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WDCGG Data Submission and Dissemination Guide (PDF 1.2Mbyte)

WDCGG leaflet (PDF 2.7MByte, July 2008)

Welcome to the WDCGG Web Site

The World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases (WDCGG) is one of the WDCs under the GAW programme. It serves to gather, archive and provide data on greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, CFCs, N2O, etc.) and related gases (e.g., CO) in the atmosphere and ocean, as observed under GAW and other programmes.

This web site provides information on greenhouse gases, including WDCGG publications and measurement data contributed by organizations and individual researchers around the world.

If you would like to submit data for the first time, please refer to the WDCGG Data Submission and Dissemination Guide.

Please let us know if you would like to obtain older versions of archived data.

The WDCGG starts operation as DCPC (Data Collection or Production Centre) of WMO Information System.

Note:On any publication using data from the individual station, the author must contact the data submitters concerning co-authorship or acknowledgements, and make proper descriptions on the data sources in their references.

From January 1st 2016, the responsibility related to archiving of reactive gases measurement data(except for CO) is transferred to the newly established GAW World Data Centre for Reactive Gases (WDCRG) hosted by the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU). Click here for the WMO official letter on this transfer.

The figure shows the distribution of the fixed stations that contribute data to the WDCGG.   The symbol " " denotes that the data from the station has been updated in the last 365 days.
click to enlarge this image

GAW World Data Centres & GAW Station Informasion System

  • World Ozone and Ultraviolet Data Centre (WOUDC), Toronto, Canada
  • World Data Centre for Precipitation Chemistry (WDCPC), Silver Spring, USA
  • World Data Centre for Aerosols (WDCA), Kjeller, Norway
  • World Data Centre for Reactive Gases (WDCRG), Kjeller, Norway
  • World Radiation Data Centre (WRDC), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • World Data Centre for Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere (WDC-RSAT), Wessling, Germany
  • GAW Station Information System (GAWSIS), Dübendorf, Switzerland

  • This site is operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency
    in cooperation with the World Meteorological Organization
    (Created : 2001/07/02    Updated : 2016/06/29)

    WMO World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases
    c/o Japan Meteorological Agency
    1-3-4, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku
    Tokyo 100-8122, Japan
    Tel: +81-3-3287-3439
    Fax: +81-3-3211-4640