Pacific Region Highlights

Elwha Tribal member monitoring salmon

Elwha Tribal member monitoring salmon NWTT Image

Northwest Treaty Tribes releases Climate Change Report on Natural Resources

The Treaty Tribes in Western Washington recently released a comprehensive report on how climate change is affecting tribal treaty rights and natural resources. This report from the 20-member tribes of the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission focuses on the impacts of climate change to their homelands, waters, and ways of life.  This report details how virtually all of the resources and activities that tribal treaties protect—fishing, gathering, and hunting—are impacted by the effects of climate change. 

Learn more from the Northwest Treaty Tribes

Pacific Lamprey

Pacific Lamprey J. Monroe Freshwater Illustrated

Free Community Talk on Science and Cultural Significance of Pacific Lamprey

The Pacific lamprey, a species older than the dinosaur, once provided an important source of food for the Native American tribes of the Columbia River Basin.  On December 6th, our partners from the Johnson Creek Watershed Council and the PSU Indigenous Nations Studies Program will host a talk on the cultural and scientific importance of Pacific Lamprey.  This family friendly, free, Lamprey discussion will be held at the Native American Student and Community Center starting at 6:00pm.  Come out and hear local lamprey expert and Umatilla Tribe member, Gabe Sheoships, talk about these fascinating fish and their role as a scientific indicator of healthy watersheds. 

RSVP for this fun family event

Learn more about Pacific Lamprey

Working with Tribal Partners to Restore Sagebrush Habitat

Working with Tribal Partners to Restore Sagebrush Habitat USFWS Image

Partnering with Tribal Native Plant Nurseries

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has partnered with the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation and the US Forest Service's Rocky Mountain Research Station to support a growing network of tribal native plant nurseries throughout the Great Basin. This successful project benefits the entire ecosystem by collecting and propagating native sage-steppe plants, including sagebrush, perennial forbs, and bunch grasses.  It is essential that the re-vegetation materials are being sourced from the same elevation and precipitation levels where they will be replanted.  The use of these plants, grown under carefully controlled conditions, dramatically increases plant survival and restoration success.

Learn more about the CTUIR tribal plant nursery

and other tribal nurseries

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