at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology and Chemistry, Portland, OR, November 14-18, 2004. R828773 (Final)
R828773C002 (2004)
not available
Presentation Yuan Q. Experimental and modeling study of capping effectiveness in a contaminated sediment environment. Poster presented at the Graduate School EDA Showcase, Louisiana State University, September 2004. R828773C002 (2004)
not available
Presentation Yuan Q, Valsaraj KT. Transport and fate of hazardous substances in a capped contaminated sediment system. Poster presented at the 3rd International Conference on the Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, New Orleans, LA, January 24-27, 2005. R828773 (Final)
R828773C002 (2004)
not available
Proceedings Chen W, Kan AT, Tomson MB. Impact of irreversible sorption on bioavailability, risk assessment, and site remediation. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds (Battelle Conference), Monterey, CA, May 22-25, 2000. R825513C024 (Final)
R828598 (Final)
R828598C700 (Final)
not available
Proceedings Reible DD, Lu X, Fleeger JW, Pardue J, Pardue J, Thibodeaux L. Sequestration and bioavailability of PAHs in sediments. In: Hinchee RE, Porta A, Pellei M. Proceddings of the First International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments: Characterization of Contaminated Sediments, Venice, Italy, October 10-12, 2001. R828773 (2004)
R828773 (Final)
R828773C001 (2002)
R828773C001 (2003)
R828773C001 (2004)
Proceedings Reible DD, Chai Y, Lu X. Sequestration and bioavailability of PAHs in sediments. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, Venice, Italy, September 30-October 2, 2003. R828773C001 (2003)
not available
Proceedings Schmitter RD. Brownfields 201. In: Proceedings of the Green Brownfield II Conference, Dresden, Germany, June 2003. R829480 (2003)
not available