Propagation of Wetland Plants
Propagation of Wetland Plants

This book is an invaluable resource for those interested in propagating wetland plants. Based on many years of research and hands on experience, Propagation of Wetland Plants makes clear the often complex process of propagating wetland plants from seed and perennial parts.

The Propagation of Wetland Plants covers more than 100 species and contains over 200 illustrations. The authors offer detailed tables that contain flowering periods, seed ripeness indicators, and seed collection times. In addition, the book includes a glossary of terms, and an index of botanical and common names. © 2002, 350 pages

The Dos and Don'ts of Wetland Construction
The Dos and Don'ts of Wetland Construction

Providing invaluable insight for the wetland practitioner, the information contained within will assist the reader in making sound decisions regarding:

  • site selection,
  • plans and specifications,
  • pre-bid and pre-construction meetings,
  • contract bidding,
  • constructing the wetland,
  • post-construction maintenance and success determination, and
  • post-construction monitoring.

The Dos and Don'ts examined in these chapters point out the correct and incorrect methods used in creating, enhancing and constructing wetlands, with the overall objective of increasing the success rate of wetland construction projects. © 2002, 180 pages

WOW!: The Wonders Of Wetlands, An Educator's Guide

WOW! The Wonders of Wetlands


WOW! The Wonders Of Wetlands is an acclaimed, comprehensive, interdisciplinary curriculum guide for educators of grade levels K-12. The latest edition (the tenth printing), co-published in 2008 by Environmental Concern and Project WET (Water Education for Teachers), includes more than 50 fun and effective learning-activities for both indoor and outdoor use. These activities focus on the three definitive wetland parameters: water, soil, and plants; there are wetland fauna and human connection exercises as well.  

Equally important, the user is given extensive background information on wetlands and a glossary of terms, either within, or cross-referenced with, the activities. The 348 page guide also contains some basic ideas for wetland enhancement, restoration, and construction, and a listing of other educational wetland resources. It is currently in use throughout the United States and in several other countries. © 2008, 348 pages

EC also offers teacher and leadership training workshops to support the use of the WOW! curriculum guide. Each year several hundred educators attend WOW! workshops which vary from a few hours to a full day in length.  Environmental Concern has led WOW! workshops in more than 40 states plus Canada and Puerto Rico. 

WOW! is correlated with the National Science Education Standards.  A committee of educators correlated the WOW! activities with the National Science Education Standards developed by the National Academy of Sciences. In addition, the WOW! activities have been correlated with science content standards in several states.  The National Standards are printed in the book, State correlations are updated and listed on our website

Click here to visit WOW web page

POW! The Planning of Wetlands, An Educator’s Guide

POW! Book Cover

NOTE: This book is available to course participants but not available for purchase.

Based on over 35 years experience in wetlands construction, horticulture and education POW! The Planning of Wetlands is a fresh, new curriculum and one-day workshop that guides educators through the creation, restoration and/or enhancement of a wetland on school grounds or within the community. © 2010, 206 pages

Unlike other schoolyard habitat programs where the design is manufactured by experts and the students are brought in solely for labor, POW!’s 25 hands-on activities are designed to engage the class in all project phases. The class will survey their school grounds, calculate drainage area, create a water budget, design the wetland based on desired functions, choose appropriate native wetland vegetation, construct and plant the wetland. Once installed, students will monitor biological and chemical parameters of the finished habitat. Activities are laid out clearly as steps to the restoration project. They are presented in an educator friendly lesson plan format with Student Activity Pages ready for copying.

The exciting wetland activities promote conservation and are meant to stimulate interests in community service, conservation, science, math and engineering careers. In addition to providing students an opportunity to develop a relationship with the natural world, consistent reports of higher test scores and high student participation in project oriented and hands-on learning experiences show how powerful a tool a habitat program can be.

Schoolyard Wetland Habitats have the added benefits of:

  • Improving the aesthetic value of the campus thereby increasing school pride
  • Reducing maintenance costs associated with mowing and watering
  • Reducing pollution from school stormwater run-off means healthier streams and rivers
  • Increasing habitat for native plants, birds, animals, and reptiles
  • Garnering community involvement and support
  • Learn More about POW!

Check the schedule for a POW! workshop near you

Wetland Planting Guide for the Northeastern United States
Wetland Planting Guide for the Northeastern United States

As activities within wetlands have become more regulated, compensation of wetland loss has become increasingly necessary. While the science is expanding rapidly, much remains to be leaned about most aspects of wetland creation, restoration, and enhancement. Vegetative characteristics are no exception. With each project, information about plant tolerances is obtained. Surprisingly little of this new knowledge is published, and that which remains is difficult for wetland designers to access. © 1993, 179 pages

The Wetland Planting Guide for the Northeastern United States will help prevent the placement of species in areas where they cannot compete or survive. Wetland designers will be able to use the selection of approximately 150 plants in this guide to better choose the species they use, not only from project to project, but also within projects, to better duplicate natural systems more closely.

Included for each species:

  • Black and white illustration
  • Habitat and distribution
  • Water (tidal and non-tidal) and salt tolerance
  • Available plant forms
  • Growth and spread rates
  • Wildlife benefits
  • Appearance
  • Special ecology notes (e.g. drought tolerance)

The Wetland Journal - Back Issues Still Available

The Wetland Journal was a quarterly publication featuring practical articles on several wetland topics, including wetland education issues, restoration and research . Written in a style that is useable by both the wetland professional and the informed lay person or student, with the goal of providing a forum for exchanging results, information, and experiences which can benefit others in the wetland field.

Click here for more about ordering back issues of the Wetland Journal

Wetlands 101 - For Kids! CD

This CD is a great resource for teachers who would like some extra help teaching their students about the wonderful world of wetlands. The CD includes a PowerPoint show to help answer some important questions, like "What is a Wetland?", "Why are Wetlands Important?", "What can you do for wetlands?," and many more!

WOW! Facilitator CD

If you are limited in time or having trouble creating your own WOW! workshop presentation, EC can save you time with a copy of our workshop presentation and helpful hints to execute a fantastic workshop for your community. Age: Available only to EC trained WOW! Facilitators.

WOW! Student Activity Page CD

Have all of the WOW! Activity Pages available without having to wrestle with copying pages from the book. This CD is filled with digital copies of all the student pages from the WOW! The Wonders of Wetlands curriculum guide.

Write On! Wetlands Challenge Books


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Build your wetland library and the next generation of wetland stewards at the same time!

Each year, to celebrate American Wetlands Month (May), Environmental Concern sponsors the national Write On! Wetlands Challenge – a literary and arts competition that challenges youth to write and illustrate a children’s book about wetlands. 
The competition begins in February with a Call for Authors, followed by a Call for Artists in May.  The winning words and art combine to create a book whose quality, emotion and enthusiasm is truly inspiring. Children love these books. Not only do they foster an appreciation for wetlands, they also empower all who read them or have them read to them to create. 

All revenue generated from the sale of these books is used to support the Write On! Program.

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