This is an exciting year for the wetland community. The 40th anniversary of World Wetlands Day will be celebrated on February 2nd, 2011; marking the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands Intergovernmental Treaty in 1971 in the city of Ramsar, Iran. Each year wetland learning centers, government agencies, non-government agencies and concerned citizens take advantage of this opportunity to reach out to the wider community - raising public awareness of the benefits of wetlands, and the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Celebrations and events will continue throughout the year.

In 1975, 18 nations signed the Intergovernmental Treaty. Since then 142 Contracting Parties have signed on, including the United States in 1985. Member countries must commit to designating Wetlands of International Importance and to implementing the “three pillars” of the Convention: to designate Wetlands of International Importance; to work towards the wise use of wetlands through land-use, appropriate policies and public education; and to cooperate internationally concerning transboundary wetlands.

The United States recently designated its 30th Wetland of International Importance, Laguna de Santa Rosa Wetland Complex in California (designated 04/16/2010) (see for the full list). There may be a designated site in your state, or perhaps in your local area. Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge is part of the larger Chesapeake Estuarine Complex, located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland – just a short distance from Environmental Concern’s facility in St. Michaels. This site was designated in 1987.

If you live near a wetland, plan to visit it on February 2nd. You will be one of many people around the world visiting a wetland, teaching about wetlands, cleaning up a wetland, or participating in a celebration or activity at a wetland site.

Environmental Concern has been working for wetlands since 1972 – building, restoring, growing and teaching about wetlands. Let’s work together so that we can one day proclaim our wetlands to be healthy habitats for vegetation and wildlife.

Celebrate Wetlands!

Suzanne Pittenger Slear
Suzanne Pittenger-Slear
President, Environmental Concern Inc.



Celebrate Wetlands

Laguna de Santa Rosa
Laguna de Santa Rosa: Close-up of federally endangered Lasthenia burkei-Burke’s goldfields (Photo: Hattie Brown).

Blackwater Refuge
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge – Refuge celebrating World Wetlands Day.
Refuge Director, Suzanne Baird (standing to right of banner) and refuge staff tour the refuge with Suzanne Pittenger-Slear. 

Ramsar Celebrates 40 Years