Data Definitions

Waterside Down (Cochran) Amendment #1 (phase II)

Habitat Conservation Plan

USFWS Region(s) 4
USFWS Field Office(s) North Florida Ecological Services Field Office
Permits 800150
Status I
NEPA Process environmental assessment
Involved Agency USFWS

Date Information

Date Noticed in Federal Register 03/05/1998
Date Permit Issued 05/26/1998
Date Application Withdrawn
Date Permit Expired 03/01/2013
Date Permit Denied ---
Date Permit Suspended ---
Date Permit Revoked ---

Area Description Information

Location Brevard Co., FL
Listed Species
Non-Listed Species No non-listed species
Habitat The project area is an overgrown, unburned Oak Scrub community; most of it has been damaged by dirt-bike trails, indiscriminate dumping, and drainage ditch excavation. There is a large amount of the exotic Brazilian pepper in disturbed areas, and the remaining scrub is thickly overgrown in places.
  • Florida
Size (Total Area Covered, by State)
  • 100 acres (Florida)
Enrolled Size (Total Area Enrolled, by State)
  • Data not available

Other Information

Applicant Type corporation
Land Use utility/infrastructure
business/commercial construction
recreational activities
residential construction
Duration 15 years, 0 months
Plan/Agreement Documents
Federal Register Documents No info