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Occurrence Reporting and Processing System

The Department of Energy's Occurrence Reporting Program provides timely notification to the DOE complex of events that could adversely affect: public or DOE worker health and safety, the environment, national security, DOE's safeguards and security interests, functioning of DOE facilities, or the Department's reputation.

DOE analyzes aggregate occurrence information for generic implications and operational improvements. The Occurrence Reporting Program directives are DOE O 232.2 Admin Chg 1, Occurrence Reporting and Processing of Operations Information, and DOE Standard DOE-STD-1197-2011, Occurrence Reporting Causal Analysis. Contact Ashley Ruocco for information and assistance on policy and requirements concerning Occurrence Reporting and Processing of Operations Information (DOE O 232.2) and the ORPS database. Contact Michael Stracka for information on ORPS daily reporting, and analysis of ORPS information.

The Occurrence Reporting and Processing System (ORPS), previously was described in DOE O 231.1A, Environment, Safety and Health Reporting, and its associated Manual, DOE M 231.1-2, Occurrence Reporting and Processing of Operations Information. Other related documents are DOE G 231.1-1, Occurrence Reporting and Performance Analysis Guide, and DOE G 231.1-2, Occurrence Reporting Causal Analysis Guide.

ORPS Database Access

ORPS Database Login

Registration Forms:
User Registration Form (PDF) 
Facility Registration Form (PDF) 

ORPS Training

DOE's ORPS Training consists of three modules. The three modules (published March 2016) are as follows:

  • Module 1- General Occurrence Reporting Training: DOE O 232.2, Occurrence Reporting and Processing of Operations Information
  • Module 2- ORPS Reporting Process: ORPS Database Data Entry
  • Module 3- ORPS Search Techniques

ORPS General Analysis Desk Guide

The ORPS Desk Guide serves as a quick reference for ORPS account holders to navigate ORPS, narrow search fields, and produce various types of reports. (November 2015)

Responses to Frequently Asked Questions on DOE O 232.2.

The intent of the Responses to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on DOE O 232.2 is to provide additional insights for DOE facility personnel consideration and judgment when categorizing reportable occurrences in accordance with the Occurrence Reporting Criteria contained in DOE O 232.2. The frequently asked questions were obtained from DOE line program and contractor representatives through the Energy Facility Contractors Group’s (EFCOG) ORPS Task Group. These questions were sent directly to the Office of Analysis (AU-23), from February to October 2012. Responses were developed, reviewed, and finalized by the Office of Analysis through coordination and consultation with appropriate Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) within the Office of Health, Safety and Security and the ORPS Task Group.

Daily Occurrence Reports

The Department of Energy is committed to ensuring that the safety and health of its workers is the number one priority. To fulfill that commitment, DOE is posting daily a summary and listing of occurrence reports submitted to DOE. This posting of occurrence reports will contain reports that were transmitted since the morning of the previous workday. The summary will provide a brief description of each occurrence along with the facility's organizational information and the title of the report. For those that desire additional information, the listing will contain the full occurrence reports.