flares at sunset

Photo: J. Peischl, NOAA / CIRESResearch Highlight Climate and Air Quality: Scientists found that at its peak, the unprecedented gas leak in Aliso Canyon near Los Angeles effectively doubled the methane emission rate of the entire LA Basin, and that in total it released more methane than any other leak in U.S. history.

Tropospheric Chemistry

Dr. Thomas B. Ryerson, Program Lead
Jane August, Admin Support Assistant (303) 497-4165

NOAA ESRL Chemical Sciences Division
325 Broadway R/CSD7
Boulder, CO 80305 USA


The focus of our research group is to improve understanding of atmospheric processes that underlie regional and continental air quality and the influence that these processes have on climate change, regionally and globally. The goal of our research is to enhance our ability to predict and monitor future changes, leading to improved scientific information in support of decision making.


Staff in our group develop and deploy state-of-the-art instruments to measure important atmospheric gas species from ultra-trace levels to the extremely high concentrations found at emission sources. Field studies are critical to our research: Recent field work has included long-term monitoring, short-term limited deployments, and intensive regional campaigns using multiple platforms.

Research platforms used for field campaigns.

Research platforms used for field campaigns: NOAA WP-3D aircraft, NOAA R/V Ronald H. Brown, typical ground site.


Our research group works in close coordination with other CSD and ESRL groups involved in measurements of atmospheric transport and mixing phenomena, aerosol measurements, laboratory studies, and modeling studies to explore all aspects of the processes in the atmosphere that influence air quality and climate.

Field Projects

Field Projects

Understanding the atmospheric impact
of U.S. oil and gas operations.

Recent Publications

Recent Publications



Tropospheric chemical research data
from major field campaigns.