Frequent Questions

TRI National Analysis report

Q: Does EPA provide any reports or documents that provide an analysis of TRI reporting data?

A: The TRI National Analysis is an annual report that displays EPA’s analysis of the most recent TRI data. On the TRI National Analysis Web site, there are documents and Web pages that outline national and local trends in toxic chemical disposal or other releases to the environment. The most recent TRI National Analysis, published in January 2016, contains information for Reporting Year 2014 (RY14). The 2014 TRI National Analysis shows that 21,783 facilities reported 3.89 billion pounds of toxic chemicals disposed of or otherwise released into the environment. The long-term trend, shows that disposal or other releases of TRI chemicals have generally decreased, down 14% from RY03 to RY14.

The 2014 TRI National Analysis also:
· Presents trends in toxic chemicals managed and the types of pollution prevention activities that facilities have implemented;
· Reports trends in releases of toxic chemicals, including a focus on selected chemicals of concern;
· Highlights toxic chemical waste trends for four industry sectors and federal facilities;
· Provides analyses of TRI chemicals by state, city, county, zip code, metropolitan area or micropolitan area, and by Large Aquatic Ecosystems (LAEs) such as the Chesapeake Bay, as well as information about facilities in Indian Country; and
· Combines TRI data with other EPA data, such as greenhouse gas emissions, to provide a more complete picture of national trends in chemical use, management and releases.

This year, the TRI National Analysis is available on its own dedicated Web site, giving users easier access to key information, including analyses and interactive maps showing data at a state, county, city, and zip code level. Other new features of this year’s analysis include integrated demographic information, profiles of federal facilities and the automotive manufacturing sector, and a discussion forum where users can share feedback about the report.

Additional information about the 2014 TRI National Analysis, including access to specific analyses and datasets, is available at the following URL:

The 2014 TRI National Analysis is also available in Spanish at the following URL:

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