Eastern Rhode Island Conservation District

Welcome to ERICD




Winter moth is an invasive pest introduced into North America from Europe. With no natural enemies, the winter moth population is exploding. These caterpillars are devastating Rhode Island trees, including fruit trees and backyard ornamentals. Come learn more about this pest and what steps you can take  to protect your backyard trees, woodlots, and orchards, and reduce the extent of winter moth defoliation. Learn more by clicking here to view a WINTER MOTH presentation by HEATHER FAUBERT.


The Rhode Island State Conservation Committee (RISCC) has received a $40,000.00 grant from the Rhode Island Foundation that will enable RISCC and Rhode Island's three Conservation Districts (Eastern, Northern and Southern) to continue fulfilling and sustaining their mission of conserving the land and natural resources of Rhode Island for the benefit of its people.

The work will include increasing development of programs with existing partners, as well as entering into partnerships with additional municipalities, educational institutions and federal and state agencies. The programs will be geared toward preserving the integrity and diversity of nature, while making certain any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable. This will create a process by which both disciplines can  work together so that human systems are less susceptible to climate-related hazards.

"Every grant we make underscores our commitment to moving Rhode Island forward. We work closely with our donors and grantees to ensure there are the resources and the resourcefulness to achieve great impact," said Neil Steinberg, the Foundation's president and CEO. The Rhode Island Foundation is the largest and the most comprehensive funder of nonprofit organizations in Rhode Island. In 2015, the Foundation awarded $41.5 million in grants to organizations addressing the state's most pressing issues and needs of diverse communities. Through leadership, fundraising and grantmaking activities, often in partnership with individuals and organizations, the Foundation is helping Rhode Island reach its true potential. For more information, visit www.rifoundation.org.


Achieving farm designation may allow your land to be taxed at the value of its current usage, as opposed to its full development value. Look inside to learn more about the program and how you can start your application.



The Essence of the Conservation Districts
Conservation districts across the country have specialized in the reduction of non-point sources of pollution such as soil erosion, animal waste, pesticides and fertilizers, poorly operating septic systems, and household hazardous wastes since the dust bowl of the 1930's.

While the devastation of soil erosion by wind gave birth to the first Conservation Districts, agricultural impacts, increased development and urban sprawl have all challenged the Districts to take the lead in protecting natural resources through educating the public and providing technical assistance.

In Bristol & Newport Counties, the Eastern Rhode Island Conservation District works in partnership with private land owners, farmers, municipalities, state and federal agencies, as well as non-governmental agencies. ERICD is not a regulatory or enforcement agency, but rather provides assistance to those who desire to work as a team to face issues -- watershed by watershed.


Updated! RI Soil Erosion & Sediment Control Handbook – July 2016
The RI State Conservation Committee has approved the July 2016 updates to the 2014 Rhode Island Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook.  The changes include updates to technical guidance, figures, language, format and clarification of terms.

Major updates were made to:

  • Section One: Introduction, Part A. About this Handbook was updated to include a section 'Areas of Special Consideration' which focuses on Watercourses and Wetlands, Agricultural Operations and Agricultural Lands, and Forestry Operations and Forestry Lands;
  • Section Two: Site Planning and Management, Part D. Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plans was updated to be more consistent with the Minimum Standard 10 in the Rhode Island Stormwater Design and Installation Standards Manual;
  • Section Six: Sediment Control Measures, Temporary Crossings were revised for additionalinformation on 'Temporary Stream Crossings', 'Swamp Mats', and Appendix P, Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Review Checklist for Plan Reviewers.

New! RI Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Field Guide
The Field Guide is a newly created companion document to the RI Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. The Field Guide is not intended to be an all-inclusive document. It is intended to be used by installers, inspectors, and maintenance staff.  The format fits nicely on a cell phone or paper for handy and portable document intended for use in the field. The Field Guide contains information on 45 of the most commonly used control measures that address Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping, Erosion Control, Runoff Control, and Sediment Control.

New! SESC Plan Template for Small Sites (< 1 Acre)
with Educational Brochure
To comply with the RI Stormwater Design and Installation Standards Manual (RISDISM)- Minimum Standard 10 – Construction Activity Soil Erosion, Runoff, Sedimentation, and Pollution Prevention Control Measure Requirements, all construction operators are required to develop a "Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan" (or "SESC Plan").  Refer to Section 3.2 .10 and 3.3.7 of the RISDISM for additional information. The requirement to develop a SESC Plan applies equally to small-scale construction projects as it does to large-scale construction projects, but the level of detail may vary depending on the nature of a given project. A SESC Plan for the construction of a single residential lot may require less detail because such projects are often easily managed with basic control measures (CMs). Moreover, these projects are relatively small and are usually completed relatively quickly. Where documentation is required, it can be done in a relatively concise manner. With that in mind, RI DEM has developed the Small Residential Lot SESC Plan Template, based on US EPA's December 2015 "Small Residential Lot Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Template (EPA 830-K-15-001).

An Educational Brochure on SESC Plans for Small Construction Sites has also been customized for RI.

New! DEM Webpage Dedicated to Soil Erosion and Sediment Control
Each of the new or recently updated documents listed above have been incorporated into the following newly created DEM webpage. This webpage contains a number of valuable resources dedicated to the topic of Soil Erosion and Sediment Control.


© Copyright 2011-2017 Eastern Rhode Island Conservation District. All rights reserved.
PO Box 158 | Tiverton, RI 02878 | Office: 401-934-0842 | Email:
