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General Messages Weekly Round-up

This week’s General Messages Weekly Round-up highlights the November 2016 Servicewide Exam Cutoffs and several award solicitations. Read the full post to find out more!

Enlisted Empowerment: The Female Perspective | Deputy MCPOCG Leilani Cale-Jones

Enlisted Empowerment—The Female Perspective: Deputy MCPOCG Leilani Cale-Jones

This is the first in a series of Q&A blog posts highlighting enlisted female leaders serving in the U.S. Coast Guard. Be sure to check back monthly for more career insight, mentorship and inspiration. What do your daily duties entail? The Deputy Master Chief […]

tricare disaster

Tricare and You – Disasters and Emergencies

As much as we try to plan for them and prepare for them, disasters and emergencies happen. Floods, earthquakes, hurricanes can cause disruption and dislocation to you and your loved ones. During the disaster you may need medical care more than ever. In the event that an emergency does happen, TRICARE takes steps to help you cope.

From Homefront new

From the Homefront: CG SUPRT offers coaching to help you achieve wellness goals

Have you heard of health and wellness coaching? Did you know that CG SUPRT offers free health and wellness coaching for members and dependents? Well it does! I decided to give it a try to start the new year off in a positive way and to help me achieve my resolutions! Read the full post to learn more about CG SUPRT’s free health and wellness coaching, and to learn healthy tips from spouses that are wellness coaches. Bring on 2017!

alcoast flag

General Messages Weekly Round-up

This week’s General Messages Weekly Round-up highlights several different policy promulgations and updates, as well as unique enlisted assignment solicitations. Read the full post to find out more!

Tricare doctor

TRICARE and You – Losing your provider or network doctor

For any number of reasons you may lose access to your TRICARE doctor. Your provider may elect to no longer accept TRICARE, may retire, move, or leave medical practice. Regardless of the reason, the result is that you and your dependents may no longer have a doctor. Read the full blog to find out what steps to take if you lose your network doctor!

Archivist feature new

Do you want to archive your items now? The answer is always “Yes” for this Archivist

Since 1790, there has been a lot of important Coast Guard documents drafted, photographs taken, and logs created. This is why we have an Archivist! The Archives contains historical files on small boats, cutters, aviation, lighthouses, lighthouse tenders, stations, disasters, and other general subjects. Some of these topics include the early days of icebreaking, prohibition operations, Coast Guard Cutter Itasca’s role in the search for Amelia Earhart in 1937, and the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. It is all part of history that needs to be preserved!! Read the full post to learn about the fascinating items that can be found in our Archives.

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New Ink in the Coast Guard’s Tattoo Policy

The Coast Guard has updated its tattoo standards. Read the full post for a quick summary of the changes, many of which relax previous restrictions.

Tricare contract

TRICARE and You – Upcoming contract changes

Changes are coming to the way TRICARE is managed, and it’s important that you stay informed so that you get the most out of your benefit. 2016 saw a major renegotiation of the TRICARE contract, affecting all Coast Guard, DOD, PHS and NOAA members, dependents and retirees. A transition period will be in effect until late 2017, when the new contract will begin.

2017 reading list

2017 Commandant’s Reading List

This year’s reading list includes both books I selected and books that were shared with me throughout the year – from discussions with cadets at the Coast Guard Academy to sessions with my leadership team to meetings with key stakeholders. My hope is you will use these selections to remain dedicated to the mission today, while considering what it means to meet the mission into the future.

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