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Training For Other Agency Personnel

10 CFR Part 1045, Nuclear Classification and Declassification, requires

  1. All persons with access to RD to receive training on the authorities required to classify and declassify RD and FRD information and documents and on handling procedures, and
  2. Persons who classify documents containing RD or FRD to receive training on the procedures for classifying, declassifying, marking and handling RD and FRD information and documents.

The two briefings below fulfill those training requirements. However, please note that completion of the RD Classifiers Course does not, itself, grant authority to classify RD documents. The procedures for receiving authority to classify documents containing RD and FRD are unique to each agency and are contained in Agency implementing directives. Contact your RD Management Official for additional information. If you do not know who your RD Management Official is, contact the Office of Classification's Outreach Program at (301) 903-7567 or

