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Teachers and Students


Take the Conservation Challenge

The Conservation Challenge is an on-line, interactive quiz of your knowledge about conserving our natural resources and environment.  See how well you do!

Wisconsin State Soil - Antigo Silt Loam

Adobe Acrobat Document.Antigo Silt Loam fact sheet for kids
Adobe Acrobat Document.Antigo Silt Loam Poster for kids
Adobe Acrobat Document.Wisconsin State Soil: Antigo Silt Loam, Technical Factsheet

Web Soil Survey - on-line easy access to great soil maps       

High School Land Judging Competitions - Wisconsin handbook, sample pits, materials and more!


Earth Team Volunteer Program

You can make a difference!  Join the 32,000 Earth

Team members across the United States working to improve our environment.

As a member, you could gain professional experience, discover a lifetime career, receive training, earn academic credit, work on conservation activities in your community, and help conserve natural resources for future generations.