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Appendix C – Analytical Tools


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Appendix C - Analytical Tools

Table 4 : Navy Analytical Tools

Table 4 : Army Analytical Tools

Table 4 : Airforce Analytical Tools

The following table of analytical tools was in response to the November 2009 Weapon System Acquisition Reform Product Support Assessment (WSAR-PSA) report requirements. The PSAT compiled this list from different software, analytical techniques, guidebooks, processes and best practices across a wide variety of sources all concerning the analysis of financial and logistics investment and strategic decisions. This appendix is intended to be used as a reference only. There is no endorsement by USD AT&L for or against any of these items presented in this appendix. This appendix should be viewed strictly as informative in nature. Any analytical tools used by analysts (including those located in the Product Support Analytical Tools website) should still be vetted, reviewed, and approved through appropriate channels consistent with all other professional work performed.


Model Name

Product Tool (Output)

Purpose of Tool

Owner (DON Code)


Facilities Acquisition Management Program

Model is a spreadsheet based tool, developed and in use for past 12 years. Complexity level is moderate to low.

FAPM model forecasts NAVFAC’s annual costs to execute customer funded BOS, SRM, and ENV contract workload.



Base Operating Support (BOS) Model

BOS Performance/Pricing Model links resources (input) to performance (output) for 8 mission capability areas, 23 functions, and 107 sub-functions.

An accredited BOS model will provide more accurate, and more defendable BOS requirements. An independently accredited BOS model will enable decision makers to identify risks and opportunities while evaluating different levels of service.



OPOM (Ordnance Programs Optimization Model)

Ordnance OM,N requirements across FYDP in three major categories. WSS (Manpower), QE (Reliability), and Maintenance (Availability)

Assess Ordnance requirements against CNO War planning goals for sufficiency and War fighter goals for Effectiveness. Model correlates funding impacts on system readiness, outputs include budget exhibits and spend plans and various metric reports.



Airframe Depot Readiness Assessment Model

Ability to meet CNO Goals "C" Rating

Assess budget requirements



Engine Depot Readiness Assessment Model

Ability to meet CNO Goals "C" Rating

Assess budget requirements



Flying Hour Projection System

Budget Quality Output

Integrate the Hours with the Pricing to develop a requirement



Flying Hour Resource Model


Provide hours to Flying Hour Projection System



SEDRAM (Support Equipment Depot Readiness Assessment Model)

The model produces the total cost, cost per each subcategory and deferred maintenance.

Used to simulate the readiness impact of funding decisions: Readiness status of SE inventory and Cost of SE repairs




"What if" Analysis CNO Objectives/Metrics (Fleet Response Plan, TMDE Availability, Laboratory Readiness) wrt OMN Funding

Forecasting of NAVAIR 1C7C OMN calibration requirements



1B4B Ship Maintenance Summary

Ability to meet CNO Goals Ships Ready For Tasking

Assess programming and budget requirements and risk



Mission Funded Naval Shipyard Model

Requirement (Overhead Non-labor, Direct and Indirect Workforce FTE, Direct Non-labor) to execute assigned Workload

Calculate and Assess Maintenance requirements



Mission Funded Regional Maintenance Centers Model

Requirement (Overhead Non-labor, Direct and Indirect Workforce FTE, Direct Non-labor) to execute assigned Workload

Calculate and Assess Maintenance requirements



TYCOM Ship Maintenance Model

Requirement (CNO Availability, Continuous Maintenance, Emergent Maintenance, & Other Maintenance) to execute Ship Class Maintenance Plans

Calculate and Assess Maintenance requirements



V & H Ship Operations Model

Ship Operations Requirement to train and operate ships and submarines as required to support FRP Ao. Controls. Budget exhibits, SNaP Report.

Calculate Operations requirement, allocate fiscal controls, and create budget exhibits.



Aegis Optimization Model (AOM)

Shipboard Spares Allowance List

(1) Generate Readiness Based Sparing (RBS) List to optimize Operational Availability (Ao) at minimum cost (e.g., Shipboard Allowance, Installation and Checkout). This model can also optimize Ao for available storage space and/or weight limitations. (2) Assess potential system Ao for existing shipboard spares assets. (3) Determine probability of sustaining system operation for x (any set period) days with existing spares complement or other defined spares complements.

NAVSEA, PEO SHIPS FL [Model developed by Lockheed Martin. Navy has unrestricted government rights.]


Tiger-Availability Centered Inventory Model (Tiger-ACIM)

Shipboard Spares Allowance List

Generated Shipboard Readiness Based Sparing (RBS) List to optimize Operational Availability (Ao) at minimum cost.

NAVSUP, Mechanicsburg, PA


Multi-echelon Model

Wholesale Spares List

Generated wholesale level spares list that optimize Operational Availability (Ao) at minimum cost.

NAVSUP, Mechanicsburg, PA


Fleet Logistics Support Improvement Program (FLSIP) familyof models

Wholesale Spares List

Generated wholesale level spares list. This is a demand-based model.

NAVSUP, Mechanicsburg, PA



Life Cycle Spares Management and Life Cycle Sustainment Cost Projection Model. Following is a list of products: (1) Wholesale spares pipeline requirements/cost by year for total life cycle. (2) COTS/NDI life time support management tool, taking into account production window, repair support window, fielded systems lifetime support window, and asset re-use. (3) Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortage (DMSMS) requirements and alternate solutions analysis. (4) Cost Of Ownership analysis. (5) Spares budget submissions and substantiation. (6) Return On Investment analysis. (7) Performance Based Logistics (PBL) contract spares level determination and spares quantities risk assessments. (8) PBL/Business Case Analysis (9) Alternate maintenance approach cost trade off analysis.

Technology Service Corporation, Fairfax, VA



MTBF and Sparing Analyses

Data to determine sparing levels



Relex Reliability Studio

Reliability Block Diagrams/LCC analysis, etc

Model the reliability of systems and determine/forecast LCC



Crystal Ball

Monte carlo simulations and outputs

Model the probability of outcomes for multiple variables




Decision support SW simulations

Simulations to support decisions



Microsoft® Excel

Model of system LCC, TOC, BCA, ROI, etc.

develop custom tool to determine LCC, TOC, BCA, ROI, etc.








LC2 from a Jim Jones Class (Logistics Management Associates)

Life Cycle Costing

Assist in predicting potential costs that may be incurred during ownership of an item or equipment



Horizon Solutions Suite

Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS)

The tool is used to monitor the life cycle status of parts (both Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) and Mil-Spec), project system supply availability, assist with sustainment approaches, project cost of solutions alternatives, and manage DMSMS cases and metrics.




Maintenance Planning, provisioning, Reliability/Cost Tradeoffs

Logistics Support Analysis Modeling



Virtual Safety, Effectiveness, & Affordability Review (VSEAR)

Metrics for Safety, Effectiveness, Affordability

Review of Lifecycle issues impacting system safety, effectiveness, and affordability



Extend 7

Life Cycle Cost estimate

Life Cycle Cost




Life Cycle Cost estimate

Life Cycle Cost



Simulation Assisted Reliability Assessment

Reliability Estimates

Reliability Modeling

University of Maryland, Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering


MOSS Model

Life Cycle Cost estimate

Life Cycle Cost



Provisioning Estimate

Provision Depot Spares for SM



ILMF Resource Model

ILMF Resource Requirements

Determine Resources Needed



Logistics Model

GFM Requirements

Determine Resources Needed and Supply Chain Activity for Missile Assembly



Consolidated Obsolescence Management and Part Availability Support System (COMPASS)

Obsolescence "health" of STANDARD Missile (or other systems that may use this model)

Track and display the obsolescence "health" of the system down to the piece part level.



Future Obsolescence Cost Analysis System (FOCAS)

Future cost of NRE to resolve obsolescence issues

Project the cost of NRE to resolve obsolescence issues



Budget Line Item Stratification System (BLISS)

Stratification data for STANDARD Missile components

Stratify STANDARD Missile components for development of the program's spares budget



Computer Aided Spares Budget (CASB)

P18 forms for STANDARD Missile spares budget

Produce P18 spares budget forms for STANDARD Missile




The Joint Semi-Automated Forces (JSAF) system is an Air Force modeling-and-simulation application employed in various war games by the War Gaming Department at the Naval War College.

The Battlespace Applications Branch ( uses the Joint Semi-Automated Forces (JSAF) Model to provide positional and other Situational Awareness parameters to an integrated environment. These integrated environments are used to conduct Distributed Simulation Events in support of various Test & Evaluation customers. The War Gaming Department (WGD) conducts approximately 50 games a year. These events support internal College educational needs and externally-generated requests from Navy departments and operational commands, the Joint Services, foreign navies, and other sources. The business areas JSAF would best support are Command & Control and Training. JSAF is used in war games such as Urban Resolve 2015 and Northwest Pacific to provide simulated unit movement and tracking in a synthetic environment, and to provide that data to other applications such as GCCS and C2PC. These applications provide players with a common operational depiction of deployed forces for such purposes as force planning, force employment, and force laydown.


All war games are used to study some aspect of maritime and joint strategic and operational warfare. The games are sponsored by the college itself (education), by other naval commands, joint activities, and other defense agencies. The result in the war games is the ability for participants to understand and employ maritime operational strategy in a hostile environment, to examine strategic and operational issues, and to prepare for future naval preparedness.



System Reliability Prediction, Reliability Drivers System Maintainability Prediction

Provides for complete system reliability and maintainability analysis utilizing a reliability block diagram (RBD) or fault tree analysis (FTA) approach to obtain system results based on architecture and component data.




Measures component lifetime and reliability characteristics

Reliability and life data analysis (Weibull analysis)



RBS Suite

System Availability Prediction, Mission Spares Projection

Provides the capability for inventory allowance development to achieve specified weapon system Operational Availability (Ao) or Full Mission Capability (FMC) goals and minimize investment. It can also maximize readiness at a fixed cost. Optimizes ACIM .




System Reliability Prediction, Reliability Drivers System Maintainability Prediction

Monte Carlo type simulation tool which uses system reliability architecture and component reliability as an input to assess system reliability and identify readiness drivers




Reliability Block Diagrams, System Reliability Simulation model in TIGER format

Graphically create and edit Reliability Block Diagrams (RBD’s) and prepare initial input files to the TIGER simulation program




Mission Spares Projection

Computes spares using marginal analysis to optimize support for readiness drivers and to factor sparing cost



Obsolescence Management Information System (OMIS™)

Sustainability Assessment

Proactive monitoring to respond to system wide obsolescence incidents

NAVSEA, Keyport (N00253)



Generates simulated users of the website/portal

Simulates web site/portal users logged on/off or logging on/off

MARCORSYSCOM Product Group -10



Generates airflow/temperature data, gradients, hot/cold spots, and highlights deficient cooling/heating/ventilation areas

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning modeling/simulation

MARCORSYSCOM Product Group -10


Joint Communications Simulation System (JCSS) (formerly known as NETWARS)

Provides network speed, delays, latencies, and throttling/bottleneck areas in network pipes inside or outside the data center in question

Network modeling and simulation environment for the defense system networks

MARCORSYSCOM Product Group -10


System of Systems Analysis Toolset (SoSAT)

Support optimization decision support tool

Optimizes supply and sustainment support through modeling and simulation over a period of time of known and/or simulated RAM data and assists with validation of maintenance support concepts

PEO Land Systems PM JLTV


Total Life Cycle Management-Assessment Tool (TLCM-AT)

Run “what if” scenarios by manipulating the data inputs in order to see the long term effects to all elements of the life cycle

Model the myriad of industry accepted elements which directly affect the Operational Availability (Ao) of a system



Availability Centered Inventory Model (ACIM)


Computes maritime spares using marginal analysis to optimize support for readiness drivers at least cost




Readiness Assessment

Maritime simulation model (Monte Carlo-type) which uses Reliability Block Diagram information as an input to determine readiness drivers and project readiness



Aviation Readiness Requirements Oriented to Weapon Replaceable Assemblies (ARROWS)


Multi Echelon/Multi Indenture RBS sparing model for aviation weapon systems



Defense Sustainment Chain Operational Readiness Evaluator (D-SCORE)

Readiness Assessment

Simulates DoD’s entire sustainment value stream, from the operational level through intermediate level maintenance to wholesale supply and depot maintenance. It has a unique capability to evaluate alternative logistics process improvements in terms of results.



Computation and Research Evaluation System (CARES)

Wholesale Levels Analysis

Set of computer programs which emulate the performance of UICP (Uniform Inventory Control Point) to simulate wholesale stocking levels and project performance subject to budgetary constraints



Service Planning & Optimization (SPO)


Forecasts parts demand and determines optimal stocking lists and stocking levels at the lowest cost to achieve desired readiness goal



Simulation Package for Evaluation by Computer Techniques - Readiness, Utilization and Maintenance (SPECTRUM)

Series of Monte Carlo. Discrete Event simulation models that model all levels of Navy Maintenance (O, I and D). Also includes the suite of data processing and analysis programs that prepare AV-3M. Transaction History File (THF), and other data for input to the models and generate reports for validation and future analysis.

See Product Tool (Output)



Naval Aviation Maintenance and Supply Model (NAVSM)

Naval Aviation Maintenance and Supply Model (NAVSM) provides a modeling and simulation capability that will be used to assess and test sortie generation capabilities as well as associated manpower utilization. The effort includes representing processes and being able to accurately evaluate manning associated within AIMD, AIr Wing and Aviation Supply. The capability to analyze the impact of General Arrangement (ship design) and the resultant impact on Aviation Maintenance and Supply processes and manpower is also a key part of the overall effort. The end result of this work is the creation and evolution of a NAVSM that interfaces to other model components making up the CVN21 virtual Carrier in order to address the complex interdependencies of ship design, organizations and processes that must work together in order to support aviation operations to achieve sortie generation capabilities.

See Product Tool (Output)



Automated Cost Estimating Integrated Tool (ACEIT)

Cost Estimating

ACE is the estimating portion and heart of the ACEIT application suite. ACE is a model building tool consisting of a structured format for analysts to quickly structure their cost estimate and a calculation engine to quickly process the information.




Proactive cost, schedule and risk management

Insight is a business intelligence tool for analyzing, sharing, consolidating, and reporting earned value management data. Deltek provides integrated analytical and oversight tools for cost, schedule, and risk management.



Vmetric XL

Inventory Control Spare Parts End Items Costs Availability Defects (Materials)Repair

The Marine Corps is seeking to centralize the management of secondary repairables and is considering options that include centralizing responsibility and funding (while keeping the inventory model as it is) and changing the inventory model.



Reliasoft BlockSim

Reliability and Maintainability Analysis

BlockSim provides a comprehensive platform for complete system reliability and maintainability analysis utilizing a reliability block diagram (RBD) or fault tree analysis (FTA) approach to obtain system results based on component data.




Vulnerability/Lethality Analyses

An application toolset designed to help expedite vulnerability/lethality (V/L) analyses



Designer's Edge

Technology Based Training

Designer's Edge is a revolutionary set of integrated pre-authoring toolsets and wizards, built by instructional experts, to accelerate the analysis, design, and evaluation of effective technology based training.




Front end Analysis

Performs front end analysis and provides feedback on the life support costs and logistic performance of design alternatives to bring logistic concerns inside the systems engineering decision loop.



Integrated Computerized Deployment System (ICODES)

Ship stow planning

ICODES is the DOD crossservice migration system for ship stow planning. It provides intelligent decision support to Army, Navy, and Marine Corps users during unit deployment operations. ICODES supports unknown vessels with a generic ship generating tool.




Network Modeling

Imprint is a dynamic, stochastic discrete event network modeling tool designed to help assess the interaction of soldier and system performance throughout the system life cycle from concept and design through field testing and system upgrades.




Vulnerability Assessments

Survivability Team Members use TREMOR to perform vulnerability assessments. This product is a visualizer of modeling inputs and is used to perform what/if scenarios required for Vulnerability Criticality Analysis tasks.




Quality Assurance, Corrective Action, and Nonconformance Reporting

TIP QA is an integrated suite of quality assurance applications designed to meet the unique quality assurance requirements in the manufacturing enterprise. PM AAA personnel use two (2) modules in TIP QA, the Corrective Action (CA) Module



Deltek Risk+™ for Project

Schedule and Risk Management

Deltek Risk+ is a comprehensive risk analysis tool that integrates seamlessly with Microsoft® Project to quantify the cost and schedule uncertainty associated with project plans.



@RISK for Project

Schedule and Risk Management

@RISK for Project uses Monte Carlo simulation to show you many possible outcomes in your project and tells you how likely these outcomes are to occur. You can determine which tasks are most important and then manage those risks appropriately.



@RISK for Excel

Cost, Schedule, and Risk Management

@RISK is a true add-in to Microsoft Excel, integrating completely with your spreadsheet. Browse, define, analyze while never leaving Excel.




The Evaluation of Mechanical Designs for Reliability

MechRel automates the use of the "Handbook of Reliability Prediction Procedures for Mechanical Equipment" and guides the user through the application of material properties, design parameters, and the intended operating environment to a conclusion




Statistical Analysis

Minitab Statistical Software gives you the tools you need to analyze your data and make informed decisions about how to improve your business. Minitab 15 gives you the statistical tools you need to analyze your data and improve quality in one easy-to-use




Metrics Management

A tool to support engineers and managers in the use and execution of the PSPSM and TSPSM; automates metrics collection and analysis. Personal Software Process, PSP, Team Software Process, and TSP are registered service marks of Carnegie Mellon University.



Total Life Cycle Management Assessment Tool (TLCM AT)

Decision Support

Decision support tool supporting development of budgets in support of weapon systems operations, as well as resource trade studies during acquisition logistics planning for future weapon system and throughout the life cycle to reduce life cycle cost



Model Name

Government POC (users)

Company/ Supplier

Functional Description

Programs and Purpose


Aircraft Total Life Cycle Assessment Software Tool (ATLASTTM)

PM Utility Helicopter for UH-60M, Lowell Bidwell 256-313-1616

Sean Connors, Clockwork Solutions 512-338-1945 x111

Tool to support Army aircraft overhaul and repair cost estimating using variables such as: flying hour programs by station location, component age and reliability, repair capacity and time, life limits, customer wait times, and spares acquisition schedules.

Program: UH-60M; Purpose: component reliability requirements, Availability



Members of ARDEC Reliability Mgmt Branch, POC is RMB Chief, Dr. Jason Cook,, 973-724-3930


Develop accelerated life testing plans and evaluates data to determine life estimates

Used to determine shelf and service life of ammo and weapon systems


AMSAA Reliability Growth Suite

Danielle Wayda, 586-574-6863,


This software is used to create reliability growth curves to project idealized growth. It also functions as a software tool to track reliability growth throughout testing.

This software will be used on the JLTV program in order to determine that the CDD reliability requirements are achievable. It will also be used to track vendor's growth throughout the various phases of the program.



PM Medium Altitude Endurance for Sky Warrior, Kirk McCollum, 256-313-5355

Rockwell Software

Ao Tool for analyzing complex, medium to large scale projects involving highly sensitive changes related to supply chain, manufacturing, processes, logistics, distribution, warehousing, and service systems.

Program: Sky Warrior UAS Purpose: Reliability, Availability performance requirements



Chris Bolton, PM-MEP 703-704-1995

Internal development

This model calculates the most efficient distribution of power sources and distribution equipment based on the physical layout of the using system, the power consuming equipment in use in that system, and the assumed duty cycles and mission profiles of that system. This produces a more accurate solution as opposed to taking nameplate power values or using peak power requirements.

We use this model on multiple generator fielding efforts to determine the most efficient allocation of generator and power distribution equipment. The Central Power concept for standardized Command Post organizations is a prime example. The number of generator sets is obviously a LCC driver for the user, but the average loading (and efficiency) of these sets drives fuel consumption, which is a much bigger element of total LCC.


Automated Cost Estimate – Integrated Tool (ACE-IT)

Used throughout the Army


A predictive cost modeling tool used to prepare Life Cycle Cost Estimates for Weapon Systems. The ACE-IT Model can respond to “what/if” excursions, estimating future costs based on a given scenario.

This model is required for all ACAT level I and II programs and is recommended for ACAT III programs.


Automated Cost Estimate – Integrated Tool (ACE-IT)

Maj Mike Mastria, USMC David Holm, Army 586-574-5680

Tecolote Research, Inc.

Tool for developing, sharing, analyzing, and reporting life cycle costs of the product of an acquisition program.

ACE-IT is being used on the JLTV program to evaluate the effect of program and design changes on life cycle cost.


Automated Cost Estimating Integrated Tools (ACE-IT)

Chris Waltsak 732-427-5936

Tecolote Research, Inc.

The Army’s Automated Cost Estimating Integrated Tools (ACE-IT) is an integrated tool suite designed to facilitate cost estimating. ACE-IT is an integrated tool suite of several software products specifically designed for the cost estimating community. Core features include a database to store technical and normalized cost data, a statistical package specifically tailored to facilitate cost estimating relationship (CER) development, and a uniquely designed spreadsheet that promotes structured, systematic model development and built-in government approved proven inflation, learning, time-phasing, documentation, sensitivity, what/if, risk, and other analysis capabilities. ACE-IT integrates all the necessary cost estimating functions but allows you to enter the process at any level.

We are using LCET as one of the tools to help us develop our Type II Business Case Analysis in pursuit of a Performance Based Logistic, Life Cycle Sustainment program for our target DCGS-A Mobile System


Automated Cost Estimating Integrated Tools (ACE-IT)

PM Unmanned Aircraft Systems; Kirk McCollum, 256-313-5355. PM Aviation Systems, PD Joint Cargo Aircraft; Mike Tesi, 256-313-3745

ASA(FMC) Army Cost and Economics

Tool for analyzing, developing, sharing, and reporting cost estimates, providing a framework to automate key analysis tasks and simplify/standardize the estimating process.

Program: Sky Warrior UAS, Joint Cargo Aircraft, Purpose: O&S cost estimation


Automatic Requirements Computation System Initial Provisioning (ARCSIP)

CECOM; Ken Steinberg, LEO-S-SM-P


The ARCSIP system is designed to automatically compute initial issue quantities (IIQ) consisting of order ship time, operating level, and safety level quantities for non-repairable items; and order ship time, operating level, safety level and turn around quantities for repairable items. Replenishment quantities are also computed. These are the gross quantities required to support an EI for up to 5 years for locally managed items, and for the first 12 months of deployment for non-locally managed items. In short, the system computes the support items required to support new EIs being fielded. Computation of the gross initial issue and replenishment quantities is accomplished by bringing together the PMR, the EIP file, the MMD file, the ARCSIP formulas based on DoD, DA, and Development and Readiness Command policies and regulations.



Members of ARDEC Reliability Mgmt Branch, POC is RMB Chief, Dr. Jason Cook,, 973-724-3930


Develop system reliability and availability models from component or failure mode level inputs for evaluation of system/platform or SoS level reliability and operational availability(Ao)

Determine compliance with requirements or assist in requirement validation and decomposition in areas of RAM. Also useful in testing sparing and repair strategies and optimizing CBM, applicable to any system type.


Computerized Optimization Model For Predicting and Analyzing Support Structure (COMPASS)

Bill Colon


The Computerized Optimization Model for Predicting and Analyzing Support Structures (COMPASS) is the Army standard Level of Repair analysis (LORA) model that optimizes maintenance concepts to achieve an end item Operational Availability (Ao) at the least total ownership cost. A LORA determines where each item is cost effectively repaired. SESAME algorithms are embedded in COMPASS to simultaneously optimize maintenance and supply support. COMPASS was designed to determine steady state, full deployment LORA and SORA decisions by comparing the net present value logistics cost estimates that vary by maintenance policy. COMPASS requires information about the line replaceable units (LRUs) used to restore the end item and higher failure rate shop replaceable units (SRUs) used to repair LRUs. It has the fidelity to permit a RAM analysis of the detailed design to show life cycle support cost impacts associated with each item modeled in the equipment. Support costs associated with design improvements can be compared to the baseline design to assess the improvement's potential to reduce life cycle support costs. This helps supportability analysis to become an integral part of systems engineering.

COMPASS enables supportability optimization prior to fielding. COMPASS can also be used as a source of repair analysis (SORA) model. A SORA model determines how each item is cost effectively repaired. COMPASS can be used to compare the total costs associated with government depot repair versus contractor depot maintenance in achieving the same Ao goal. A best value analysis would apply to non-core depot work.


Computerized Optimization Model For Predicting and Analyzing Support/ Structure (COMPASS)

Chris Waltsak 732-427-5936


The Computerized Optimization Model for Predicting and Analyzing Support Structures or COMPASS is an Army approved, PC-based computer model, sponsored by the U.S. Army Logistics Support Activity (LOGSA), and is designed to assist analysts in conducting a variety of system support studies. The objective of COMPASS is to simultaneously optimize both the maintenance concept and supply while achieving a given operational availability goal. The COMPASS mode provides quantitative analysis of the different hardware product support strategies.

We are using LCET as one of the tools to help us develop our Type II Business Case Analysis in pursuit of a Performance Based Logistic, Life Cycle Sustainment program for our target DCGS-A Mobile System.


Computerized Optimization Model For Predicting and Analyzing Support/ Structure (COMPASS)

Mark D. Patrizi 256-955-6310,


Level of Repair Analysis (LORA) model which provides the optimal, least cost maintenance policy for a weapon system. Utilizes system part specific information such as reliability, availability, and maintainability data to determine best repair locations and resources required (spares, repairmen, and support equipment).

COMPASS is utilized by many programs to determine optimal maintenance policies. Recently, the software was used to perform LORA on systems such as the AH-64A, CH-47D, CROWS, and Prophet. 2200 (CECOM, TACOM, AMCOM, AMSAA, AEC, KEM PO, MEADS PO, GMD Joint PO, JPM Lightweight Howitzer, Precision Fires PO, PEO CBD, Naval Aviation Weapons Center, PM Multi-Spectrum Sensors, PM Prophet, Others)


Computerized Optimization Model For Predicting and Analyzing Support/ Structure (COMPASS)

PM Utility Helicopter for UH-60M PM Cargo Helicopter for CH-47F. POC: Joe Ketron, 256-955-0238 PM Apache Attack Helicopter for AH-64D and Apache Block III 256-313-4988 PM Aviation Systems, PD Joint Cargo Aircraft Mike Tesi, 256-313-3745

LOGSA Logistics and Engineering Center

Analytical methodology used to determine the maintenance level where the removal and replacement, repair, or the discard of an item should be performed.

Program: UH-60M, CH-47F, AH-64D, Apache Block III, Sky Warrior, JCA Purpose: Availability, O&S Cost estimation


Computerized Optimization Model for Predicting and Analyzing Support Structures (COMPASS)

ATEC-AEC-ILSED Wayne Patterson 410-306-0357


Level of Repair Analysis (LORA) model that determines the optimal system level maintenance policy to meet a weapon system/end item operational performance target.

Used on numerous programs to conduct Level of Repair Analyses (LORA) and to evaluate system maintenance concepts.


Computerized Optimization Model for Predicting and Analyzing Support Structures (COMPASS)

Vincent DiNicola 732-532-4565 DSN 992-4565 Vincent,

US AMC –Logsa: Logistic Support Activity.

COMPASS is a model designed to assist the analyst in conducting a Level Of Repair Analysis (LORA) study and is the Army's approved system-level LORA model. The COMPASS program will identify the most cost effective maintenance concept.

LORA is an analytical methodology used to establish the maintenance level at which an item will be replaced, repaired or discarded. These decisions are based upon operational readiness requirements. LORA determines the most cost effective maintenance concept for a system.


Computerized Optimization Model For Predicting and Analyzing Support Structure (COMPASS) Level of Repair Analysis (LORA)

Terri Schwierling, 256-876-3561,

COMPASS is a PC based computer model designed to assist in conducting a Level of Repair Analysis (LORA). LORA is an analytical methodology used to determine the maintenance level where the removal and replacement, repair, and/or discard of an item should be performed. COMPASS is the Army approved system level LORA model.

Multiple Programs


Cost Analysis Strategy and Assessment Model (CASA)

Terri Schwierling, (256) 876-3561,

Life Cycle Cost (LCC)/Total Ownership Cost (TOC) decision support tool. CASA covers the entire life cycle of the system, from initial research cost to those associated with yearly maintenance, as well as spares, training cost and other expenses.

Multiple Programs


Cost Analysis Strategy Assessment (CASA)

Phil Paschel, 256-955-9922,


Life cycle cost model and systems engineering decision support tool that calculates total cost of ownership from initial design until disposal with a focus on the detailed cost elements over the operational life of a system. Extensive trade off and sensitivity analysis capabilities for "gaming" cost impacts of support concepts, spares provisioning, reliability growth, availability, production rates, etc.

CASA is used by many PMs throughout DoD and their support contractors to evaluate the life cycle cost impacts of different design and support alternatives and to identify cost drivers in accordance with sound systems engineering guidance. 1400 registered users from many different PMs and support organizations (e.g., CECOM, TACOM, AMCOM, PM FCS, PM Blackhawk, Joint GMD, Navy, Air Force, NASA)


Joint Integrated Analysis Tool

Daniel L. Schwartz (703)

Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army –Cost and Economics ( HQDA – ASA(FM&C)

The Joint Integrated Analysis Tool (JIAT) concept is an architecture that allows models in the functional areas of cost estimating, engineering design, requirements, capability, and performance analysis to be linked together. JIAT provides a near realtime cost estimating capability to the acquisition, requirements modeling and simulation (M&S) and communities. JIAT provides the capabilities for cost and requirements analysts to develop cost estimates and perform cost performance trades at the system level with the limited amounts of data available early in a program’s lifecycle.

Users of JIAT will be able to perform life cycle cost analysis which can include early design concept data such as performance and capabilities based costing. JIAT incorporates various analytical models to perform trade-off analysis with optimization techniques. JIAT will also benefit requirements analysts and engineers in developing cost estimates.


Laser HELLFIRE Integrated Flight Simulation (IFS)

Jim Utterback 256-876-4618

Lockheed Martin & U.S. Army

Life cycle system analysis tool used to evaluate performance of the Laser HELLFIRE system throughout the system lifecycle from product improvements, operations and maintenance and end of the system.

Used on the Laser HELLFIRE Missile System to support product improvements, testing, system analysis, and assessment of system performance.


Logistics Analysis Model (LOGAM)

PM Utility Helicopter Lowell Bidwell 256-313-1616

SPARTA, Inc., endorsed by LOGSA

Forecast logistics support parameters and operating and sustainment costs associated with the system’s evolving design when supported by alternate envisioned maintenance concepts.

Program: UH-60M Purpose: O&S cost estimation


Logistics Cost Estimating Tool (LCET)

Bill Colon


LCET estimates logistics costs for a weapon system. The logistics costs are broken into 25 cost categories listed on their website. LCET can be used to establish a logistics cost baseline and to quantify cost savings resulting from improvements and changes to the weapon system and the way it is supported.

LCET uses operating hours and mean time between failures (MTBFs) to calculate some of the logistics costs. It can also be used to evaluate a weapon system's logistics costs associated with different proposals in a source selection.


Logistics Cost Estimating Tool (LCET)

Chris Waltsak 732-427-5936

Gov. Provided Software

The CECOM Logistics Cost Estimating Tool (LCET) is an estimating tool for weapon systems, was used in conjunction with COMPASS to assist in time phased analysis and display of data. The Logistics Cost Estimating Tool (LCET) estimates the logistics costs for a weapon system. The logistics costs are broken into 25 cost categories, which are shown below: 1. Military Operators 2. Energy (Batteries/Petroleum) 3. Field Support (Material Fielding & Logistics Assistance) 4. Organic Repair Labor * 5. Contractor Repair and Other Contractor Logistics Support * 6. Warranty Costs 7. Scheduled Maintenance and Overhaul 8. Initial Provisioning Spares * 9. Replenishment Spares * 10. Inventory Holding Costs * 11. Support Equipment * 12. Test Program Sets * 13. Training 14. Training Material 15. Post Deployment Software Support 16. Technical Documentation * 17. Transportation ** 18. Integrated Material Management ** 19. Post Production Project Management 20. System Hardware Changes 21. Facilities/Site Activation 22. System Specific Base Operation 23. Leases 24. Demilitarization and Disposal 25. Industrial Readiness LCET consists of two modules: Time Phased (TP) COMPASS and the Logistics Cost Spreadsheet. You may use the Logistics Cost Spreadsheet in conjunction with Time Phased COMPASS or as a stand alone tool. Using it in conjunction with Time Phased COMPASS requires more detailed data but will provide a better cost estimate than using it as a stand alone tool. The Army’s Automated Cost Estimating Integrated Tools (ACE-IT) is an integrated tool suite designed to facilitate cost estimating. ACE-IT is an integrated tool suite of several software products specifically designed for the cost estimating community. Core features include a database to store technical and (normalized) cost data, statistical package specifically tailored to facilitate cost estimating relationship (CER) development and a uniquely designed spreadsheet that promotes structured, systematic model development, and built in government approved proven inflation, learning, time phasing, documentation, sensitivity, what/if, risk and other analysis capabilities. ACE-IT integrates all the necessary cost estimating functions but allows you to enter the process at any level.

We are using LCET as one of the tools to help us develop our Type II Business Case Analysis in pursuit of a Performance Based Logistic, Life Cycle Sustainment program for our target DCGS-A Mobile System


Logistics Cost Estimating Tool (LCET)

Bill Colon


LCET estimates logistics costs for a weapon system. The logistics costs are broken into 25 cost categories listed on their website. LCET can be used to establish a logistics cost baseline and to quantify cost savings resulting from improvements and changes to the weapon system and the way it is supported.

LCET uses operating hours and mean time between failures (MTBFs) to calculate some of the logistics costs. It can also be used to evaluate a weapon system's logistics costs associated with different proposals in a source selection.


Logistics Cost Estimating Tool (LCET)

Chester Shadovitz 732-532-1222 DSN: 992-1222

LCMC-G3/5, Systems Analysis Division

LCET estimates the logistics costs for a weapon system. The logistics costs are broken into 25 cost categories.

LCET can be used to establish a logistics cost baseline and to quantify cost savings resulting from improvements and changes to the weapon system and the way it is supported. It can also be used to evaluate a weapon system's logistics costs associated with different proposals in a source selection.


Longbow HELLFIRE Simulation

Jim Utterback 256-876-4618

U.S. Army

Life cycle system analysis tool used to evaluate performance of the Longbow HELLFIRE system throughout the operations and maintenance and end of the system lifecycle phases.

Used on the Longbow HELLFIRE Missile System to support testing, system analysis, and assessment of system performance.



Members of ARDEC Reliability Mgmt Branch POC is RMB Chief, Dr. Jason Cook, 973-724-3930

Minitab, Inc.

Statistical SW package for DoE and other statistical analysis methods

Used for DoE, LSS, SPC, and similar. Not unique to any specific system type.


Multi-Attribute Decision Methodology (MADM)

Chuck Wong 732-532-5170 DSN: 992-5170

LCMC – G3/5 Systems Analysis Division

MADM is an analysis approach based on Decision Theory that evaluates multiple decision criteria including cost on the same scale.

Its objective is to evaluate the combined results of cost savings and other non-cost related evaluation criteria to determine the Best Value alternatives in support of decision making.


Operation & Support Management Information System (OSMIS)

Used throughout the Army


A tracking tool of operation and support needs and costs for various Army Weapon programs

Tool can be used by using actual data as a means to estimate future costs.


Optimum Stock Requirements Analysis program (OSRAP)

ATEC-AEC-ILSED Wayne Patterson 410-306-0357


Stock computation model that uses Readiness Based Sparing to provide a package of spare parts optimized on cost, weight or volume while targeting operational availability. Handles multiple systems, is less data intensive than SESAME, and supports wartime environment.

Used for virtually any set of end items to conduct footprint analysis, primarily for Class IX, but can be expanded to include other classes of supply.


Optimum Stock Requirements Analysis Program (OSRAP)

Charlotte Evering 410-278-4980


Stock computation model that uses Readiness Based Sparing to provide a package of spare parts optimized on cost, weight or volume while targeting operational availability. Handles multiple systems, is less data intensive than SESAME, and supports wartime environment.

Used for virtually any set of end items to conduct logistics footprint analysis, primarily for Class IX, but can be expanded to include other classes of supply. Model outputs include a recommended parts list, overall summary of the unit, cost drivers, weight and volume drivers, and additional “plus up” quantities needed for the unit to sustain the target readiness rate. Other analyses can be performed based on sensitivity to readiness, cost, weight, or volume. OSRAP is incorporated into the war reserve process (LMP) through its requirements determination module (RDM). OSRAP is used to calculate the Army Prepositioned Stocks, OPLAN sustainability analyses, Deployment Stock Packages (DSP) where the input parts file is tailored specifically to the unit’s past demands, Customer Support Requirements Lists (CSRL), and logistics footprint and concept exploration analyses in assessing Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) of conceptual systems against current unit force structures.


OV Parser

Pat Degroodt 732-532-8229

General Dynamics C4 Systems 400 John Quincy Adams Rd. Taunton, MA 02780-1069

The Government Furnished Software (GFS) OV parser outputs a spreadsheet containing utilization and throughput metrics based on tiers and resources. Information such as tier utilization (ground to ground), resource utilization, and average tier throughput (ground and space) are presented in the spreadsheet. Tier utilization is a percentage of how much of the ground tier is being utilized. Resource utilization is a percentage of how much each non CI resources are being used in the scenario. The average tier throughput indicates how many bps each tier is handling.

PM WIN-T uses the OV parser to provide information that is extremely valuable and helps to determine how to best optimize the network. If the ground tier is over utilized, the plan can be modified to relay traffic using other tiers (space) to help alleviate the ground network and vice versa.


Port Operational Performance Simulator (POPS)

Arthur Murray DSN 770-5191

Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Transportation Engineering Agency

POPS is an equation based calculator of the throughput capacity of an ocean terminal. POPS performs a weakest link analysis of port cargo movement in which each subsystem is analyzed separately and then compared to find aggregate seaport throughput.

POPS is used across the full spectrum of planning and programmatic mobility studies.


Port Simulation Model (PORTSIM)

Kaye Aldrich DSN 770-5206

MYMIC 200 High Street, Suite 308 Portsmouth, Virginia 23704-3721 USA

PORTSIM models the reception, staging, and ship loading of military equipment at seaports of embarkation (SPOE) and ship offloading, staging, and port clearance of military equipment at seaports of debarkation (SPOD).

PORTSIM can be used across the full spectrum of both planning and programmatic mobility studies.



Dave Leciston

Future M&S Tool

Software life cycle modeling of the DCGS-A program



Bob Daniell 732-861-1487


Business Process development using the SCOR, DCOR and CCOR business process reference models to address PBL, Systems Engineering and the Industrial Base

We use this tool to build models addressing physical and logical mappings, functional decompositions, RASCI, disconnect analysis along the life cycle of a weapons system or commodity. Very helpful in establishing PBL configurations. It incorporates the SCOR, DCOR and CCOR models to provide standardized nomenclature, metrics, best practices across TLCSM



Mark Barboza, Jenna Romatowski, Chris DeVries, Roberto Flores, Allison Waltsak 732-532-9129


Designed to support and fast track business transformation projects, ProcessWizard complements project methodologies like Value Chain Excellence. ProcessWizard allows you to capture your analysis in a packaged, robust and reusable business improvement.

ProcessWizard is a process modeling and enterprise architecture tool containing de facto standard industry frameworks. ProcessWizard is particularly powerful for Supply Chain (SCM), Design Chain (PLM), Customer Chain (CRM) and Value Chain (VCM)



R. Giuntini Business Process development using the SCOR®, DCOR and CCOR business process reference models to address PBL, Systems Engineering and the Industrial Base


Uses Activity Based Costing (ABC), similar to Earned Value, in identifying all the cost drivers and their resources; this technique is viewed as best practice in commercial world. All findings and conclusions are validated in proprietary data base.

SCOR® is a registered trademark of the Supply Chain Council, Inc.

Has been used for Army Future Warrior, GD, LM, DynCorp, and others



R. Kaminski


RAPTOR is a Monte Carlo simulation program used to model reliability and availability of complex systems with extensive interdependencies.

RAPTOR is used to model system reliability and availability and conduct trade studies and predict reliability and availability performance.



R. Kaminski


RELEX is a multisuite toolset for performing a wide variety of reliability, maintainability, and availability analyses.

RELEX is used to perform reliability prediction, FMECA, and maintainability analysis.



Members of ARDEC Reliability Mgmt Branch POC is RMB Chief, Dr. Jason Cook, 973-724-3930


Develop plans for and analyze data from reliability growth testing.

To determine reliability of system and determine test and management methods required to achieve reliability targets


Scenario Manager

Pat Degroodt 732-532-8229

General Dynamics C4 Systems 400 John Quincy Adams Rd. Taunton, MA 02780-1069

The Scenario Manager tool runs inside OPNET Modeler as a customized feature. Any topology variations can then be made directly to OPNET modeler. The tool reads the force structure file and outputs node information (positions, trajectories, etc.) and then it determines the links for the scenario based on user selectable link creation algorithms. Rain effects along with various blockage algorithms, as well as hardware policies based on the node’s mobility state can be used to affect the links.


Scenario Manager Path Trace Tool

Pat Degroodt 732-532-8229

Produces route information for each communicating pair of nodes in a scenario.

Generates inputs to WAN Path Reliability Tool.



DASA-CE Sean Vessey 703-601-4150 TACOM Cost & Systems Ron Dicesare

Galorath Incorporated

This software is an estimating tool used to create independent manufacturing cost estimates, sanity checks, and to analyze contractor estimates.

SEER is primarily used in support of FCS C4ISR manufacturing estimates, and sanity checks. It is being evaluated to see if we can use it to support JLTV depending on the software requirements for JLTV. Our office also needs SEER to communicate with other organizations like CECOM that use SEER as their primary estimating methodology.


SEER for Hardware, Electronics, & Systems (SEER HW)

Galorath Incorporated

SEER for Hardware, Electronics, & Systems (SEER HW) is a decision support tool that reliably and accurately estimates the total cost of ownership for new product development projects.


SEER for Manufacturing (SEER MFG)

Galorath Incorporated

SEER for Manufacturing (SEER MFG) focuses on manufacturing project and process options, and can be used to model virtually any manufacturing operation.



Galorath Incorporated

SEER-RateMakerTM, a calculation tool used for generating labor and machine tool rates for individual and manufacturing processes across organizations continents. SEER-RateMaker is designed to generate labor and machine cost rates to assist the estimating process, helping to control costs and maintain both supplier and purchaser companies' profitability.


Selectable Essential Item Stock and Availability Method (SESAME)

PM Utility Helicopter for UH-60M : Lowell Bidwell, 256-313-1616 PM Cargo Helicopter for CH-47F: Joe Bogema 256-876-4625

AMSAA is the proponent. Contact:

Decision tools on budgeting and stocking to achieve a system Operational Availability (Ao) performance goal at the least cost, and identify the initial provisioning requirement for spares prior to production to determine what items should be placed at which support levels when fielding of the systems.

Program: UH-60M, CH-47F, AH-64D, Apache Block III, Sky Warrior, JCA

Purpose: see functional description


Selected Essential item Stockage for Availability Method (SESAME)

SESAME model minimizes the initial provisioning cost for spares to meet an Ao requirement or maximizes Ao to a budgeted cost. SESAME can also estimate an end item Ao based on proposed sparing; experienced, contracted or proposed logistics response times; and experienced or proposed reliability and maintainability. If item level data is attainable, the acquisition community can potentially use SESAME to evaluate the end item Ao proposed in source selections. The Test and Evaluation community can also evaluate Ao from experienced test results.


Selected Essential Item Stockage for Availability Methodology (SESAME)

Terri Schwierling, (256) 876-3561,

Multi-Echelon, Multi-Indenture Inventory Model that determines the Optimal Range & Depth of Spares/Repair parts at all locations in order to meet either a Weapon System/End Item Budget Constraint or Operational Performance Target. AR 700-18 Provisioning of US Army Equipment mandates use of SESAME for Initial Provisioning Requirement Determination.

Multiple Programs


Selected Essential Item Stockage To Availability Method (SESAME)

Julio Tejeda 732-532-8903 DSN: 992-8903

U.S. AMSAA Attn: AMSRD-AMS-LL 392 Hopkins Rd. APG, MD 21005; DSN: 298-9309 or 298-4359

SESAME is the Army’s approved tool for determining the initial spares needed to support a weapon system that is being fielded. SESAME determines the optimal (i.e., least cost) quantities of spares that will achieve desired operational availability (Ao) for the weapon system.

The output of SESAME tells you the optimal quantities and cost of retail spares at each maintenance shop to achieve your Ao. It also gives you quantities and cost of wholesale spares.


Selected Essential Stock for Availability Method (SESAME)

Charlotte Evering 410-278-4980


Multi-echelon, multi-indenture level inventory cost model that determines the optimal range and depth of spares and repair parts at all locations in order to meet either a weapon system/end item budget constraint or operational performance target.

Used on numerous programs to conduct provisioning analyses and to determine lists of initial provisioning for systems to be fielded. Can be used to answer provisioning issues, such as, "How much should I pay to reduce OST?", “How can I evaluate the added value of a warranty?", "Does commonality affect the level of spares required?", "What happens if OPTEMPO changes?", "What operational availability can I achieve with my limited budget?", "How does improved reliability affect my spares budget?", and "What support structure works best for me?" Mandated for use for initial provisioning in AR700-18 and AR700-127.


Selected Essential Stock for Availability Method (SESAME)

ATEC-AEC-ILSED Wayne Patterson 410-306-0357


Inventory model that determines the optimal range and depth of spares and repair parts at all locations in order to meet either a weapon system/end item budget constraint or operational performance target.

Used on numerous programs to conduct provisioning analyses and to determine lists of initial provisioning for systems to be fielded.


Selected Essential Stock for Availability Method (SESAME)

Bill Colon


The Selected Essential-item Stock for Availability Method (SESAME) model is the Army standard initial provisioning model that optimizes the mix and placement of spares to achieve an end item Ao requirement or the maximum Ao for a dollar goal input.

SESAME's readiness goal is achieved at a minimum cost or the maximum amount of readiness is bought for an initial provisioning budget. To use SESAME, the maintenance concept for each essential item must be known or proposed. SESAME can also be used in an evaluation mode to estimate the Ao being proposed or experienced. This Ao is based on the proposed sparing of items, their demand rate and logistics response times associated with their support concept. The Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology strongly encourages using SESAME to determine initial spares requirements.


Selected Essential Stock for Availability Method Life Cycle Cost Model (SESLCC)

Charlotte Evering 410-278-4980


Computer model that uses SESAME calculated initial stock lists, deployment schedules, and reliability and maintenance data to compute the expected initial issue spares and repair parts, replacement of consumed parts, repair of reparable items, transportation costs, and retrograde costs portion of the weapon system's life cycle costs throughout its useful life.

Computes the expected life cycle costs for the enterprise's supply and maintenance system (the service supply chain) that will be supporting a weapon system/end item throughout its useful life. Outputs can be used directly to evaluate alternative equipment, reliability improvement, and/or service supply chain decisions or as input to actionable Total Cost of Ownership analyses. Can aid in evaluating the tradeoff between spare and repair part reliability improvements and the associated reduction in the life cycle service supply chain costs. Can be used for virtually any end item or weapon system to all estimate significant O&S costs that are reliability driven.


Selected Essential Stock for Availability Methodology Life Cycle Cost Model (SESLCC)

ATEC-AEC-ILSED Wayne Patterson 410-306-0357


Computer model that uses SESAME calculated initial stock lists, deployment schedules, and reliability and maintenance data to compute the expected life cycle costs of a system's supply and maintenance that will be supporting a weapon system throughout its useful life.

Can be used for virtually any end item or weapon system to all estimate significant O&S costs that are reliability driven.



Natalie Palm 732-532-0425 DSN: 992-0425

CACI International Inc. 1100 North Glebe Rd. Arlington, VA 22201

SIMPROCESS is a hierarchical and integrated process simulation tool developed by CACI International Inc. It combines the simplicity of flowcharting with the power of simulation, statistical analysis, Activity Based Costing (ABC), and animation. It is designed to analyze varied scenarios and to mitigate the risk associated with dynamically changing environments. SIMPROCESS builds a model describing how a system works.

The software can be used for analysis of process reengineering changes, six sigma analyses, and also for the PBL Analyses of metrics.


Support Enterprise Model (SEM)

Peter Haniak 586-574-8671

Sandia National Laboratory

A logistics modeling, analysis, optimization, and decision support tool

PEO-GCS is assessing utility of the tool. Provides integrated modeling of supply chain and repair chain activities for a worldwide support system


System of System Availability Model (SoSAM)

John Conolly 410-278-5720


SoSAM is discrete event based model, developed using ARENA simulation software that produces operational availability, based on reliability failures, of ground and aerial assets in a future force scenario.

SoSAM simulates the mission profile and generates reliability failures for each asset. Through simulation, downed assets are recovered, required parts are obtained, repairs completed and the asset is returned to duty. Principle outputs of the model are the instantaneous and average availability over the scenario, instantaneous and average number of failures, and average mechanic utilization by system and/or class. Outputs can be used directly to evaluate system availability based on proposed reliability and perform "what/if" analyses based on reliability improvement programs. Can be used for virtually any end item(s) in various unit structures (FBCT, HBCT, IBCT) and scenarios.


System of Systems Analysis Tool Set (SoSAT)

Peter Haniak 586-574-8671

Sandia National Laboratory

SoSAT is a suite of software tools designed to provide a capability to analyze performance and interrelationships of a System of Systems and it’s various subsystems using State Object Models

Used by PEO-GCS fleet wide. Used for System of System Analysis of Brigade Combat Teams


System of Systems Analysis Tool Set (SoSAT)

ATEC-AEC-ILSED Wayne Patterson 410-306-0357 ATEC-AEC-RAM

Sandia National Labs

Dynamic, time step simulation tool designed to perform platform, family and system of system sustainability analysis for the Future Combat System (FCS).

Designed specifically to perform a wide range of sustainability analyses for the Future Combat System (FCS).


System of Systems Availability Model (SoSAM)

ATEC-AEC-ILSED Wayne Patterson 410-306-0357


Discrete event based flow diagram model, written in ARENA software, to estimate operational availability based on reliability of assets.

Model logic was written specifically for the FCS program, but can be modified to for other systems.


Transportability Analysis Reports Generator (TARGET)

Joyce Banovz DSN 770-5803

Argonne National Laboratory

TARGET is a group of models and programs that provide the capability to detail unit movement requirements at the individual item level of detail (level 6). The TARGET system merges force structure databases with equipment characteristics for either Army or Marine Corps units.

TARGET can be used across the full spectrum of both planning and programmatic mobility studies.


True Planning/PRICE Estimating Suite

DASA-CE Sean Vessey 703-601-4150 TACOM Cost & Systems Ron Dicesare

PRICE Systems

This software is an estimating tool used to create independent manufacturing cost estimates, sanity checks, and to analyze contractor estimates.

True Planning is used primarily in support of FCS MGV and C4ISR manufacturing estimates, and sanity checks. It is being evaluated to see if we can use it to support JLTV as another tool to sanity check our ACEIT cost estimate. Our office also needs PRICE to communicate with contractors that use PRICE as their primary estimating methodology.


UNIfied Probabilistic Assessment Software System (UNIPASS)

Members of ARDEC POC is RFFF APO and Rel. Egr. Competency Dean Mr. Bob Kuper 201-572-4085

PredictionProbe, Inc.

Perform system or component modeling. Quantify Risk, Reliability, Safety thru Uncertainty Quantification and Modeling. Provides Robust Design Analysis, Optimization, etc.. Easily integrates with any computational engine like Finite element, thermal analysis, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), etc. Provides most likely outcomes (MPP), computes probabilities (CDF/PDF, inverse probability, Robust Design, quantitative Risk analysis, IDs key process drivers, etc. Contains libraries of 61 math functions, 15 probability distributions, Goodness of Fit tests; numerous methods for parameters estimation etc.

This model is used on many weapon and ammo life cycle programs inclusive of Tech base through development and production, Operational life, etc.


Visual Growth

Dr. David Mortin


Contains AMSAA reliability growth models for planning, tracking, and projection.

Used by multiple contractors and government organizations to develop reliability growth plans and assessments.


WAN Path Reliability Tool

Pat Degroodt 732-532-8229

General Dynamics C4 Systems 400 John Quincy Adams Rd. Taunton, MA 02780-1069

Includes three tool subsets which take information from various OPNET Simulation Outputs and uses this information to create the Wide Area Network (WAN) module and connectivity sampling events used in the Transmission Link Reliability Experiment.

Utilized as input to the HyPerformix File Generator Tool



Members of ARDEC Reliability Mgmt Branch POC is RMB Chief, Dr. Jason Cook,


Develop component or failure mode specific reliability estimates

Analyzing life data of any system type


WIN-T Inc 2/3 OPNET Models – OPNET Modeler Latest Released Versions:Inc2 CDR OPNET Modeler ver 11.5 Inc3 PDR OPNET Modeler ver 11.5 Potential migration to OPNET Modeler ver 14.5

Pat Degroodt 732-532-8229

OPNET Technologies, Inc. 7255 Woodmont Avenue Bethesda, MD 20814 Node models and Process models are custom tailored for PM WIN-T by General Dynamics C4 Sy

OPNET Modeler® accelerates network R&D, reduces time to market, and improves product quality. Using simulation, network designers reduce research costs and ensure optimal product quality. OPNET Modeler’s cutting edge technology provides an environment for designing protocols and technologies as well as testing and demonstrating designs in realistic scenarios prior to production. OPNET Modeler is used to enhance the design of network devices, technologies such as VoIP, TCP, OSPFv3, MPLS, IPv6, and much more.

PM WIN-T uses the OPNET simulation environment to model the WIN-T Inc 2 and Inc 3 networks. The following is a list of Node Models and Process Models that were developed in OPNET specifically for the WIN-T networks: Node Models

WAN Router Model

Satellite Node

Network Topology File Based Interface (NTFBI)

WIN-T Config Node (Scenario Manager)

QED (QoS Edge Device) Node Traffic Generator Node Process Models

Highband Networking Waveform (HNW) Radio

Fixed Rate Radio (FRR) Network Centric Waveform (NCW) Radio

Multi-Link Radio Child (used within both HNW and NCW Radio models)

OPNET Router – LAN and WAN Traffic Generator Model IP (Internet Protocol) Model Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Protocol (OSPF_v2) Network Blockage Infrastructure (formerly Physics)

WIN-T Position Updater WIN-T Process Model QED Sensor


WIN-T INC 2/3 System Network Reliability Models – Hyperformix Workbench Discrete Event Simulator Latest Released Versions: Inc3 PDR

Pat Degroodt 732-532-8229

HyPerformix, Inc. 4301 Westbank Drive Building A, Suite 300 Austin, TX 78746-6564 Office: 512.328.5544

Hyperformix Workbench is a discrete event simulation tool that is used to create the Network reliability model. As a founding simulation product of HyPerformix, SES/workbench is used worldwide to solve hardware, software and networking problems, particularly performance and resource allocation problems. It is the ultimate product for solving architectural and design problems involving all three elements: hardware, software, and network. Study is ongoing whether workbench can support simulation of force size comparable to Major Theater of Operations.

The PM WIN-T Network Reliability Model is used for all network reliability experiments, which are designed to support the architecture design and the development of sparing and maintenance strategies. The model is used to compute the WIN-T Network Reliability values for both on the move (OTM) and at-the-halt (ATH) configurations.The WIN-t NW Reliability Model is built around the Hyperformix Workbench tool.

Air Force

Model Name

Government POC (users/owners)

Programs and Purpose

Functional Description


Aging Aircraft Model


Scenarios to be predicted

A Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) Model that can be used to explore the economic and capability conditions needed to justify a recapitalization decision. In house tool developed in Microsoft® Excel


Air Force Total Ownership Cost (AFTOC)


Transportation Supply Maintenance Readiness Munitions

Used to track consumption of assets for Cost Per Flying Hour (CPFH). Air Staff directed in support of SRRB process.


Airborne Laser On-Station Availability Model (ABL OSA)


Operational/Maintenance Readiness

ABL OSA is a simulation model developed at OAS to estimate the on station availability of the ABL. The model considers laser fuel support equipment availability, inventory levels, ABL deployment scenarious as well as ABL mission parameters.


AIRCAT Center Wing Box Management Tool



Used to predict C-130 equivalent baseline hour consumption based on ops tempo in order to forecast when the aircraft will reach its grounding point. Essential in managing flying hours so aircraft don't ground prior to scheduled center wing box replacement date.


Aircraft Sustainability Model



Computes optimized quantity requirements for deployable aircraft spares kits given a flying hour scenario. Also assesses readiness spares kits for Status of Resources and Training System (SORTS) in terms of predicted aircraft availability.


ASC Logistics Composite Model (LCOM)


Part of the Air Force Standard Analysis Toolkit (AFSAT), general logistics related questions at AF/A9

Sustainment simulation tool used to assess weapon system availability and effects of reliability, maintainability, and supportability including failure rates, repair times, spares and manpower levels, maintenance concepts, etc.


Base Support and Expeditionary (BaS&E) Planning Tool


Transportation Supply Maintenance Readiness Munitions

Employment driven, information technology planning tool suite supporting the AF Expeditionary Site Survey Planning (ESSP) Process; Identifies resources and combat support requirements at potential deployment locations; Operates on both unclassified and classified networks; Capability to assess an employment locationsв€™ ability to support operations based on available resources and projected operations tempo; Allows rapid capability and limiting factor (LIMFAC) identification and facilitates force tailoring decisions


COLT (Customer Oriented Leveling Techniques)



Algorithm to provide optimized supply levels for Defense Logistics Agency managed consumable spare parts. Contractor managed.


Combat Forces Assessment Model (CFAM)


An AF Toolkit model to determine the impact of budget, attrition, force structure, targeting decisions, and munitions inventories on war fighting capabilities in a theater scenario.

An AF Standard Analysis Toolkit model to determine the impact of budget, attrition, force structure, targeting decisions, and munitions inventories on war fighting capabilities in a theater scenario.


Crystal Ball


Risk Analysis tool

Monte Carlo Simulations



HQ AF/A9 EADSIM model manager (owner) is Jim Watkins,SMDC-FW-SM,Voice: (256) 955-1681 (DSN: 645).

EADSIM is used by AF/A9, ACC/A9, and others. See for additional users. EADSIM is part of AFSAT (Air Force Standard Analysis Toolkit).

The Extended Air Defense Simulation (EADSIM) is a many on many simulation of air, missile and space warfare. EADSIM is used for scenarios ranging from few on few to many on many. It represents all the missions on both sides. It is unique in the scope of modeling at such a level of detail, where each platform (such as a fighter aircraft) is individually modeled, as is the interaction among the platforms. It includes an extensive functional and statistical representation of perception feeding perception based C3. It models the Command and Control (C2) decision processes and the communications among the platforms on a message by message basis. Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance is explicitly modeled to support offensive and defensive applications. EADSIM provides a robust reliability, availability, and maintainability (RAM) modeling, to include multiday scenarios. This RAM modeling allows specified components of a system to fail based on a mean time to failure statistical distribution. Each component has a mean time to repair, also specified by a statistical distribution, and a user specified inventory of spare components that can be drawn from as a remove and replace (R&R) process. R&R times are also specified as a statistical distribution. In all cases where distributions are used, the type of statistical representation is user selectable. Depot ordering with shipping delays for individual components is also captured in the RAM modeling.


Enhanced Trade Space Tool

AF/A8XP, Walters, Stephen Col AF/A8XP, 703-697-4202

Supports the AFCS with tradespace analysis

Life Cycle Costs (Procurement, RDTE, O&M, MILPERS) for various force structures. In house tool developed in Access and Microsoft Excel.


Enterprise Knowledge Management System (EKM)


Used to extract/capture monthly maintenance performance indicator data from the Integrated Maintenance Data System .


F100 Engine Production Models


Models developed for LEAN Cell manufacturing and production of F100 Engine Systems

One per cell – Est. 30+ models


Fuels Automated System (FAS) otherwise known as Purple Hub

DLA, multiple AF users

Transportation Supply Maintenance Readiness

Used to track and bill fuel consumption for CPFH program. Air Staff directed in support of CPFH program.





JOPES is used by Combatant Commanders as a planning and execution tool that catalogs Unit Personnel and Cargo movement information and as a programming function to ensure timely unit and personnel movement.


Global Ammunition Control Point/AMST



AMST has a complete round analyzer in it to a allow us to compile all assets to give us the complete round to complete a munitions item.




Used for multiple systems to estimate how much a given force structure will cost over its life cycle

Spreadsheet cost model. In house tool developed in Microsoft® Excel.




Simple to use. Low cost.

Process and shop flow modeling




Transportation Readiness

Transportation tool used for flow of supplies and transportation analysis


Joint Analysis System (JAS)


Theatre Logistics Constructive Modeling

JAS is a constructive, stochastic, C4ISR centric, joint (campaign level) model with integrated Strategic Mobility, Theater Logistics, and Joint Operations encompassing a broad range of military operations (ROMO).


Joint Semi Automated Forces (JSAF)


Constructive Modeling

Joint Semi Automated Forces (JSAF) is a computer generated forces constructive simulation.


JSF Spares Requirements Support


Logistics Spares Modeling

Provided spares requirements lists to the Program Office for an assesment of mission capability. Based on the results and description of the model, the JSF selected the Air Force Aircraft Sustainability Model for calculation of initial spares quantities


KC-X Organic FAA Posture


KC-X Tanker

Analysis of sustainment issues and processes: The KC-X will be an FAA procured and organically sustained weapon system program. The USAF does not currently have the requisite infrastructure in place for an organically supported and maintained FAA certified weapon system of this magnitude (179 aircraft), such as FAA certified repair facilities (i.e., ALC's), FAA-trained depot maintenance personnel, O level maintainers trained on commercial manuals, etc. The stand up of these capabilities will be articulated, documented, and pursued during the SDD phase and implemented/transitioned during the ICS phase. The sustainment simulation would complement our planned SDD efforts to fully document and understand the complexities of planning and posturing for, and implementation of, an organically supported FAA certified and maintained weapon system over a 40 year life cycle.


Logistics, Installations, Mission Support-Enterprise View (LIMS-EV)


Expeditionary Combat Support System

Enables information exploitation to facilitate decision making, tracking of metrics and performs proactive activities across all A4/7 business areas.


Logistic Simulation (LOGSIM)


Logisitics simulation.

Airbase Logistic Operations constraining effects of aircraft maintenance on air operations


Logistics Sustainment Predictive Analysis (LSPA)


Maintenance and Logistics Sustainment Model

Our LSPA effort uses state of the art, Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS), industry standard technology. ReliaSoft’s BlockSimTM software application provides a comprehensive platform for complete system failure analysis utilizing RBDs for system definition and allows complex system analysis both analytically and through discrete event simulation. In addition to reliability information, the user can implement BlockSimTM to define the characteristics for simulating corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance, and/or inspections for each component.




Logistics Module (LOGMOD), used for deployment of Unit Type Codes (UTCs)

Logistics Module B (LOGMODB) provides Joint Command and Air Force Warfighters with unprecedented ability to plan, execute, accelerate, or redirect to a higher priority location the deployment of Air Force combat units for accomplishing realtime combat operations anywhere in the world. LOGMODB is an enterprise IT system that enables logisticians to rapidly and accurately execute deployment of preplanned or tailored combat capabilities packages, then sustain the tempo of combat operations by commensurately supporting the Air Force units equipment, manpower, and materiel. LOGMODB enables the Air Force to increase its combat sortie production capability while also decreasing its mobility footprint and cost of operations.




Mulit program cost estimation tool.

Software and hardware cost and schedule estimating tool


Proactive Demand Levelling algorithm


Supply, used by all ALCs

Allocate low demand parts across the CAF and prevent grounding MICAP incidents.


Process Sequence Model

Transportation Supply Maintenance Readiness Munitions

Process Sequence Models (PSM) are developed to depict key process flows and form the quantitative foundation for the Air Force Capability Review and Risk Assessment (CRRA). They are used to perform critical path analysis and determine likely points of failure based on Monte Carlo simulation (performed with Crystal Ball software). PSMs have been developed for the following mission areas that relate directly/indirectly to logistics: Open and Establish Operating Locations, Generate the Mission, Equip Forces, Sustain Operating Locations, Training, and Protect Forces.




Used across systems to predict net present value calculation in support of recapitalization efforts.

Spreadsheet cost model. In house tool developed in Microsoft® Excel


Propulsion Requirements System


Supply Maintenance Readiness

The PRS model computes the number of whole spare engines needed to support planned peace and wartime flying hour programs. Requirements are computed for bases, CRFs, and depots.




Multi system tool used to estimate the system's availability, reliability, support issues, etc.

Simulation uses reliability, maintenance, logistics, and operational characteristics of a system's parts to determine the system's availability, reliability, support issues, etc.


Readiness Based Leveling (RBL)


Supply Readiness

RBL is used to allocate levels of reparable spare parts among AF bases worldwide. A new computation is run semiannually to relevel among AF bases, as well as on other occasions, to see what standing up a base at a new location will do to the rest of the world, or how much it would degrade support to the rest of the AF to send extra spares to a given base.


Reliability Maturity Index (RMI) Balanced Score Card


Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet questionnaire to evaluate the maturity and completeness of a system/component's Reliability Program

User rates elements of the reliability program on a scale of 1 to 4 or Yes/No. The model assigns value and weighting to determine overall rating for the status.


ReliaSoft Block Sim 7 and Wiebull ++

Maintenance Other

Used to identify potential reliability/supportability issues lead time away to support planning and decision making to implement corrective actions as necessary. Also used to support resource decisions to ensure resources are applied/timed to maximize effectiveness of when they are applied. Funding and other resources are limited and the tool helps to quantify the most effective time to invest in a particular system or program. Data is also used to direct maintenance and repair improvements to address declining reliability where possible.


RMLS Maintenance and Ground Ops (Arena)


Simulation for rocket based launch systems.

Arena based simulation for determining fleet size, turn time, manpower requirements, and maintenance for rocket based launch systems.


Scalable Integration Model for Objective Resource Capability Evaluations (SIMFORCE)


Desktop Decision Support Tool

SIMFORCE is a desktop decision support tool that predicts resource utilization using simulation/modeling technology. It calculates probable maintenance resource (people, equipment, facilities, and parts) needs based on Air Force Wing operational taskings.


Scenario Space Model


Measures how the addition of one more platform of a given type will affect the outcome of a campaign in a specified scenario. Information can be used to develop ratios of per platform capability contribution for new (e.g., F-35) versus legacy (F-16) platforms

One can add one more asset (e.g., F-16) at the beginning of a campaign and measure how much it effects the outcome. One can also add one more asset on each day of the campaign and see how the outcome of the campaign is affected if the asset arrived on the second day, the third day, etc. And you can do this for different types of assets (e.g., F-16s and F-35s). In house tool developed in Access and Microsoft Excel.




Used by multiple programs to aid in the estimation of hardware development, production, operations & support, and system level cost analysis.

Software and hardware cost and schedule estimating tool


Spares Requirement Review Board (SRRB) tool


Supply Maintenance Readiness

Used to determine sustainment requirements for the Depot Level Reparables (DLR). Air Staff directed for use in developing DLR rates.


Standard Utilization Model


Excel spreadsheet used to predict a unit's maximum sortie/flying hour capability based on the limiting factors of aircraft and personnel availability. Used at the AMU level during the initial first look phase of annual flying hour program planning.


System Effectiveness Data System (SEDS)


R&M Model

SEDS is the Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) modeling system used at the Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards AFB, CA.





Two SBSS test gangs which allow us to process complete mission changes, and actually see the influence of the data before the actual load. We also use the databases to test new software before it is loaded in the production environment. The test databases also allow for scenarios to be processed over and over again, which highly assist in training.

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