Data Definitions

PG&E San Joaquin Valley Operations & Maintenance HCP

Habitat Conservation Plan

USFWS Region(s) 8
USFWS Field Office(s) Sacramento Fish And Wildlife Office
Permits TE168331-0
Status I
NEPA Process environmental impact statement
Involved Agency USFWS

Date Information

Date Noticed in Federal Register 06/23/2006
Date Permit Issued 12/14/2007
Date Application Withdrawn
Date Permit Expired 12/14/2037
Date Permit Denied ---
Date Permit Suspended ---
Date Permit Revoked ---

Area Description Information

Location Portions of San Joaquin, Tuolumne, Mariposa, Madera, Fresno, Tulare, Kern, Stanislaus, Merced, and Kings Counties.
Listed Species
Non-Listed Species
  • Q0V9|Adobe-lily, greenhorn - (Fritillaria striata) Wherever found RT
  • Q0GS|Birds-beak, hispid - (Cordylanthus mollis hispidus) Wherever found SC
  • B06P|Blackbird, tricolored - (Agelaius tricolor) Wherever found UR
  • X382|Bush Mallow, Hall's - (Malacothamnus hallii)
  • Q0FP|Clarkia, Merced - (Clarkia lingulata) Wherever found RT
  • Q0TO|Coyote-thistle, Delta - (Eryngium racemosum) Wherever found SC
  • B008|Eagle, bald - (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) lower 48 States DM
  • B0DV|eagle, Golden - (Aquila chrysaetos) Wherever found SC
  • B070|Hawk, Swainson's - (Buteo swainsoni) Wherever found RT
  • Q0WY|Hedge-hyssop, Boggs Lake - (Gratiola heterosepala) Wherever found RT
  • B0FT|Kite, White-tailed - (Elanus leucurus) Wherever found SC
  • Q12C|Layia, Comanche - (Layia leucopappa) Wherever found SC
  • Q3E3|Layia, pale-yellow - (Layia heterotricha) Wherever found SC
  • Q12U|Legenere - (Legenere limosa) Wherever found SC
  • Q13Y|Lilaeopsis, Mason's - (Lilaeopsis masonii) Wherever found SC
  • Q3K6|madia, Showy - (madia radiata) Wherever found SC
  • X471|NO COMMON NAME - (Pseudobahia bahifolia)
  • X421|NO COMMON NAME - (Neotoma fucipes riparia)
  • B0AR|Owl, western burrowing - (Athene cunicularia ssp. hypugaea) Wherever found SC
  • D01B|Salamander, limestone - (Hydromantes brunus) Wherever found UR
  • Q07Y|Saltbush, Bakersfield - (Atriplex tularensis) Wherever found SC
  • K050|Shrimp, Midvalley Fairy - (Branchinecta mesovallensis) Wherever found RT
  • A09P|Squirrel, Nelson's antelope ground - (Ammospermophilus nelsoni) Wherever found SC
  • Q0F9|Thistle, slough - (Cirsium crassicaule) Wherever found SC
  • California
Size (Total Area Covered, by State)
  • 276350 acres (California)
Enrolled Size (Total Area Enrolled, by State)
  • Data not available

Other Information

Applicant Type corporation
Land Use utility/infrastructure
Duration 30 years, 0 months
Plan/Agreement Documents
Federal Register Documents No info