Journal Publications for Center:

HSRC (1989) - Northeast HSRC

Grant Number R825511

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Journal Article (39)
Reference Type Citation Progress Report Year Document Sources
Journal Article Zapata A, Bock C, Robbat A. Performance evaluation of a gas chromatograph coupled to a capillary microwave induced plasma mass spectrometer. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 1999;14:1187. R825511C044 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Abou-Nemeh I, Das A, Saraf A, Sirkar KK. A composite hollow fiber membrane-based pervaporation process for separation of VOCs from aqueous surfactant solutions. Journal of Membrane Science 1999;158(1-2):187-209. R825511C027 (Final)
Journal Article Abou-Nemeh I, Majumdar S, Saraf A, Sirkar KK, Vane LM, Alvarez FR, Hitchens L. Demonstration of pilot-scale pervaporation systems for volatile organic compound removal from a surfactant enhanced aquifer remediation fluid. II. Hollow fiber membrane modules. Environmental Progress 2001;20(1):64-73. R825511C027 (Final)
Journal Article Chen W, Xu YH, Mitra S. Application of microtrap-GC for continuous monitoring of organic emissions from a catalytic incinerator. Journal of Microcolumn Separations 1999;1(1-3):239-245. R825511C003 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Chilukuri R, Yang Z-F, Sirkar KK. Batch extraction studies of cationic and anionic heavy metallic species by a mixed solvent extraction system. Separation Science and Technology 1998;33(16):2559-2578. R825511C027 (Final)
Journal Article Chou CC, Ososkov V, ZhangL, Somasundaran P. Removal of nonvolatile hydrophobic compounds from artificially and naturally contaminated soils by column flotation. Journal of Soil Contamination 1998;7(5):559-571. R825511C049 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Christodoulatos C, Korfiatis GP, Pal N, Koutsospyros A. In situ groundwater treatment in a trench bio-sparge system. Hazardous Waste & Hazardous Materials 1996;13(2):223-236. R825511C036 (Final)
R825511C069 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Das A, Abou-Nemeh I, Chandra S, Sirkar KK. Membrane-moderated stripping process for removing VOCs from water in a composite hollow fiber module. Journal of Membrane Science 1998;148(2):257-271. R825511C027 (Final)
Journal Article Deshpande S, Shiau BJ, Wade D, Sabatini DA, Harwell JH. Surfactant selection for enhancing ex situ soil washing. Water Research 1998;33(2):351-360. R825511C064 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Feeney R, Herdan J, Nolan M, Tan S, Tarasov V, Kounaves SP. Analytical characterization of microlithographically fabricated Ir-based ultramicroelectrode arrays. Electroanalysis 1998;10(2):89-93. R825511C022 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Feeney R, Kounaves SP. Determination of heterogeneous electron transfer rate constants at microfabricated iridium electrodes. Electrochemistry Communications 1999;1(10):453-458. R825511C022 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Feeney R, Kounaves SP. Microfabricated ultramicroelectrode arrays: Developments, advances, and applications in environmental analysis. Electroanalysis 2000;12(9):677-84. R825511C022 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Feeney R, Kounaves SP. On-site analysis of arsenic in groundwater using a microfabricated gold ultramicroelectrode array. Analytical Chemistry 2000;72(10):2222-2228. R825511C022 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Feng CH, Mitra S. Two-stage microtrap as an injection device for continuous on-line gas chromatographic monitoring. Journal of Chromatography A 1998;805(1-2):169-176 R825511C016 (Final)
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Journal Article Feng CH, Mitra S. Breakthrough and desorption characteristics of a microtrap. Journal of Microcolumn Separations 2000;12(4):267-275 R825511C003 (Final)
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Journal Article Herdan J, Feeney R, Kounaves SP, Flannery AF, Storment CW, Kovacs GTA, Darling RB. Field evaluation of an electrochemical probe for in Situ screening of heavy metals in groundwater. Environmental Science & Technology 1998;32(1):131-136. R825511C022 (Final)
Journal Article Levy, L.C., W. R. McGillis, J. T. Gennalne, P.J. Culligan, "Spinning drop tensiometry using a square section sample tube." Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2001, Volume: 234, Number: 2 (FEB 15), Page: 442-444. R825511C004 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Levy LC, Culligan PJ, Germaine JT. The use of the geotechnical centrifuge as a tool to model DNAPL migration in fractures. Water Resources Research 2002;38(8):1159-1159. R825511C004 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Levy LC, Culligan PJ, Germaine JT. Use of the geotechnical centrifuge as a tool to model dense nonaqueous phase liquid migration in fractures. Water Resources Research 2002;38(8):442-444 R825511C003 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Majumdar S, Bhaumik D, Sirkar KK, Simes G. A pilot-scale demonstration of a membrane-based absorption-stripping process for removal and recovery of volatile organic compounds. Environmental Progress 2001;20(1):27-35. R825511C027 (Final)
Journal Article Mitra S, Xu YH, Chen W, McAllister G. Development of instrumentation for continuous on-line monitoring of non-methane organic carbon in air emissions. Journal Of Air and Waste Management Association 1998;48(8):743-749. R825511C016 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Mitra S, Feng CH, Zhang LZ, Ho WP, McAllister G. A microtrap interface for on-line mass spectrometric monitoring of air emissions. Journal of Mass Spectrometry 1999;34(5):478-485. R825511C003 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Nolan MA, Tan SH, Kounaves SP. Fabrication and characterizaton of a solid state reference electrode for electroanalysis of natural waters with ultramicroelectrodes. Analytical Chemisty 1997;69(6):1244-47. R825511C022 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Nolan MA, Kounaves SP. Kounaves. Effects of mercury electrodeposition on the surface of microlithographically fabricated Ir ultramicroelectrodes. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 1998;453(1-2):39-48. R825511C022 (Final)
not available
Journal Article M.A. Nolan and S.P. Kounaves. Failure analysis of microfabricated Ir-ultramicroelectrodes in chloride media. Sensors & Actuators B 1998;50(2):117-124. R825511C022 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Nolan MA, Kounaves SP. Effects of chloride ion concentration on mercury(I) chloride formation during ex situ and in situ mercury deposition with selected electrode substrates and electrolytes. Analytical Chemistry 1999;71(6)1176-82. R825511C022 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Nolan M, Kounaves SP. Microfabricated array of iridium microdisks as a substrate for direct determination of Cu2+ or Hg2+ using square wave anodic stripping voltammetry. Analytical Chemistry 1999;71(16):3567-3573. R825511C022 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Nolan MA, Kounaves SP. The source of the anomalous cathodic peak during ASV with in situ mercury film formation in chloride solutions. Electroanalysis 2000;12(2):96-99. R825511C022 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Obuskovic G, Poddar TK, Sirkar KK. Flow swing membrane absorption-permeation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 1998;37(1):212-220. R825511C027 (Final)
Journal Article Ososkov VK, Chou CC, Kebbekus BB. Speciation, preconcentration and determination of lead in natural waters using chelating resin and direct GFAAS. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 1998;69(1):1-12. R825511C049 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Phelps CD, Young LY. Anaerobic biodegradation of gasoline components: A review. Advances in Agronomy 2000;70:329-358. R825511C007 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Reay RJ, Flannery AF, Storment CW, Kounaves SP, Kovacs GTA. Microfabricated electrochemical analysis system for heavy metal detection. Sensors and Actuators B - Chemical 1996;34(1-3):450-55. R825511C047 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Yu TC, McAllister G, Mitra S. Monitoring effluents from an air toxic control device using continuous non-methane organic carbon (C-NMOC) analyzer. American Journal of Industrial Hygiene 2000;61:16-21. R825511C003 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Tan SH, Kounaves SP. Determination of selenium(IV) at a microfabricated gold ultramicroelectrode array using SWASV. Electroanalysis 1998;10(6):364-68. R825511C022 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Villarante NR, Armenante PM, Quibuyen TAO, Fava F, Kafkewitz D. Dehalogenation of dichloroethene in a contaminated soil: fatty acids and alcohols as electron donors and an apparent requirement for tetrachloroethene. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2001;55(2):239-247. R825511C037 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Wang JY, Adeniyi WK, Kounaves SP. Adsorptive stripping analysis of trace nickel at iridium-based ultramicroelectrode arrays. Electroanalysis 2000;12(1):44-47. R825511C022 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Xia B, Majumdar S, Sirkar KK. Regenerative oil scrubbing of volatile organic compounds from a gas stream in hollow fiber membrane devices. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 1999;38(9):3462-3472. R825511C027 (Final)
Journal Article Zapata AM, Robbat A. Performance-enhanced "tunable" capillary microwave - induced plasma mass spectronieter for gas chromatography detection. Analytical Chemistry 2000;72(14):3102-3108. R825511C044 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Zhang L, Zeng J, Somasundaran P, Ososkov V, Chou C. Removal of nonvolatile hydrophobic compounds from soil by flotation. 1. Laboratory investigation using mechanically agitated machine. Advances in Environmental Research 1997;1(2):157-165. R825511C049 (Final)
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