Aaron Jubb with CRDS in the lab

Photo: W. von Dauster, NOAAResearch Highlight Laboratory studies: Cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) apparatus used to measure weak absorption spectra, reaction rate coefficients, and wavelength dependent photolysis quantum yields.

Chemical Processes & Instrument Development

Dr. James B. Burkholder, Program Lead
Catherine Weable, Admin Support Assistant (303) 497-7990

NOAA ESRL Chemical Sciences Division
325 Broadway R/CSD5
Boulder, CO 80305 USA


The research direction of our program area is laboratory measurements of atmospheric chemical processes.

Laboratory Studies

We characterize the atmospheric lifetimes and photochemical processing of trace species emitted into or formed in the atmosphere and their impact on ozone production, air quality, and climate. We develop instrumentation for the detection of key atmospheric species to improve our ability to study these key atmospheric species in the laboratory and field.


We collaborate with other research groups to study and quantify chemical processes and develop instrumentation and the methods for measuring atmospheric trace species.

Laboratory Studies

Laboratory Studies

Focusing on fundamental processes
that occur in the atmosphere.



Characterizing the chemical and physical
properties of atmospheric trace species.

Recent Publications

Recent Publications

Published findings from laboratory