Critical Habitat Spatial Extents

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Navajo sedge (Carex specuicola)

Federal Register | Recovery | Critical Habitat | Conservation Plans | Petitions | Life History

Listing Status:   


General Information

A slender, perennial forb that is between 10 and 18 inches tall. The stem is triangular, and the leaves are pale green. Leaves are between 5 and 8 inches long, and are clustered near the plant’s base. Flowers are small and inconspicuous, consisting of green-brown scale like parts. The flowers are concentrated in groups of 2 to 4, with the terminal group having both male and female flowers. The female flowers are situated above the male flowers.

  • States/US Territories in which the Navajo sedge, Wherever found is known to or is believed to occur:  Arizona , Utah
  • US Counties in which the Navajo sedge, Wherever found is known to or is believed to occur:  View All
  • Additional species information
Current Listing Status Summary
Status Date Listed Lead Region Where Listed
1985-05-08 Southwest Region (Region 2) Wherever found

» Federal Register Documents

Federal Register Documents
Date Citation Page Title
1985-05-08 00:00:00.0 50 FR 19370 19374 Determination of Carex specuicola to be Thr. Species w/ Crit. Hab.; 50 FR 19370-19374
1984-04-11 00:00:00.0 49 FR 14406 14410 Proposal to Determin Carex speculcola to be Thr. Species & to Determine Crit. Hab; 49 FR 14406-14410
2009-02-11 00:00:00.0 74 FR 6917 6919 5-Year Reviews of 23 Southwestern Species

» Recovery

Current Recovery Plan(s)
Date Title Plan Action Status Plan Status
1987-09-24 Navajo Sedge (Carex specuicola) Recovery Plan View Implementation Progress Final
Other Recovery Documents
Date Citation Page Title Document Type
2009-02-11 74 FR 6917 6919 5-Year Reviews of 23 Southwestern Species
  • Notice 5-year Review, Initiation
Five Year Review
Date Title
2014-08-26 Five-year Review: Navaho Sedge

» Critical Habitat

Date Citation Page Title Document Type Status
1985-05-08 50 FR 19370 19374 Determination of Carex specuicola to be Thr. Species w/ Crit. Hab.; 50 FR 19370-19374 Final Rule Final designated
1984-04-11 49 FR 14406 14410 Proposal to Determin Carex speculcola to be Thr. Species & to Determine Crit. Hab; 49 FR 14406-14410 Proposed Rule Not Required

To learn more about critical habitat please see

» Conservation Plans

No conservation plans have been created for Navajo sedge.

» Petitions

» Life History

Habitat Requirements

Occurs in hanging gardens within the Great Basin Conifer Woodland. The seep-spring pockets along the Navajo Sandstone Formation bedrock provide this habitat. Hanging gardens can occur from nearly inaccessible sheer cliff daces to accessible alcoves. Precipitation in the areas that the sedge has been found is approximately 7.6 inches a year. Other vegetation found by the sedge are monkey flowers (Mimulus eastwoodiae), hellebornie (Epipactis gigantae), sand bluestem (Andropogon hallii), thistles (Cirsium sp.), foxtail barley (Hordeum jubatum), and the common reed (Phragmites communis).

Movement / Home Range

There are currently only two known populations of the sedge. One in the Inscription House Ruin area, and the second in the Toenleshushe Canyon. Both are between the elevations of 5,710 and 5,980 feet.

Reproductive Strategy

See description of the sedge’s flowers above. Flowering and fruiting occur from spring through the summer, however most reproduction appears to be vegetative from the rhizome.


The two major threats to the sedge are grazing and the depletion of the water table by water development. The loss of monkey flowers, foxtail barley and other plant cover can threaten the sedge at sites. Given the sedge’s limited locations, collecting the plant could affect the populations.

» Other Resources

NatureServe Explorer Species Reports -- NatureServe Explorer is a source for authoritative conservation information on more than 50,000 plants, animals and ecological communtities of the U.S and Canada. NatureServe Explorer provides in-depth information on rare and endangered species, but includes common plants and animals too. NatureServe Explorer is a product of NatureServe in collaboration with the Natural Heritage Network.

ITIS Reports -- ITIS (the Integrated Taxonomic Information System) is a source for authoritative taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the world.

FWS Digital Media Library -- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's National Digital Library is a searchable collection of selected images, historical artifacts, audio clips, publications, and video.