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Conservation Planning

What is Conservation Planning?

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) was created in 1935 to assist individuals and groups in identifying and solving conservation problems on private lands through a partnership with local soil and water conservation districts (SWCD).  The NRCS, with help from its partners, continues to help clients prepare conservation plans for the lands they make decisions on.  The process is voluntary and participatory.  Each client serves as the final decision maker throughout the process.
What is a Conservation Plan?
A Conservation Plan is a written record of your management decisions and the conservation practices and systems you plan to use, develop, and maintain on your farm or ranch.  Carrying out your plan will help achieve the goals of protecting the environment and your natural resources.  After soil, water, air, plant and animal resources are inventoried and evaluated, the NRCS or SWCD Certified Conservation Planner will review and offer possible alternatives for you to consider.  The alternatives you decide are recorded in a conservation plan, which becomes the road-map to help you achieve your goals and maintain the resources of your land.
What is in a Conservation Plan?
  • An aerial photo of your farm or ranch
  • A map of the soils on your farm or ranch and descriptions of those soils
  • Information on grasses, trees, and broad-leafed plants that grow on your farm or ranch
  • Resource inventory data which can include crop production potential, engineering designs and support data, and potential livestock and wildlife carrying capacity
  • The location and schedule for applying conservation practices
  • A plan of operation and maintenance for conservation systems of practices
  • Job sheets and fact sheets

How it Helps the Land

Conservation of the natural resources (soil, water, air, plant, and animal resources) is important to the future of Oklahoma.  NRCS can provide help with such issues as animal waste management, water quality, soil erosion, grazing land management, engineering and other conservation needs.

Where to Get Help

For assistance in developing long range conservation plans, contact your local NRCS office.