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Check out SC's latest video production, SOILS 101

This is a a new video production by SC NRCS, in cooperation with the University of SC, Earth Sciences and Resources Institute!!!! There are fifteen videos featuring SC NRCS soil scientists discussing topics such as, Soil Physical Properties, Soil Biology, Soils for Conservationists, Soil Survey, and Soils for Homeowners.

The videos were designed to help educate newer NRCS employees, give a refresher to seasoned NRCS employees, and to benefit anyone with an interest in soils.

You can also learn more about soil science by watching Soil Stories

In “Soil Stories”, our protagonist, Francine, embarks on a journey of discovery that begins with her realization that soil is alive and that without soil, life as we know would not exist. In her journey of discovery she meets with soil scientists who help her “see” beneath the surface of the soil and help her understand how diverse yet ordered soil bodies are in the landscape and how much work has been done in soil survey.

For additional information, visit NRCS' National Soils page