Air Force Medicine

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Take Charge Of Your Health

Educated patients are empowered patients!

Learn About Your Health

Stick with Reputable Online Resources

A good place to start to make sure you are getting science-based, safe information is

Benefits from being actively involved in managing your health condition include:

  • Care will be safer because you have an additional set of eyes that can be used to assist your health care team.
  • You’ll make better decisions that match your values, preferences, and needs
  • Your health will be better

Researching and understanding your condition will help you:

  • Know what to do to manage your condition, and why.
  • Understand when you can expect results from suggested treatments.
  • Recognize warning signs that you should watch for.
  • Know what to do if a problem occurs.
  • Know who to contact with questions or concerns.

If you have a chronic condition, learn more about your disease, treatment options, and prognosis and:

  • Become part of a support group for patients with similar experiences.
  • Be a leader in your community to raise awareness for you or your family member’s chronic condition.
  • Remember, the more informed you are about your condition, the better your health will be.