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All About Eagles

Close-up image of bald and golden eagles

Bald and Golden eagles are magnificent birds of prey and enjoy special protection in the United States under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The Act gives the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service the authority to protect and manage these birds, including monitoring and assessing their numbers, which we do cooperatively with States, Tribes, NGO partners, and industry.

While striving to avoid or minimize take of eagles, we also administer a system of permits to deal with unavoidable, or for some purposes, intentional take, including feather possession by tribes. This site is your resource to quickly find information on eagles, particularly about our system of permits, in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.


need a permit icon

Answer a few questions about your activity and find out if and what type of permit is needed.


permit type icon

Find out more about the various permits available related to bald and golden eagles.

  • Eagle Identification

    eagle image and icon representing eagle identification information

    Get answers to some of the most common questions about identifying bald and golden eagles and their nests, including:

    • Physical Characteristics

    • Typical Behavior

    • Nesting Season and Nest Construction

    Learn More

  • Energy, Utilities & Guidance

    eagle image and icon for energy and utilities information

    Information for those conducting energy and utility work, such as wind energy projects.

    Learn More

  • Laws & Regulations

    eagle image and icon representing regulations and guidance information

    Find out more about the Federal laws and implementing regulations that protect Bald and Golden eagles. You'll also find information on the permit processes, and your obligations under the laws to protect eagles.

    Learn More

Last Updated: July 16, 2014
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