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CSP Enhancements


CSP is for producers who want to take their conservation efforts to the next level. Most CSP applicants have already been applying conservation practices to their land. Through CSP, they have the opportunity to give those practices a boost with conservation activities called “enhancements.” Enhancements take conservation practices to a higher level of stewardship. CSP applicants work on-one-one with their NRCS conservation planner to select enhancements that best fit their management goals and that will address resource concerns on the enrolled operation.

Through CSP, producers can choose from over 200 enhancements to address resource concerns on their operation. Conservation practice standards and quality criteria for resource concerns can be found in sections II and III of the Field Office Technical Guide 

Learn all the available enhancements by selecting any of the land use images below.

Choose your land use for CSP.


CSP applicants that want to take their conservation efforts even further may consider “bundles” of enhancement activities. Some enhancements work together to provide increased conservation benefits when they are implemented as a group. Producers may consider adopting these enhancement groups or “bundles” on their operation.

Each bundle has three or more required enhancements, and for some bundles, the applicant has the option to pick additional enhancements from a select list that addresses specific resource concerns.

Bundles have enhancements grouped according to land use – crop, pasture, range and forest, as well as agency initiatives, Ogallala Aquifer, buffers, Long Leaf pine, Mississippi River Basin and Working lands for Wildlife.   Bundles receive a higher level of financial assistance to encourage the holistic approach to generate additional conservation benefits.

Many producers find that the bundles make sense to implement on their operation. Producers interested in implementing bundles on their property can visit with their local NRCS conservation planner to learn more about them.

Click any of the links below to view the bundle(s) associated with each land use:

Buffer Bundles

Crop Bundles

Forestry Bundles

Longleaf Pine Bundles

Mississippi River Basin Initiative Bundles

Ogallala Aquifer Initiative Bundles

Pasture Bundles

Range Bundles

Working Lands for Wildlife Bundles
