Wildlife Refuges
Southwest Region
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Peter Burck

My primary assignment is to assist refuge managers with water resources issues.  In addition, I’m working with others to complete Water Resources Inventories and Assessments (WRIAs) for national wildlife refuges and national fish hatcheries in Region 2 – mainly in Texas and Oklahoma.  This effort will help prioritize future refuge water resources projects.  Another major task is the Hydrogeomorphic Analysis (HGM) for Aransas National Wildlife Refuge.  I’m assisting with the review of several Comprehensive Conservation Plans and have served as an expert witness in an Oklahoma water rights proceeding.  In addition, I was involved in a water quality project at a refuge in Arizona.

Cinthia Eichhorn

Responsible for overall Regional Inventory & Monitoring Data Management, GIS, and GPS.  Southwest Region's representative on the NWRS Geospatial Advisory Committee and the Visions Communications Committee.

Contact: cinthia_eichhorn@fws.gov.

David R. Lindsey

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, National Wildlife Refuge System, Remote Sensing Scientist/Botany. Learning how to process LiDAR data with LP360, Fusion/LDV, etc. Looking into converting/adapting the Jornada DIMA MS Access database into a geospatial system. Conducting pilot studies to map vegetation using datamining.

Contact: 500 Gold Ave SW, Room 4008, Albuquerque, NM  87102
505-248-7460 office, 505-239-9780 cell, 505-248-6431 fax

Steven E. Sesnie, Ph.D.  – Spatial Ecologist

Steven specializes in ecology, remote sensing and geographic information systems with the Division of Biological Sciences and Southwest Region Inventory and Monitoring program. His doctoral research focused on remote sensing of lowland rain forest types in northern Costa Rica and determining niche and biogeographical factors associated with tropical tree species distributions. He received a joint Ph.D. in Forest Resources from the University of Idaho and Center for Tropical Agricultural Higher Education and Research Center (CATIE) in Costa Rica (2006). He received a Master of Science in Forestry from Northern Arizona University (2001) and a Bachelor of Science degree in Forest Biology from Colorado State University (1986). Steven’s research interests cover a broad range of topics including remote sensing applications for determining vegetation structure and wildlife habitat parameters, land cover change detection and linkages to land use policy, tropical forest ecology and management and forest fragmentation effects on rainforest plant and animal communities. Other research interests include detection, spectroscopy and hyperspectral remote sensing of non-native invasive plants and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) applications in vegetation inventory and monitoring. Steven has also worked extensively for the US Forest Service and as a forestry extensionist and technical trainer for the US Peace Corps in South America.


Last updated: February 5, 2015