News Items


News and stories about the Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network.
How CO2 is Measured

How CO2 is Measured

A brief description on how measurements of atmospheric CO2 are made, using the baseline observatory at Mauna Loa Hawaii as an example.
Computation of Global Means

Computation of Global Means

An explanation of how we compute global mean surface values using measurements of weekly air samples from the Reference Network.
Carbon Cycle

Basics of the Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Effect

An introduction to the Earth's atmosphere and the greenhouse effect, and the role of the carbon cycle in determining the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Measuring Greenhouse Gases

Measuring Greenhouse Gases

Take a tour of the operations of the Greenhouse Gas Reference Network, and learn about the why, where and how behind the measurements of greenhouse gases.
Isotopes of Carbon Dioxide

Isotopes of Carbon Dioxide

Describes the study of isotopes of carbon dioxide and the process of measuring isotopic ratios. Users learn about both stable and radiocarbon isotopes of carbon dioxide in atmospheric science.

Isotope Measurements

Visit the website of the Stable Isotope Lab of the Institude of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR), University of Colorado, which measures isotopes of CO2.
GGRN Brochure

Greenhouse Gas Reference Network Brochure

A small brochure in pdf format describing the Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network.
Greenhouse Effect FAQ

Greenhouse Effect FAQ

Frequently asked questions about the greenhouse effect.