Data Definitions

Coachella Valley Multi-Species HCP

Habitat Conservation Plan

USFWS Region(s) 8
USFWS Field Office(s) Carlsbad Fish And Wildlife Office
Permits TE-104604-0
Status I
NEPA Process environmental impact statement
Involved Agency USFWS

Date Information

Date Noticed in Federal Register 11/05/2004
Date Permit Issued 10/01/2008
Date Application Withdrawn
Date Permit Expired ---
Date Permit Denied ---
Date Permit Suspended ---
Date Permit Revoked ---

Area Description Information

Location 8 cities within Coachella Valley, central Riverside County
Listed Species
Non-Listed Species
  • Q3GH|Aster, Mecca - (Xylorhiza cognata) Wherever found SC
  • A0JA|Bat, Southern Yellow - (Lasiurus ega) Wherever found SC
  • B0ET|chat, Yellow-breasted - (icteria virens) Wherever found SC
  • I05G|Cricket, Coachella giant sand treader - (Macrobaenetes valgum) Wherever found SC
  • Q0W7|Gilia, Little San Bernardino Mountains - (Gilia maculata) Wherever found SC
  • I07J|Jerusalem cricket, Coachella Valley - (Stenopelmatus cahuilaensis) Wherever found SC
  • C03K|Lizard, flat-tailed horned - (Phrynosoma mcallii) Wherever found RT
  • A0GD|Mouse, Palm Springs little pocket - (Perognathus longimembris bangsi) Wherever found SC
  • B0AR|Owl, western burrowing - (Athene cunicularia ssp. hypugaea) Wherever found SC
  • B0EE|rail, California black - (laterallus jamaicensis ssp. coturniculus) Wherever found SC
  • Q2HV|Sage, Orocopia - (Salvia greatai) Wherever found SC
  • A0EI|Squirrel, Palm Springs round-tailed ground (=Coachella Valley) - (Spermophilus tereticaudus chlorus) Wherever found RT
  • B0E7|tanager, Summer - (piranga rubra) Wherever found SC
  • B0EK|thrasher, Crissal - (toxostoma crissale) Wherever found SC
  • B0GE|thrasher, Le Conte's - (toxostoma lecontei) Wherever found SC
  • B0G5|vireo, Gray - (Vireo vicinior) Wherever found SC
  • X438|Warbler, Yellow - (Dendroica petechia)
Habitat 27 natural communities were identified in the plan area boundary.
  • California
Size (Total Area Covered, by State)
  • 1206578 acres (California)
The Coachella Valley Multi-Species HCP planning area will include the planning area for the approved Coachella Fringe-toed Lizard HCP.
Enrolled Size (Total Area Enrolled, by State)
  • Data not available
    • The Coachella Valley Multi-Species HCP planning area will include the planning area for the approved Coachella Fringe-toed Lizard HCP.

Other Information

Applicant Type 2 or more local jurisdictions
non-governmental organization
state agency
Land Use business/commercial construction
recreational activities
water activities
mining or other extraction
residential construction
Duration 75 years, 0 months
Plan/Agreement Documents
Federal Register Documents No info