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Topical Committee

In the interest of optimum technology transfer, the DOE Technical Standards Program (TSP) has set up a network of topical committees. These committees provide a forum for communication across the DOE complex on technical standards related activities. If you would like information about a specific topical committee, or wish to join one of the groups, we've provided a roster of TSP Topical Committees and corresponding Topical Committee Chairpersons.

Expectations of DOE Topical Committees

The March 9, 1998 memorandum from Rick Serbu, Technical Standards Program (TSP) Manager, EH-31, to J. Robert Wayland, Metrology Topical Committee Secretary, Sandia National Laboratories, discusses general TSP expectations of DOE topical standards committees. This memorandum should be reviewed by all DOE/contractor personnel involved in topical committee activities.

TSP Topical Committees

Air Cleaning and HEPA Filter Topical Committee
Behavioral Safety Committee
Biota Dose Assessment Committee (BDAC)
Chemical Safety
Combined Metrology/Accreditation
Construction Safety
DOE Contractors Supplier Quality Information Group (SQIG)
Electrical Safety
Emergency Management Issues SIG (EMI SIG)
Environmental Management Systems
Explosive Safety
Fire Protection
Hoisting and Rigging Technical Advisory Committee
Human Factors / Ergonomics
Industrial Hygiene Coordinating Committee
Industrial Hygiene/Occupational Safety SIG (IH/OS SIG)
Performance-Based Management SIG (PBM SIG)
Pressure System Safety Committee - Explosive Safety
Procedures Topical Committee
DOE Quality Assurance Committee
Safety By Design
Welding Topical Committee