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Occupational Radiation Exposure


The Occupational Radiation Exposure website provides the most currently available information on radiation exposure to personnel at DOE facilities.

In addition, this page is intended to serve as a central location for the dissemination of information concerning the recording and reporting requirements for occupational radiation exposure at DOE facilities.

Only "occupationally" exposed workers are included in the summary data presented here. This does not include radiation exposure to the environment or general public (except for those individuals visiting a DOE site that are provided dosimetry by the site).

Radiation Exposure Monitoring Systems (REMS)

Radiation Exposure Monitoring System (REMS) is the database of occupational radiation exposures for all monitored DOE employees, contractors, subcontractors and members of the public. The Rule 10 CFR 835.702 requires annual individual radiation exposure records to be recorded. DOE Order 231.1B requires the reporting of monitoring results to the REMS Repository in accordance with the specifications provided in REMS Reporting Guide. Please note that the reporting format has changed in accordance with the Amendment to 10 CFR 835. See the REMS Reporting Guide below for the revised reporting format.

What's New


Reporting Guidance

Requests for Information

REMS System Tools

Orders and Standards

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