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DOE Sweeps National Sustainable Electronics Awards; 15 Sites Honored

June 21, 2016 - 1:18pm


EPEAT DOE Winner Site Recipients: From left to right: Jeff Eagan (DOE), Brianna Durkin (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Hanh Kent (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), William Harriman (Waste Isolation Pilot Plant: Carlsbad Field Office), Angela McConnell (Oak Ridge Associated Universities), Cindy Snow (Oak Ridge Associated Universities), Ingrid Kolb (Director, DOE Office of Management), Durand Carmady (Y-12 National Security Complex, Consolidated Nuclear Security), Tania Smith-Taylor (US Department of Energy - Legacy Management), Teresa Krannig (URS | CH2M Oak Ridge LLC Information Technology IT), John Shonder (DOE), Cate Berard (DOE)

EPEAT DOE Winner Site Recipients: From left to right: Jeff Eagan (DOE), Brianna Durkin (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Hanh Kent (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), William Harriman (Waste Isolation Pilot Plant: Carlsbad Field Office), Angela McConnell (Oak Ridge Associated Universities), Cindy Snow (Oak Ridge Associated Universities), Ingrid Kolb (Director, DOE Office of Management), Durand Carmady (Y-12 National Security Complex, Consolidated Nuclear Security), Tania Smith-Taylor (US Department of Energy - Legacy Management), Teresa Krannig (URS | CH2M Oak Ridge LLC Information Technology IT), John Shonder (DOE), Cate Berard (DOE)

The Department of Energy and its facilities dominated the recent 2016 EPEAT Purchaser Awards ceremony held in Washington DC.  Of the thirty eight award winners, fifteen were DOE labs, sites, and facilities. “We are so proud of the outstanding performance of our DOE winners”, stated event keynoter Ingrid Kolb, Director of the DOE Office of Management. “We hope many more DOE organizations will join them next year.”

The Purchaser Awards recognize excellence in electronics procurement to conserve energy and protect the environment. The EPEAT environmental product rating system makes it easy for purchasers to select high-performance electronics that meet sustainability goals. EPEAT is managed by the Green Electronics Council, which sponsored the awards.

The 38 awardees represented a wide range of organizations, including national and provincial/state governments, leading academic institutions and the healthcare sector. The combined impact of this year’s 38 EPEAT Purchaser Award winners included more than $16.8 million in energy savings, greenhouse gas reductions equivalent to removing 29,786 passenger cars from the road for a year, and a reduction of more than 702 metric tons of hazardous waste.  

“The environmental impact of DOE sustainable purchases over the last ten years was the equivalent of removing every car from the Washington D.C. Beltway for three weeks. Wouldn’t that be something!” stated Kolb. As some of the largest customers for tech products and services, DOE purchasers help drive a marketplace rewarding innovations that are greener, more energy efficient, and more sustainable.

The 2016 procurement winners were recognized in three categories: PCs and Displays, Imaging Equipment, and Televisions, winning stars for each category in which they committed to purchasing environmentally preferable electronics registered in the EPEAT green-rating system.

DOE Award Winners include:

  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Oak Ridge Associated Universities
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
  • Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant
  • Battelle Energy Alliance
  • Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC; Y-12 National Security Complex
  • Idaho Treatment Group
  • Strategic Petroleum Reserve
  • URS | CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (UCOR)
  • Office of Legacy Management
  • Mission Support Alliance:  Hanford Site
  • Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
  • Waste Isolation Pilot Plant: Carlsbad Field Office

For more information, contact Cate Berard at or Jeff Eagan at

For a complete article and more pictures from the awards ceremony, go to the EPEAT site at:
