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Preventing nuclear weapons materials and technologies from falling into the hands of adversaries seeking to develop weapons of mass destruction is the top priority of the Department of Energy’s corporate security programs.  All Secretarial objectives are supported by a tailored level of security requirements for a wide range of Departmental scientific, research, and national security objectives based on the security significance of their national assets. DOE ensures that Departmental personnel security programs (including the National Nuclear Security Administration [NNSA] are consistent and effectively implemented.


  • Security Policy.  DOE analyzes, develops and interprets safeguards and security policy governing national security functions and the protection of related critical assets entrusted to the Department. This includes the protection of DOE nuclear facilities, nuclear weapons components, special nuclear materials and classified information.
  • Technical Assistance.  DOE provides corporate security expertise to assist all Departmental and NNSA field locations in planning site protection strategies, and coordinates with domestic authorities to provide safeguards and security technical assistance, technical systems support, and technology development and deployment opportunities.


DOE strengthens national security by protecting personnel, facilities, property, classified information, and sensitive unclassified information for DOE Headquarters facilities in the National Capital Area under normal and abnormal (i.e., emergency) conditions; manages access authorization functions; ensures that executives and dignitaries are fully protected, and supports efforts to ensure the continuity of government in all circumstances as mandated by Presidential Decision Directive.  DOE maintains a database of the principal personnel security information processing activities of the Department and the personnel security administrative review process.  DOE management oversight and direction support all Headquarters security operations to include physical protection, information security, personnel security, and guidance to the Headquarters Security Officers.  The link to the Headquarters Facilities Master Security Plan is located below.

Initial Security Briefing

All individuals, cleared and uncleared, who are newly hired, assigned, transferred (including detailees and long-term visitors) to DOE Headquarters must complete introductory security training. The Initial Security Briefing meets this requirement. The servicing badge office provides information on how to access this online briefing. The briefing includes an overview of HQ security programs, access control procedures, escort procedures, property protection measures, prohibited articles, reporting requirements, and other relevant subjects. Once proof of completion of the briefing is presented to the badge office the employee will be issued a security badge. Confirmation will be documented in the DOE C-Cure System and made available upon request. No one will be issued a DOE security badge unless they complete the Initial Security Briefing.

It is suggested that all employees refer to this briefing periodically to keep abreast (and reminded) of security policies and procedures. Remember, detailees and long-term visitors must also receive security training. It is necessary that these guests receive the Initial Security Briefing upon assignment. Element HSOs can assist with this obligation.

Headquarters Facilities Master Security Plan

The purpose of the Headquarters Facility Master Security Plan (HQFMSP) is to inform employees, contractors, and visitors of the security procedures in place at Department of Energy (DOE) Headquarters (HQ) facilities in the Washington, DC area. The HQFMSP does not establish new security requirements; security requirements are established by various Federal laws and regulations, Executive Orders, and DOE directives.

Quick Reference Book Overview

This quick reference book provides an overview of Department of Energy (DOE) Headquarters (HQ) security programs. It is not meant to replace the DOE Headquarters Facilities Master Security Plan (HQFMSP), which provides detailed instructions for the implementation of DOE safeguards and security requirements as published in a number of DOE orders, policies, notices, and guides. This book is a tool that can be used to enhance our security posture by introducing the reader to the various programs and functions of the HQ security program and related points of contact. It will be especially useful for new employees, visitors, and detailees. The book is easily accessible and can be downloaded to mobile devices and PCs.


The Safeguards and Security Training Program is established to provide training to DOE Federal and contractor employees in areas such as vulnerability assessment, physical protection, information security, protective force and nuclear material control and accountability.  Training encompasses the protection of security interests related to loss, theft, compromise, or unauthorized use would seriously affect national security, DOE programs, the environment, or the health and safety of employees or the public.

Departmental Personnel Security

Human Reliability Program

The HRP is a security and safety reliability program designed to ensure that individuals who occupy positions affording access to category 1 special nuclear materials, nuclear explosive devices, facilities, and programs meet the highest standards of reliability.

This objective is accomplished through a system of continuous evaluation that identifies individuals whose judgment and reliability may be impaired by physical or mental/personality disorders, alcohol abuse, use of illegal drugs or the abuse of legal drugs or other substances, or any other condition or circumstance that may be of a security or safety concern. The HRP applies to any DOE, NNSA federal, contract, or subcontract employee defined or designated under 10 CFR 712 Human Reliability Program.


  • 10 CFR 712, Human Reliability Program, Federal Regulation that establishes the policies and procedures for a Human Reliability Program (HRP) in the Department of Energy (DOE), including the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).
  • HRP Handbook, Handbook for employees in the HRP which outlines eligibility and programmatic requirements
  • Clarification for Designating HRP Positions
  • Tools for Clinicians, Medications that require reporting and Medical Records Checklist that will assist providers in obtaining documentation necessary for making eligibility determination.

