
Image of Catoctin Conservation Corps Volunteer Poster

The Catoctin Conservation Corps

Come Volunteer into the 21st Century CCC!

Help preserve the legacy and memory of the Works Projects Administration (WPA) and Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) by adopting a section of Catoctin Mountain Park!

* Hands-On Forest Reclamation * Species Inventory and Monitoring * Trail Restoration*
* Historic Structures Preservation * Achiving and Research* Assisting in Educational Programs*

All Schools, Scouts, Groups, Organizations, Individuals, Families are Welcome!

For More Information Contact:
Ranger Ron Harvey, Volunteer Coordinator, Catoctin Mountain Park
301-663-9399 or e-mail us

Catoctin Conservation Corps 508 Compliant Poster (pdf 2.92MB)


If you are interested in volunteering at Catoctin Mountain Park, please call the Park Volunteer Coordinator at the visitor center at (301) 663-9388, or contact us by e-mail. Please remember that service project requests need to be in writing and planned well in advance.

Visitor Center Volunteers: One of the first stops in any National Park is the Visitor Center. Welcome our visitors and provide basic information on how to enjoy the park. Weekends or weekdays.
Visitor Center Volunteer Application Information

Campground Hosts: Volunteer hosts help visitors at Owens Creek Campground, assist rangers in fee collection, and provide minor maintenance and clean up of campsites. The Campground Host site has hook-ups. A one month commitment is required.
Owens Creek Campground Host Application Information

Camp Misty Mount Hosts: Volunteer hosts at Camp Misty Mount assist with cabin check ins and check outs, provide minor maintenance, and assist in staffing the camp office. A cabin is provided for hosts. A one month commitment is required.

Trail Stewards: The park staff always needs extra 'eyes and ears' looking for fallen trees, erosion problems, pets off leash, and answering visitors questions. Turn your hike into a park patrol! Sign up at the visitor center and set your own schedule.

Service Projects: If you are part of an organized group or an Eagle Scout candidate and wish to provide a service to Catoctin Mountain Park, please contact the volunteer coordinator with your interests. We will need to know the size of your group, age level, proposed date of the project and number of participants. Each group project required direct coordination with a member of our staff so please plan well in advance. Project ideas include: exotic plant removal, trail/trash cleanup, and painting projects.

Unique Skills: On occasion we have very specialized projects and are looking for a unique skill. Volunteers have helped us with fly-tying demonstrations, blacksmith shop demonstrations, digital photography of artifacts, oral history tape transcribing, just to name a few. If you think you might have a special skill we could use, let us know and we'll work together if possible.

Artist in Residence: Are you an artist who would like to spend two weeks immersed in the natural and cultural resources of the Catoctin Mountains? Consider applying for our Artist In Residence program.

A collage of volunteer opportunities, left to right, trail work, cabin camp cleanups, campground hosts, and exotic plant removal project.
Catoctin Mountain Park is looking for people who care about our natural and cultural resources and who care about people. Fulfilling our National Park Service mission of preserving the natural and cultural resources unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations is an exciting challenge.  We can't do it alone. We need your help in keeping Catoctin a very special place for our visitors to enjoy. 

A variety of volunteer opportunities...trail work, cabin camp cleanups, service projects, campground hosts, and exotic plant removal projects to name just a few.

NPS Images

Contact the Park

Mailing Address:

6602 Foxville Road
Thurmont, MD 21788


(301) 663-9388
This phone number is for the visitor center and is answered during regular operating hours. An outgoing voicemail message provides information when the visitor center is closed.

Contact Us