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National Resources Inventory


National Resources Inventory

A statistical survey of land use and natural resource conditions and trends on U.S. non-Federal lands.


NRI Results

These documents are in Adobe Acrobat format:
New! 2010 NRI Summary Report
(PDF; 7.7 MB)
2007 NRI Summary Report
(PDF; 1.8 MB)
Supplemental Caribbean 2007 NRI Summary Report, May 2012
(PDF; 0.2 MB)
Supplemental Hawaii 2007 NRI Summary Report, June 2012
(PDF; 0.3 MB)
Alaska 2007 NRI Summary Report, December 2012
(PDF; 0.1 MB)

NRI Process


State and Regional profiles based on the 2007 NRI can be found through the RCA data viewer.

The Resource Inventory Division leads the NRI effort in cooperation with Iowa State University's Center for Survey Statistics and Methodology and support from:

2013 NRI-CEAP Survey of Farming and Conservation Practices in the California Bay-Delta Watershed Area

NRCS is partnering with USDA-NASS to deliver the 2013 NRI-CEAP survey, which collects information from agricultural producers in the California Bay-Delta watershed area, with a primary focus on the Sacramento River Watershed, the San Joaquin River Watershed, and the Tulare Lake Basin Watershed, about farming and conservation practices on cultivated and non-cultivated cropland. NASS representatives will visit nearly 1,764 farms in California and Oregon between September 2013 and February 2014 to collect information on farm production practices; chemical, fertilizer and manure applications; integrated pest management; and installed conservation practices.

The farmer questionnaire, NRCS questionnaire, and respondent booklet are available online.


Send comments, questions, or requests for additional data summaries to the NRI Help Desk.