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Technology to Market

The SunShot Initiative’s Technology to Market subprogram builds on SunShot’s record of moving groundbreaking and early-stage technologies and business models to the market. Technology to Market targets two known funding gaps: those that occur at the prototype commercialization stage and those at the commercial scale-up stage.

All Technology to Market programs are tightly structured to ensure that recipients commercialize the funded technology and achieve technical milestones. SunShot also creates venues for helping the recipients to find follow-on funding and to form strategic partnerships.

Process of commercialization of an innovation, and where SunShot Incubator kicks in to help.
Commercialization and scale-up funding gaps addressed by SunShot’s Technology to Market Program.

SunShot’s Technology to Market funding programs address innovations in technology development, supply chain, and manufacturing, in addition to supporting innovative business platform development. The funded projects aim to benefit the solar market to achieve the SunShot goals with innovative ideas and help the solar industry. You can find a complete list of Technology to Market funding programs here.

View the Technology to Market Fact Sheet (PDF)