Today in Energy


October 14, 2016

Recovering and recycling paper has saved energy

October 5, 2016

Office buildings with data centers use significantly more electricity than other offices

September 16, 2016

Recent energy intensity decline in government buildings exceeds commercial sector average

July 27, 2016

Many industries use combined heat and power to improve energy efficiency

July 12, 2016

Global energy intensity continues to decline

July 6, 2016

Clean Power Plan implementation choices by states could affect electricity generation mix

June 28, 2016

Extended policies case shows reduced energy use, emissions, more renewables, efficiency

February 8, 2016

Demand response saves electricity during times of high demand

October 28, 2015

Increased recycling may reduce metals sector energy use in China

October 26, 2015

Chinese policies aim to increase energy efficiency in buildings

July 21, 2015

Consensus process provides alternate approach to energy efficiency standard development

June 11, 2015

Efficiency moderates effects of higher electricity prices under proposed Clean Power Plan

February 18, 2015

Energy efficiency improvements have largely offset effect of more, larger homes

February 17, 2015

Proposed efficiency standard may eliminate noncondensing gas furnaces

November 4, 2014

LED light bulbs keep improving in efficiency and quality

September 29, 2014

New Eagle Ford wells continue to show higher production

September 26, 2014

Minimum efficiency standards for electric motors will soon increase

August 1, 2014

Metal-based durables manufacturers are fueled by electricity and natural gas

July 22, 2014

Fuel economy and average vehicle cost vary significantly across vehicle types

July 11, 2014

Fuel economy improvements show diminishing returns in fuel savings

May 20, 2014

Industrial onsite electricity concentrated in chemicals, oil, and paper manufacturing

May 9, 2014

Recycling is the primary energy efficiency technology for aluminum and steel manufacturing

April 30, 2014

Lower U.S. electricity demand growth would reduce fossil fuels’ projected generation share

April 21, 2014

Extending residential energy policies affects some end uses more than others

March 19, 2014

LED bulb efficiency expected to continue improving as cost declines

January 28, 2014

Most homes have central thermostats on heating and cooling equipment

December 5, 2013

Gas furnace efficiency has large implications for residential natural gas use

October 18, 2013

Electricity use by machine drives varies significantly by manufacturing industry

July 11, 2013

New EIA inventory tracks state energy efficiency programs

June 18, 2013

Apartments in buildings with 5 or more units use less energy than other home types

May 29, 2013

For appliances, choosing the most cost-effective option depends on several factors

May 28, 2013

Incremental costs of higher efficiency can vary by appliance

April 2, 2013

Sales of specialty incandescent bulbs decline despite exemption from efficiency standards

March 22, 2013

U.S. economy and electricity demand growth are linked, but relationship is changing

March 6, 2013

Two perspectives on household electricity use

March 1, 2013

U.S. energy intensity projected to continue its steady decline through 2040

February 12, 2013

Newer U.S. homes are 30% larger but consume about as much energy as older homes

February 6, 2013

Stadiums and arenas use efficient, high wattage lamps

February 4, 2013

U.S. household expenditures for gasoline account for nearly 4% of pretax income

October 26, 2012

Industrial onsite generation increasingly relies on natural gas

October 16, 2012

ENERGY STAR homes accounted for 26% of new construction in 2011

October 15, 2012

Adoption of ENERGY STAR equipment varies among appliances

October 4, 2012

Combined heat and power technology fills an important energy niche

August 3, 2012

Fuel economy standards have affected vehicle efficiency

July 2, 2012

EIA’s AEO2012 includes analysis of breakthroughs in vehicle battery technology

June 13, 2012

High airline jet fuel costs prompt cost-saving measures

April 26, 2012

U.S. summer gasoline demand expected to be at 11-year low

April 3, 2012

Both State and Federal governments have appliance efficiency standards

January 24, 2012

U.S. energy use projected to grow slowly and become less carbon-intensive

January 23, 2012

EIA issues AEO2012 Early Release

December 2, 2011

Light bulb standards begin taking effect in 2012

October 21, 2011

Flattening of per-capita residential energy consumption reflects multiple factors

September 12, 2011

Purchase of newer refrigerators slows during economic downturn

May 5, 2011

Decoupling treatment of electric and gas utilities can differ within a State

May 4, 2011

State programs encourage energy efficiency programs by adjusting utilities' cost recovery

May 3, 2011

Continuation and expansion of efficiency programs could mitigate carbon dioxide emissions

May 2, 2011

Additional appliance standards could significantly reduce residential energy use

April 11, 2011

U.S. households are incorporating energy–efficient features

March 23, 2011

Incandescent bulbs still play a role in the future of lighting

February 10, 2011

EIA projects rapid growth in unconventional vehicle sales

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