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State Technical Committee

The next USDA State Technical Committee meeting will occur Oct. 26, at 9:30 a.m. at the SC Forestry Commission, 5500 Broad River Road, Columbia, SC  29212.

Please RSVP by Oct. 24 to if you plan to attend. 

Chaired by the SC NRCS State Conservationist, the committee provides recommendations on a number of issues concerning Farm Bill program delivery. Committee membership includes representatives from federal and state conservation agencies, agricultural producers, nonprofit organizations and agribusiness.

State Technical Committee meetings are open to the public and are held on an as-needed basis, and are called by the NRCS State Conservationist. If there are agenda items you wish to propose, please do so in writing to the SC NRCS State Conservationist Ann English with a detailed description of the issue you will present for discussion. Presentations are limited to five minutes maximum. 
If you encounter any problems with the files provided on this page, please contact Sabrenna Bryant at 803-765-5419.

The following requires Adobe Acrobat.

STC Minutes: October 29, 2015 (PDF; 130 KB)
STC Agenda: March 3, 2015 (PDF; 185 KB)
STC Minutes: March 3, 2015 (PDF; 263 KB)
STC Minutes: August 5, 2014  (PDF; 101 KB)
STC Minutes: November 5, 2013 (PDF; 133 KB)
State Technical Sub-committees (PDF; 15 KB)

State Technical Committee Minutes Archives (2008-2012)

What is the State Technical Committee?

The NRCS State Conservationist chairs the State Technical Committee in their respective state. The State Conservationist is responsible for the committee’s organization and for providing leadership, support services, and technical direction to the committee.

In turn, the State Technical Committee advises the NRCS State Conservationist on the technical guidelines necessary to implement the conservation provisions of the Farm Bill. Committee membership includes representatives from federal and state conservation agencies, agricultural producers, nonprofit organizations and agribusiness.

State Technical Committee meetings are open to the public and are held on an as-needed basis, and are called by the NRCS State Conservationist.

More about State Technical Committee Responsibilities under the 2012 Farm Bill.

State Technical Committee At a Glance

If you encounter any problems with the files provided on this page, please contact Sabrenna Bryant at 803-765-5419.

The following document(s) require Adobe Acrobat.

News Release: USDA's Interim Final Rule Amends Composition, Responsibilities of State Technical Committees (PDF; 40 KB)

South Carolina State Technical Committee Members

Committee Chair: Ann English, SC NRCS State Conservationist

Committee members consist of the following organizations and/or partners:

American Rivers
National Wild Turkey Federation
US Army Corps of Engineers
SC Dept. of Agriculture
SC Cattleman's Association
US Fish and Wildlife Services
SC Cattlemen's Association
SC Dept. of Natural Resources
USDA-Rural Development
SC Dept. of Natural Resources
Farm Service Agency
SC Wildlife Federation
SC Grazing Lands Coalition
SC Forestry Commission
SC Forestry Commission
The Nature Conservancy
Dept. of Forestry and Natural Resources, Clemson Extension Servcie
Farm Service Agency
Organic Farming Research Foundation
Farm Service Agency
SC Farm Bureau
SC Tree Farm Committee
SC DHEC, Bureau of Water
SC Forestry Commission
US EPA Region 4
SC Association of Conservation Districts
SC Forestry Association
USGS Water Science Center
US EPA Region 4
SC Dept. of Ag
SC Dept. of Ag
Vice President, SC State University
Water Management Division, US EPA Region 4
SC Farm Bureau
SC State University
SC Commission for Minority Affairs